Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1108

"Then I want a serving of Yama." Yanaka obviously didn't want to talk to Nishijinta, so he ordered a ramen restaurant's signature dish.

"Four people, this is your ramen." At the same time, Caidai also delivered four cooked ramen.

"Brother Dongma, I want chopsticks!" Xiao Feng looked around, then said to Dongma.

"Excuse me, Mr. Xijin, can you help me get the chopsticks?" Dongma said, pointing to the chopstick holder in front of Xijin.

However, before Xijin could react, Yanaka suddenly pushed his chopstick holder over, "Give it..."

"Everyone, try it." Ogura said with a smile.

However, looking at the ramen with only a bunch of dried bamboo shoots'menma homophonic (Yan Luo Wang enma)', Touma really has no desire to use chopsticks.

Only Xiao Feng, who seemed a little hungry, directly picked up a large roll of ramen with chopsticks, and then bit on it hard.

"It's delicious!" Xiao Feng yelled, and then frantically stuffed noodles in his mouth.

"Is it so delicious?" Looking at her eating, the three of Dongma moved their chopsticks with hesitation and curiosity, and immediately felt the suspicious taste of participating in the final selection of the Yuanyue summer trial.

"I've never eaten such delicious ramen!" Kogoro said vaguely, his eyes widened, because his mouth was constantly being stuffed into ramen.

"Right, this is our shop's signature, of course it is delicious!" Cai Dai smiled triumphantly.

"Well, this dried bamboo shoot is so delicious!" Conan couldn't help but said loudly.

But Dong Ma did not speak, but after eating silently, he called his own chef Xia Dai. Although she specializes in Western food, especially French and Italian cuisine, Dong Ma has long wanted her to make some Japanese dishes or Chinese food, after all, they are oriental, or they are more used to eating oriental cuisine.

"The secret of deliciousness lies in the dried bamboo shoots, but as a trade secret, I won't tell you how to do it." Ogura said with a smile.

"En! Uncle, help me make ramen!" Xiao Feng said seriously.

And Dongma smiled and stroked her head, "Indeed, I'm addicted to this ramen of the boss."

"These little ladies, this is the hard work of my life. Before I can do it, they will not be handed over to others." Ogura said with a smile.

"That's it..." Xiao Feng pouted in disappointment.

"Don't be unhappy, if you want to come in the future, you can come often." Dongma said with a smile.

"Next time I will call Sister Shanglan and the others." Conan also smiled.

"En!" Xiao Feng's expression turned cloudy after hearing this.

"Huh! Although the store is broken, it tastes okay...This way, it won't close in a short time." Xijin sneered.

"Of course, the purpose of our store is to be cheap, fast, and delicious! It can be operated anyway!" Ogura smiled triumphantly.

"That's really great..." Xijin sneered, "It's like our company, because of the shortage of funds, it makes people feel like death."

"Then shut down that kind of company quickly, and look for something else!" Caidai put the big bowl of ramen heavily in front of Nishijin again, and said angrily.

"Haha... the world is not so messy, I am in my fifties, do you still expect me to change careers?" Xijin said with a wry smile and pulled out a pair of disposable chopsticks in front of him.

"Huh? Is Uncle left-handed?" Conan looked at Xijin, who was holding chopsticks in his left hand, strangely.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Xijin also stopped moving strangely.

"But when you just wiped the water on the table, you used your right hand..." Dongma said lightly.

"Because I was corrected by my parents when I was young, I can use both left and right hands now. But when I eat, I am still used to using my left hand..."

Speaking of Xijin, he grabbed a chopstick with his mouth, and then pulled the disposable chopsticks with his left 2.1 hand and teeth together.

"Huh! Is it delicious ramen? If you eat it, it will kill you, this shop should close down immediately... It's better to just put some poison." Xijin seemed to say sarcastically.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and he ate a bite of noodles as if nothing happened.

Kogoro patted the table with dissatisfaction, then grabbed him, "You have been saying something inexplicable since just now, what do you mean?!"

However, Xijin did not answer his words at all, or said there was no way to answer his words at all.

He just made a "woooo..." sound, then his pupils dilated and he fell to the ground in pain.

"Call an ambulance!!"

Chapter 1512 delicious to death ramen (three) first more

PS: Thank you "Zerv" for your monthly pass support.

However, compared to the people with solemn expressions or panic, the boss of Ogura walked out calmly and said: "Really, am I so stupid that you are fooled every time?!"

"What are you talking about?!" Kogoro asked nervously.

"Huh! I've seen through this guy's trick-both! It's nothing more than deliberately falling into the store, and then creating the illusion of food poisoning in our store for the guests!" Ogura said with an expression of'I've seen it through'.

"Then I will throw him out for you." Gu Zhong immediately sneered after hearing this.

"I advise you to stay where you are!" Dongma glared at both of them coldly, and then said to Caidai who was on the phone: "It looks like Uncle Maori you not only want to call an ambulance, but also report it by the way. police."

"Call the police?!" Cai Dai asked in a panic.

"Because this gentleman is dead, this is really'delicious ramen'..." Dongma sneered 01 and shook his head.

Immediately, Miwako and others rushed to the scene quickly.

"The name of the deceased was Tokumori Nishizu. He was 51 years old. He was the president of a real estate company in Cupido Town. Because he wanted to buy the entire land of Cupido Shopping Street and transform it into a large-scale shopping mall, people in the shopping street Looks disgusted with him." Ono read the information she had collected on the dead.

"It is said that in order to buy the land of these stores, he often hires some unemployed young people nearby to make trouble in the store..." Ono added.

"Yes! Every time those people come to the store, they make things difficult for my customers. I don't know how many tableware and ramen are broken." Ogura shook his head.

"It's the same on my side. Long suddenly moved when I was shaving, and then deliberately said that I scratched his face, and then began to make trouble to demand compensation." Tanaka also nodded in agreement.

"So what about today? Didn't you just say that? The deceased Mr. Xijin, seems to have been to your shop for a haircut before coming here?" Dongma asked lightly.

"Yes, but nothing happened today." Yanaka also seemed to say strangely.

"So it's the kind of company that specializes in land business."

(In particular, it refers to a company that is similar to a black society and is set up specifically for nail households or people who do not intend to sell land, and the method of doing things is no different from that of high-profit loan companies.)

"Yes, but because he is too much, the merchants in the entire shopping street are planning to unite to sue him recently. As a result, the lawyer who sued suddenly died last month, so the lawsuit was cancelled." Ono continued. Report the situation of the deceased.

However, after hearing this, Caidai seemed to be unable to help but jump out loudly: "Not dead! It was murdered!"

"How to say?" Miwako asked.

"When my father ate ramen here, he died because he prevented the fight from happening and caused the relapse of the old illness!" Saidai said distraught.