Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1106

"If it were from that tree house, it should be easy to aim..." Dong Ma sneered and pointed to the tree house not far away.

"Ah! That's my house!" Xiao Feng called out immediately, as if it was a secret base built by Wang Saburo for Xiao Feng before his death, close to nature.

Immediately, everyone found the hut and climbed up the thick and strong tree, and found a stone crossbow without arrows.

"So it seems that it is indeed the crossbow arrow fired here." Ono said while putting the stone crossbow away.

"But the knife cut on this rope climbing ladder is very strange, Conan, did you have this cut when you came before?" Dongma asked.

"Well, and Xiao Feng climbed up from the tree at that time, and didn't find the crossbow." Conan replied.

It seems that by this time, who the prisoner is has been very clear.

However, the next moment, the phone call to the forensics class that Miwako received made things confusing again-separated.

"What? Two arrows were found at the scene, only the one that hit the wild flute was coated with aconitine, and the other one had nothing on it?" Dongma asked strangely.

"Yes, in addition, the left sleeve of Miss Yedi's dress seems to be torn open by someone or something." Ono continued.

"That should be, the man shot the first arrow in this hut, but it didn't hit, so Miss Yedi screamed for help just like we heard, but the second arrow was poisoned. Shot her and killed her." Kogoro immediately reasoned proudly.

Although this reasoning is still full of loopholes.

"So, why did the poison only paint one arrow? Don't say it's enough to paint one arrow. Since you got something like aconitine, you probably won't care about the amount." Miwako asked rhetorically.

Suddenly, Kogoro was choked into speech.

However, at the same time, when everyone hadn't figured out the second incident, the third incident happened in vain.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." The siren-like alarm sounded extremely abruptly.

"Is this the siren of the kitchen fence?!" Ono said in surprise.

"Yes! Someone must have touched the railing!" Suzaka nodded immediately.

"Could it be Mr. Winner?" Kogoro asked in surprise.

Dongma also glanced at Suzaka in surprise, then showed a faint smile.

Immediately, everyone did not answer his question, because Segawa, who was in charge of monitoring, had already called.

"Sister Miwako, Katayose-san, was found falling off the cliff!"

Immediately, everyone rushed to the place where the incident occurred.

"Where is Mr. Huoren?" Miwako asked first, while Dongma had already noticed something, and then looked at the valley below, "Is it where I fell?"

"Yes, it has been confirmed dead." Segawa nodded.

"Then it is obvious that there are energized iron fences around here, but as the Katayose family who know that the iron fences are energized, it is absolutely impossible to touch them on their own initiative. In other words, the murderer is definitely not Mr. Someone pushed him down!" Dongma said lightly.

"But in this way, it seems that the prisoner can only be..." As they said, Miwako and the others suddenly looked at Suzaka.

"Don't talk nonsense! When the master was killed, he was a complete secret room!" Suzaka exclaimed.

"Then, let's start by unlocking the secret room..." Dongma said coldly.

Chapter 1509 The Labyrinth Murder of Hongye Palace (6) Third

"First of all, Xiaolan and I can't read it wrong. From 20 minutes before the crime until Conan found the body and ran out, we all chatted on the wooden bridge connecting the main house with the only annex. The location of Conan and Xiaofeng can naturally be determined, and then the direction to the yard becomes impossible to pass. In addition, after inspection, there is no secret road or dark room, so it is absolutely impossible for the prisoner to leave. That secret room."

Dongma whispered.

"But is the victim alone in the room?" Ono asked strangely.

"Master Dongma, you don't want to say that the victim Wang Saburo himself actually committed suicide, right?" Miwako reacted immediately.

"What nonsense are you talking about! There is black tea for guests in the room, and it's steaming hot!" Suzaka yelled angrily.

"Don't get excited, it's just a cover made by Mr. Wang Saburo himself." Dongma said with a sneer, "and the reason why I make this assertion is because there are no sugar and stir-mixing in the two sets of black tea cups. Spoon!"

"Speaking of which, Mr. Wang Saburo really does not like to put sugar, and after putting the cow-milk, he will not stir it with a spoon." Kogoro immediately thought of something.

"So we can go back to Inspection 690 to check the scene. There is obviously sugar prepared there, but there is no spoon on the table!" Dong Ma nodded.

"The reason for doing this must be because of the inheritance problem. Both Huren and Yedi have serious economic problems. So in order to prevent them from hitting Xiaofeng's attention for the inheritance, he deliberately made a homicide disguised as a homicide. Suicide drama, so that the two people will definitely be pushed out of Pianji's home because of suspicion of murder." Dongma slowly explained.

"It does make sense!" Kogoro nodded.

"What about Miss Yedi's death after that?" Ono asked.

"That's actually Yedi doing the show." Dongma went on to explain, "I don't know where I found Mr. Winner's crossbow arrows in advance, then tore his clothes, and then shouted for help, it would make people think it was. What did her only opponent, Mr. Victor, do to her."

"But unfortunately, at that time, Mr. Huo Ren was there a long time ago, so he calculated it and killed Miss Wild Flute directly with a crossbow that was smeared with poison at any time and might be used to hunt large prey such as wild boar."

"The bow and crossbow in the hut should be the props that the wild flute is going to use to get people, but probably because it was thrown directly on the tree house, so I didn't notice the incision in the ladder rope, so the incision must be designed by the person. Yes, otherwise the wild flute should think of breaking the cut rope."

"The reason why he was carrying the crossbow arrow is because he solved the code faster than us!" Dongma said and led everyone under the strange mirror.

"This mirror is facing the west, where the sunset falls, so it refers to the'set of sunset in the east', because this is the easternmost part of the Hongye Palace, and you can see the setting sun through the mirror."

"At the same time, under the mirror are two steel-tubes, one horizontal and one vertical. This is why Mr. Huo Ren held the crossbow arrow, in order to measure which of the two is longer."

"But can this be used as evidence?" Kogoro asked strangely.

"Of course this can't prove anything, so the biggest witness in this case is Ms. Susaka!" Dongma sneered and suddenly turned away.

"You should have been suspicious of getting someone, because listening to what he said today, I, an outsider, can immediately tell that he is trying to kill Xiaofeng. Then you, a driver who has worked in Katayori's house for so many years, should know better I know better. So after Wang Saburo's death today, you started to follow him, and then you saw the scene of the wild flute stabbed to death." Dongma slowly explained to everyone.

"Then, the man who killed the wild flute climbed onto the steel pipe with the mirror, so he was electrocuted and died, right?" Ono said immediately.

"No, it's not necessarily true." Dongma shook his head.

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised.

"Ms. Susaka said when the alarm went off,'Someone must have touched the railing', right? So why is it'someone' instead of'animal'?"

Without waiting for Suzaka's answer, Touma went on to say to himself: "Because you saw him coming out of the cabin in the control room when you were tracking the person. So you went in and checked and found the power and alarm switches. It's all turned off!"

"So, I'm basically sure. You know the meaning of the code from the beginning, because Mr. Wang Saburo, who is sitting in a wheelchair, wants to put things in the steel tube, and he must be assisted by someone else. Naturally it is you." Dongma explained.

"So after you noticed that someone had cut off the current, you must have known the meaning of the code, and then you talked about the current and the alarm re-opening, and also opened to a much larger power than usual!" Dongma said. A surprising fact.

"So in this way, I felt relieved that the current was cut off, so I climbed up the iron fence and got electrocuted and fell off the cliff."

At this time, everyone understood, and Susaka, who was crying bitterly, finally admitted the crime of killing and gaining people.

At the same time, Dongma and others found the final will hidden in the horizontal steel pipe according to the instructions in the will. As the last property heir, Zhongbei Feng inherited all of the Hongye Palace and Katayori family.