Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective / Conan Super Detective Chapter 978

"Not necessarily deliberately?" Chiba was stunned, then looked at Dongma unclearly, not understanding what Dongma suddenly said this strange and uncommon word means.

'Not necessarily intentional' is a term of criminal law, which is a kind of indeterminate intention.

Refers to the mental attitude that the perpetrator clearly knows that his actions may cause harm to society and others, and deliberately allows this result to happen.

"But is this related to the Fukushima case?" Chiba asked strangely.

"If you think about it, the prisoner actually took advantage of the fact that Fukushima was likely to have an accident due to alcoholism, but deliberately set up a scene where he could drive to get him into dangerous drunk driving, and at the same time encouraged him to go swimming in the gym or playing shooting, even Because he was not at home, he made it easy for him to get the wine and snacks, and even the safe for the gun was deliberately broken..."

Looking at Chiba who was increasingly puzzled, Dongma got into the car on his own, and continued to mutter to himself: "Such a scene makes it possible for him to die, or it may be nothing. Although the chance of death is not 100%, But it is by no means zero percent, and in order to increase the chances, such and similar gambling-gambling is continuously conducted, then one day, Fukushima will be like today..."

In your unconsciousness, let yourself die without warning.

Then Dongma didn't let Chiba go with him. Instead, he came to Fujishima's house alone and found that Fujishima's mobile phone was charging in the room, and there was a small shiny object beside the phone.

A clue that seemed worthless, but when Dongma learned that an empty-door thief had just been captured here, he suddenly showed a daze.

"So, are you still going to hide from me?"

After Shiratori and others led the team away, Dongma sent Yuanzi and Xiaolan back, and once again returned to Takahata's home at the scene of the crime.

"Hidden? I have dedicated everything I have to you, my master!" Takahata said with a face = drunk, not caring that his gorgeous and dignified image has long been lost. Shi's beautiful body, right in front of the huge French windows, was unreservedly exposed to the air.

"Dare to lie!" Dongma viciously'punish-punish' she said.

"I didn't! I really didn't kill anyone!" Xiangzi hurriedly defended, but to Dongma it sounded more like a lure.

"Huh! I have already been investigated. Outside of the vice island today, there are other people who have entered this room, and that person has also been caught by the local police station!" Dong Ma said as he moved his hands. .

"He said that when he was stealing, he happened to see Mr. Fukushima coming in, and he said,'Really, Sister Kyoko called me, why did he disappear?' At the same time, he also pointed out that at the time The room already had food and whiskey, and even the lock of the gun safe was unlocked. Then Fukushima couldn't help but drank, and when he was playing with the gun, the fire broke out and the chandelier was killed. Yourself!"

"At the same time, let you implement this plan for half a year, and the murder plan that will continue without success is realized. The almost impossible perfect secret room killing is completed in your hands!" Dongma Smiled proudly.

He seems to be proud of his own reasoning, and he seems to be proud of the criminal with a high IQ who is being arrogantly rewarded by himself.

"But, that can only prove that the thief sneaked into my house and stole the things in Fukushima and my room. It can't prove whether what he said is true or not!" Xiangzi immediately quibbled.

Of course, the first person who responded to her was definitely Dongma's punishment = punishment.

"Hey! This is what I found in your room. It should be the artificial diamond on your fake nails?" Dongma sneered and took out a bright/sparkling thing.

"So what!" Xiangzi hummed hard.

"At that time, you wanted to erase the call records you left when you called Fukushima to call him, but you didn’t find it after searching for it for a long time. After the incident, you went to the Fukushima room to search. Still no gain, presumably you didn't expect in 3.4 that you would be ruined by a thief who broke in suddenly, right?" Dongma sneered.

"Huh! But you still have no evidence!" Kyoko smiled triumphantly.

"Yes, I don't have any evidence, but given the current situation, I don't need any evidence, right?" Dongma said in a more proud voice than Kyoko.

"You are mine now. Then I will punish you as much as I want! Even if you have escaped the sanctions of the law, but want to escape from my hands, you are far from enough!"

Immediately afterwards, the crazy sound came to the room again.

And this case, which is almost impossible to file a case, was thus put on a perfect end by Dong Ma in his own special way.

Chapter 1336 Murder Caused by Amulets (1) Third

However, incidents will never end. As long as human beings exist for one day, there will naturally be cases.

"He Ye, are you in Tokyo?" Dong Ma leaned on the back of his office chair and chatted with He Ye.

"Well, I'm here to find someone this time, Dongma, you have to help too!" He Ye said anxiously.

"What's going on? If your family is missing, can't the Yuanshan criminal chief send someone to find it?" Dong Ma asked strangely, and then reached out and hugged Ye over.

"What I'm looking for is this man named End-of-Country Lighting..." Forcibly resisting the shame and pleasure/feeling of being caught by Shenfeng, and Ye took out a photo from his pocket as he spoke. Man with blond hair.

"You people from Kansai?" Dongma flipped through Heye's pleated skirt, and found that there were no other photos in it.

"Necrosis!" He Ye said.

"Let me see if it's the man you stole!" Dongma said confidently.

"How come!" He exclaimed dissatisfiedly, "After trying Dongma yours, why 01 might still be interested in other men!"

"Hahahaha..." Dongma laughed proudly upon hearing this.

"He is a second-year student at Didan University, but his hometown happens to be next door to mine." He Ye explained.

"Then why are you looking for this person? Missing? He should also be more interested in that guy?" Dongma asked suspiciously.

"In fact, this Mr. End of the country is playing basketball, and he happened to be back to Osaka during the consecutive holidays some time ago, so please ask me to help him make an amulet." He Ye replied.

"Oh? So the amulet you made is so famous?" Although Dongma was smiling, his eyes were full of dangerous light.

Upon seeing this, Ye hurriedly explained, "That's not it! In fact, my mother often makes amulets for neighbors. Because she used to work at a shrine, everyone likes her amulet."

"Then why do you want to do it?" Dongma asked strangely.

"I don't know, I don't know when, the person holding my amulet will always get out of trouble in all kinds of dangers, and then everyone says that my amulet is more effective than my mother's... "He Ye said inexplicably dumbfounded.

"Then why are you looking for him? Didn't it make sense at the time?" Dong Ma asked suspiciously.

"I did it well, and gave him the amulet. It's just... I gave it wrong." He Ye said with a look of embarrassment.

"Give it wrong?"

"Yes! It's Pingci's fault with the soul!" He Ye exclaimed angrily.


At this time, Heiji, who they just mentioned, was also at the Maori detective office, explaining the reason for the trip to the Maori trio.

"Actually, I don’t blame me, because that person stood suspiciously in front of the dojo where he practiced Aikido with Ye and kept staring at the dojo. At first I thought it was an idiot-han, but when I went up and wanted to teach When he was, he told me that he was actually looking for Heye to make amulets."

"Then, because the guy said he was going back to Tokyo soon, I thought that I would need a lot of practice for a few days because of the promotion review with Ye, so I went directly to the locker room..."

Speaking of this, the Maori trio immediately looked at Heiji with a look of spicy chicken, making Heiji hurriedly explained: "There was no one in the dressing room at that time! And I just went in to get the amulet!"


"Huh? So, the amulet you carried with you since a few years ago, was taken by the idiot Heiji as the amulet of the end of the country and gave it to him?" Dongma asked with an unhappy expression.

"Yeah..." Heye nodded with shame = red, and then said angrily, "That guy took my amulet casually without asking, and also gave my important amulet to others Yes! That guy goes to school every day, didn’t he see me wearing that amulet?!"

"Well, you guys are really..." Dongma shook his head speechlessly, "But why not let Heiji, the culprit, come and find it by himself?"

"That..." He Ye froze with a flushed face, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.