Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1045

"I really didn't do anything!" Moving Dongma's hand to Xiong, Shibu said with a pitiful face.

"Okay, let's change the question..." Dongma squeezed his palms with satisfaction, and then began to enjoy Shikibe's body, "Yu Riga's allergic physique, what do you want to say?"

"In fact, Yurika, who looks mature in appearance, is neurotic, and the cause of neuroticism is mustard wheat. I heard that once he almost died because of it!" Shibube replied while actively cooperating.

"So serious..."

"She said that eating mustard barley would make her whole body swollen and terrifying. Therefore, she is also very inferior." Shikibe Kiyoko added.

Dongma nodded suddenly, that's why she would be close to herself, someone who knew her allergies but didn't have any reaction, instantly got close.

Chapter 1424 Prison School Serial Murders (9) Ninth!Request

The fifth person in the interrogation is the sex-sense Mr. Itsukushima.

"How much do you know about Lan Ye?" Dongma asked, playing with Itsukushima's mature body.

"Lan Ye is a top-notch student, and usually average students have the best subjects. But he is an all-rounder. He is the first in all subjects. Of course, the reason for this is not just being smart. , But he is several times harder than everyone else.” Itsukushima said regretfully

"Why do you say that?"

"You know that he went to work early on the construction site? The foreman there told me that he was immersed in learning everything he can and needs to learn in almost all the time he can use, such as English words, historical dates, and science. Formula..." Itsukushima sighed.

"That's it..." Dongma nodded, and then suddenly jumped to the topic, "Speaking of our morning walk, it must be taken by the teacher?"

"Yes, otherwise you will definitely get lost." Itsukushima nodded.

"The distance between the two villages is one hour, so what if you run there?"

"It takes forty minutes at the fastest, and it's easy to get lost in 01." Itsukushima replied, and then added, "It's also impossible to ride a bike, because the road is bad and there are steps. It's more convenient to run. of."

Although I ran for forty minutes, it was a bit of a rush.

Dongma glanced at the map he drew based on memory, "Is it possible if you take an oak = kayak?"

"The water flows very fast, it only takes about fifteen minutes downstream, but without an engine, it is impossible to come back!"

"Well, it's impossible to go back and forth between the two places." Dongma nodded and crossed out the last possibility.

"The murderer should be an outsider, otherwise I really can't figure it out..." Itsukushima said.

"No, in fact, it is the most feasible state to have a criminal in Taiyangzhuang and Yueguangzhuang, and the suspicious person on Moonlightzhuang has been determined..."

"Who the hell is it?" Itsukushima asked in a panic.

"It's still a little bit of evidence now, I need your help..." Dong Ma was exercising his body, while recalling the flaws in a student's words just now.


"Help me draw a plan of Taiyangzhuang. After all, I haven't been to some places..." Dongma said with a smile, and immediately enjoyed Itsukushima's body while watching her paint hard there.

Dongma didn't let her go out until both of them finished their actions.


Then there is the final sixth person, Nakayashiki.

"Wait, I want to ask you what... Let me see..." It seems that Dongma has forgotten because of the long time, so he said casually.

"By the way, when Jingmu said that his textbook was missing..."

Nakayashiki said impatiently: "Although I say that it's not good for a dead person, but that guy is always going crazy like this, I have had enough of him!"

"By the way, this time the matter should be related to Lan Ye... the day before Lan Ye died of illness, all six people asked for leave in unison."


At the same time, Yueguangzhuang, Xiaolan and Nan Kong discussed in low voices.

Xiaolan asked, "Sister Naomi, how are the call records checked?"

"It has been checked, and they are basically topics that have nothing to do with the case, so the suspicion of Wuze can basically be eliminated." Nan Kong shook his head.

"By the way, Xiaolan, go and help me draw a floor plan of this building. Master Dongma just informed me that I did this. I suspect there is something wrong with the building," Nan Kong said.

"Okay, what about you?" Xiao Lan asked.

"I'll go to a few more sites to investigate..." Nan Kong asked Xiaolan to be careful, and then left alone.

"There is something wrong in the cabinet..." Nankong came to the cabinet where the guard held the chalk and opened the door, and the focus of her sight was an unopened chalk box in the cabinet.

At this moment, the family god appeared behind her unconsciously, holding a simple mace that was dangerous at first glance.

However, Nan Kong said without looking back, "What are you holding?"

The family was shocked, but immediately forced himself to adjust his expression, "This is a weapon used by anti-thief, because there is no security guard, our teacher usually uses this self-defense when patrolling at night."

"..." Xiaolan felt a sudden ill will, so she turned her head back: "Teacher Family! What is it in your hand?!"

"That's it!" Nan Kong curled up his mouth coldly.

At this moment, Xiaolan ran over with a piece of paper, "I have finished the plan, sister Naomi!"

"Thank you, Miss Lan..." Nan Kong thanked him, and then said to the family, "You are the person in charge here, do you have the schedules for both Zhuangzi?"

Hearing this, the family immediately took them to his room to get the itinerary with cold sweat.


In the evening, Dongma and Nankong spoke again.

"Have you got the floor plan and schedule of Yueguangzhuang?" Dong 357 asked.

"According to your instructions, I have already got everything." Nan Kong said solemnly.

Immediately, Nan Kong consciously began to talk about the structure of Yueguangzhuang.

"Entering the teaching building, the upper left corner of the first floor is classrooms A and B, the upper right corner is classrooms C and D, the middle is the restaurant, and the lower left and lower right corners are stairs and warehouses..."

"On the left side of the second floor is the student dormitory and Nankong, the family's office, the middle is the recreation room, the left and right corners of the lower half are still stairs, and the middle is provided by the lounge, study room, toilet and the family's office in the upper half. Separated into two halves..."

"On the third floor, the upper part is E, F, G, and H classrooms, and in the middle of the stairs is the dressing room..."

(The above are all schematic diagrams, and the gate on the first floor is used to distinguish up, down, left and right)

"Sure enough!" Dongma suddenly laughed.

"What's wrong?" Nan Kong asked suspiciously.