Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1039

Chapter 1418 The Prison School Serial Murders (3rd)

PS: Thank you "Mrs." for your monthly ticket support.

After introducing the four teachers, everyone packed out the minimum personal belongings according to the requirements...

Specifically, as long as the inner clothing and stationery.

And taking advantage of this time, I called Xiao Lan aside, and reached out to her murderer.

"Lan, lend me your mobile phone." As Dongma who may know Xiaolan's body and habits better than everyone else, she naturally knows where she will put her important mobile phone.

The so-called mobile phones, naturally, have encountered this situation a long time ago. The prepaid mobile phones bought in advance for contact, the phone bill and battery in it are basically enough to last three days.

After that, everyone crossed the sea of ​​trees and gathered in the middle of the forest.

Dongma and others listened to Bin Qiuzi, who was in the same group. It seems that although this forest is not completely impossible to go out, if there are no three veteran teachers to lead the way, it is basically impossible to go out before starving to death.

"Well, let's start grouping now." Itsukushima said solemnly and full of temptation=confusion.

"Then, it's time to work hard! Come on! Come on! Come on!!!!" The family shouted.

"Come on, come on, come on." Everyone seemed to roar excitedly.

Only Dongma still looked lazy, and his mouth did not move.


Science group, two o'clock in the afternoon.

"The characters at the gate of Yueguang Village are embossed with collages, right?" Xiaolan stood at the gate and exclaimed.

"Yeah, the text that reflects the sun's rays also fits the meaning of Yueguangzhuang?" Nan Kong said with a smile.


The liberal arts group, just after two o'clock in the afternoon.

"The name is good, but the buildings are all boring cement! The three sunken red letters of'Sun Zhuang' are probably the only colors..." Dongma said silently.


Science group, two o'clock in the afternoon, at the door of the dormitory.

"Except for gray and gray, it's really a prison!" Xiaolan complained:

Konwei persuaded: "Don't say it, all the venues here are renovated by the family teacher himself, and the same is true for the Taiyangzhuang on the upper reaches of the river at the door."

The family said nonchalantly: "I now send out shoe bags. After I go in, I put my shoes into the shoe bag. Put the shoe bag in the shoe cabinet in front of the west staircase on the first floor. Then, I will give everyone a duffel bag and put the luggage in the bag. , Put it in the designated place in the room!"

Then the family suddenly said to Wuze: "Wizawa, your luggage will be kept by me, and your grades will not be able to participate in the cram school! So before catching up with everyone, you go to the study room on the second floor for special training. Let’s do exercises! In addition to walking, you can eat there too!"


Liberal arts group, 2:30 in the afternoon, restaurant on the first floor.

Dongma and others are also listening to the curriculum arrangement of the liberal arts group, and it is Itsukushima who is in charge of reading.

"Each class at Sun Village is fifty-five minutes, and there is a 15-minute break between classes. In principle, it is forbidden to go to the bathroom in class."

Teacher Itsukushima then added: "Don't leave the building without authorization. You can only go out for a walk in the morning."

"In addition, taking into account the factors that activate the prefrontal lobe of the brain, each class will change classrooms according to the schedule."

"Then, the first class will start at 2:40, so go back to your room and prepare!"


Science group, 2:30 in the afternoon, classroom B on the first floor.

"Ten minutes are up, take the exam papers up!" Nan Kong said while looking at the watch.


Liberal Arts Group, 2:40 pm, classroom F on the third floor.

"The first class starts, please turn to the first chapter." This is the English class of the suspicious guy Akao.

But even so, Dong Ma didn't focus on him or the textbook, but looked at the beauties in the classroom, thinking about dinner tonight.


Science group, 5:55 pm, classroom D on the first floor.

"Okay, that's all for this class. Go back and remember to review and preview."

The family then reminded: "At 6:05 in the evening, gather in front of the west stairs on the second floor and go to the restaurant on the first floor for dinner, followed by a walk at night, so you are not allowed to be late."

Xiao Lan couldn't stand it anymore, and she lay on the table with a completely unlovable expression.

Haitang smiled and said, "I can't stand this anymore? Don't forget the timetable. You will have three more classes when you get up at 8:05!"


Science group, 6:54 in the evening, restaurant on the first floor.

"Too little, right?" Although Xiaolan is a girl, her usual karate training does not allow her to eat too much, but at least it is about the same as an ordinary adult male. The dishes in front of her are not enough to eat. .

"Eating too much is not conducive to blood supply to the brain, and naturally it is not conducive to learning." Guards said.


Science group, at 6:58 pm, at the gate of Yueguangzhuang.

"The air outside is so good!" Xiao Lan exclaimed sincerely.

The family came late and carried out a big travel bag, "Sorry, I have made some preparations, let's go now!"

Then he took out a long rope, "Everyone holds the rope tightly, so you don't have to worry about getting lost at night!"


Liberal Arts Group, 7:30 in the evening, restaurant on the first floor.

Touma ate something at will, and chatted with Eha Yurika.


Science group, after 8 o'clock in the evening, at the gate of Yueguangzhuang.