Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1117

"It looks like he is a guy who is easy to do things recklessly once he gets on his head." Listening to the voice from the phone, Dongma sneered and made a judgment.

Shiliang at the scene also got a similar judgment.

After Shiliang asked, Ze Li also gave a positive answer.

"In this way, the guess you just said is not entirely nonsense..." Shi Liang sneered.

Because these people who are familiar with Ze Li, it is entirely possible to take advantage of Ze Li's character weakness.

"And you look at the photos I took before the police came!" Sawali immediately motioned to Kogoro to open the backpack, "There are bloody fingerprints on the mat at the entrance of the bath room, isn't it?!"

Upon hearing this, Dong Ma also opened the folder where he received all relevant case materials and found the scene photo.

"Indeed, just like what Ze Lixun said, there are bloody handprints similar to struggle on the edge of the door!" Yuanzi also nodded.

At this time, Ze Li reasoned excitedly: "This must be the trace of my sister desperately trying to crawl out to grab something or ask for help after being cut her wrist by the prisoner!"

Indeed, if you commit suicide, it is impossible for blood to appear in that place.

"And I suspect that the reason for these three people is that they were in my sister's room before the incident! Am I right?!" Ze Li questioned the three.

"Because we agreed that whoever of the four books sold 1 million copies first, we would treat guests to the hot spring hotel for a trip." Zhumi Mitsui nodded first.

"As a best-selling author, Weihong decided on SNS to let her send us the first edition book signed." Tang Di added.

"So the three of us went to her room that day..." Er Ping concluded.

Chapter 1524 Maori Detective Agency Siege (4) First

But it seemed that they went in separately, so the three of them almost passed by, and they never shared the same room with the victim.

"Then, bring the signed book!" Ze Li asked with a sneer.

"Yes!" The three immediately took out a book from their shoulder bags.

"By the way, how did you let them bring the book?" Kogoro asked with a dry smile.

"I lied to them that my sister knows you, and then said that if they want to hear you explain the true case, then bring the signed first edition book that proves that my sister is a good friend! Look! Even the date is there This is the evidence that these three people saw my sister alone on the day of the crime!" Ze Li smiled grimly.

Then he rummaged again for the backpack he had brought, "At that time, my sister was also broadcasting live on SNS. Although it was in the text version, I think it will be helpful to you!"

Hearing that, Dongma also immediately called up the SNS message board of the dead that Xiuko sent.

"However, if those people are SNS companions, these contents should be able to be seen?" Yuanzi asked strangely.

"No, at this time Miss Weihong secretly released it with her brother's ID account. This is probably why Ze Li is so sure that the prisoner is among the three." Dongma sneered and shook his head.

And the three of them reacted at this moment, as if they all saw Weihong used the computer in the room.

Then, Dong Ma opened Ze Lixun's ID message board and found the text with obviously different grammar.

"The first person who came to ask for my autograph was the elephant. I just took a shower and my hair hasn't dried yet! What a troublesome elephant..."

It seems that Weihong has the habit of comparing people to animals, and the following articles are also full of products of this habit.

"The second one is the fox, and she's here to find the fault again. I'm so annoying! After signing your autograph, hurry up!"

"The last one is the mouse who doesn't know what to say, so please sign her name quickly and drive her away!"

"So annoying! I still don't leave!"

"Oops! I'm a little sleepy, what should I do?"


"It doesn't seem to be something someone who wants to commit suicide would write." Dongma sneered.

However, this person also seems to be an annoying guy. On the surface, he has a good relationship with others, but secretly he infinitely magnifies his shortcomings and despises him.

In a word, it is the so-called green tea bitch.

"However, in this way, if there is a murderer, it should be the last mouse to meet." Yuanzi said.

"However, if you don't figure out what criteria the deceased Miss Weihong used to get her nickname, it will be difficult to tell who it was..." Tomoko sighed.

"However, their information has been passed..." Said Dongma patted Suzuki Yumi's buttocks and asked her to get up and continue reading.

"The first is the chubby Ms. Mitsui Mitsui, who has been unmarried since the age of forty-one. She has been helping with the stone shop at home. She is a Taurus and has blood type A."

While reading, Yumi Suzuki endured Touma's urge to vent forever.

"Tang Di Zhixin, 36 years old, divorced once, worked as a temporary worker in the bakery near my home for nearly 20 years, Pisces, type B blood."

Touma's movements got bigger and bigger, so Suzuki Yumi couldn't help but pause for a while, and then intermittently finished the last person's information.

"Two bottles of Chunxia, ​​thirty-nine years old, her husband is a seal carver. As a housewife, she writes some mystery novels for publication in her spare time, Leo, blood type O."

After speaking, Suzuki Yumi couldn't help but fell to the ground.

"Well, as for our Mr. Sawa Li, is the leader of the survival game team. The team's name is green-cap. It seems to imitate the green-berets (green berets) of the US special forces..." Dongma then found Ze Li's profile.

"From the appearance, the light well should be a big elephant, the second bottle is a fox, and the soup is a mouse..." Ayako judged with a smile.

"But that green tea shouldn't be so direct, so let Xiuzi's sister look for any new clues." Dongma said, shaking his head.

At the same time, new news came from Meihezi, who seemed to have completed the inquiry about the tour group organized by the manager of Poirot Café.

"First of all, the two bottles of lady, who is said to be a very polite person, tidy up the shampoo and conditioner that the strange children messed up one by one."

"Ms. Yuji seems to like hot springs very much, as if she has to soak several times a day."

"And the most suspicious now seems to be Ms. Mitsui. Because of the testimony of one of the tour groups, he saw Ms. Mitsui's face pale and panickedly running out of the room of the deceased Miss Weihong."

Listening to Miwako's explanation, Dongma thought for a while and asked, "Is the person who said this living on the opposite side of Weihong's room?"

"No, it seems to be the third room next to each other on the same side." Miwako shook his head. "It is said that because of the terrible expression, he was so scared that he closed the door again and did not dare to come out of the room. There is another one that was said to be when there was chaos. I have already sent the photos I took."

"I see, it's been hard work." Dong Ma immediately hung up the phone, and then checked an MMS message sent in the SMS mailbox.

It seems to be the photo when the police just arrived. It was a photo of a policeman standing at the door through the crowd.

"There seems to be no clue..." Yuanzi said with a headache.

"No, there is one more clue!" Dongma sneered, and suddenly raised the volume, "Then Mr. Zeli, can I also join the investigation of this case?"

"Who are you?!" Ze Li said in shock, and at the same time picked up Xiaolan's phone, "Damn it, it didn't turn off at all! Damn it!"

"Don't be so excited, Mr. Sawuri." Dongma smiled and calmed down, "My name is Kamijou Dongma, I must have heard of my name..."