Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1118

"Of course, I know, well-known goddess begging demons!" Ze Li let out a weird laugh, "Although it would be troublesome for the police to intervene, but now I can't take care of it!"

Chapter 1525 Maori Detective Agency Siege Incident (5) Second

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "Naihe Bridge".

"So first of all, can you take a photo of the signature pages of those three people's signature books and pass them to me?" Dong Ma asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Ze Li didn't seem to care what would happen afterwards, just trying to find out the truth about his sister's death.

So Kogoro took a good photo and sent it to Dongma's phone.

Dong Ma just glanced at it, and then asked a question, "It seems strange that there is only Ms. Erbo's signature page. I can't see it clearly through the photo. Can you describe the actual situation?"

"En? It seems to be! Only the signed page seems to be distorted once and then dried again!" Ze Li immediately replied.

Then it seemed to think of something furious and pointed the gun at Erbo, "You are the murderer!"

"No! What a joke!" Er Ping exclaimed, "And if it was done at that time, then it should be done in the entire book instead of just one page now!"

"That makes sense..." Ze Li muttered and put down the pistol.

"Next is Ms. Tangji's signature page. There is no stain or dirt, as if it is something new... Is that really the first version?" Dongma asked.

"Yes, it does have the words'first edition printing' written on it." Ze Li said after taking a closer look.

"After all, that is important. It may even be a signed book with only three copies. Of course I have to keep it carefully!" Tang Di immediately said loudly.

"Then Ms. Mitsui's signature page, it seems to be a broken piece?" Dongma asked again.

"That's because Miss Weihong refused to give me the book as a prank after signing her name, so she tore it!" Mitsui explained immediately.

"Mischief?" Dongma asked subconsciously.

"I happened to have a stomachache that day. The toilet was obviously close, but Miss Weihong refused to let me use the toilet in her room, saying that she wanted to use it immediately. But I also knew that she was deliberately teasing me and she came here. In the big bath-place of the hot spring, she also lied about taking a bath in her room!” Mitsui explained.

"How do you know that she is lying?!" Ze Li asked immediately.

"Because when I left Miss Weihong's room, I was too rushed and didn't pay attention, and accidentally wore her slippers by mistake. As a result, they were very hot and hot!" Mitsui said.

However, Erping seems to have different opinions, "But I cleaned up her slippers when I went to her room. They are not hot at all without shining?"

"You don't actually wear your own slippers, do you? I remember you seem to have oily skin..." Tang Ji said the same.

"It's rude, I have dry skin!" Mitsui yelled immediately, but this didn't seem to be something to be angry with.

"It's really a bunch of mortal aunts, although I often bother my sister, but she was given the nickname "Huang Ying"." Ze Li said with a wry smile.

"In this way, I know who the prisoner is..." Dong Ma said with a light smile.

"Nani?!" Zeli was shocked immediately after hearing this, "Impossible! I have done a detailed investigation, and I don't even know who the prisoner is. How could you just hear me finish the case and ask After a few insignificant questions, you know who the prisoner is?!"

"Don't underestimate the police, Mr. Ze Li." Dongma smiled coldly.

"Of course, if you must underestimate the police, you must also not underestimate my ability to purify the devil, otherwise you will suffer a lot!" Dongma then slowly said, "Of course, speaking of you too There should be no next time."

"Huh!" Ze Li hummed, seemingly lacking in confidence, "If you really know who the prisoner is, there will be two more corpses here, and naturally there will be no next time!"

"Well, we can discuss this issue later..." Dongma said mysteriously, "but those issues just now are not insignificant issues!"

"Then I have to listen carefully!" Ze Li said with a grin.

On the other side, Shiliang, who also solved the case and Uncle Xiong, was extremely shaken.

'How is it possible, why are you doing this?!'Shiliang roared in his heart.

'Just notify the special police team of the Metropolitan Police Department to dispatch, and then shoot the prisoner through the glass windows of this office!Why tell him who the murderer is?!'

However, Dong Ma obviously couldn't hear her inner doubts, and went on to say: "First of all, it is the elephant who came to the room first in order to obtain the signature of Miss Weihong. Because I just took a shower and my hair was not dry, So the body should also be hot. So if you sign in that state, you will naturally hesitate to make the paper wrinkle and wrinkle because of the heat and shining. So it is obvious that the first person to sign is that The Erbo Ms. with twisted traces on the signature book."

"Presumably you have already investigated. With the neurotic and overly rigorous character of Ms. Erbo, you won't crumple important papers by yourself."

Dongma slowly explained.

"So according to Ms. Erping's testimony, she said she helped Ms. Weihong tidy up slippers, and there was no heat and irritation in 5.4 at that time, so she can be sure that she has not been to the big bath, but took a bath in the room! "

"Then speaking of this, the problem arises..." Touma raised a devilish smile, "Why did Ms. Mitsui put on slippers by mistake when she left, so she felt the temperature and shining?"

"So the answer is obvious. It's because the person who came to Weihong's room before her was Ms. Yuji who often went to hot springs! She probably wore Miss Weihong's slippers by mistake when she went back. Then he left his pair of shining and hot slippers."

"In other words, the big elephant refers to Ms. Erping, the fox refers to Ms. Tangji, and the mouse refers to Ms. Mitsui!" Dongma concluded confidently.

Chapter 1526 Maori Detective Agency Siege (six) third more

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "Oh Ye" and "Yechen Xingyue".

"That's it, you are the mouse who killed my sister!" Ze Li laughed frantically, raising his gun and approaching Guangjing.

"Why do you rely on a pair of slippers?!" Mitsui defended in shock.

"Of course it's not just a pair of slippers. In fact, Miss Weihong gave you the nickname according to the color." Dongma explained with a smile.

"We all know that there are some colors in animals, which are named after animals, such as camel, kite, etc..."

Under the invisible, astonished gaze of Xiaolan, Dongma's reasoning voice came out of the phone slowly but firmly.

"The fox color refers to the color of the bread in the bakery where Ms. Tangji works part-time. The big elephant is the ivory color, usually used to refer to the color of the seal carved by Mr. Erbo."

"By the way, Mr. Sawa Lixun’s nickname Huang Ying, also known as the Yellow Oriole, is derived from the green-cap (green cap on the head of the elf), the name of the 01 storage game team led by Mr. Saw Li. of."

"So the mouse color mentioned at the end refers to the color of the stone used by Ms. Mitsui's stone store, because stone stores are usually used to build tombstones."

Dongma smiled and explained the meaning of their respective codes.

"So based on the above two inferences, there is no doubt that the person who came to Miss Weihong's room last, except for you, Ms. Guangjing, will not be a second person!"

"Hahahaha..." Ze Li laughed frantically, "As expected, I found the stinky mouse that killed my sister and disguised it as suicide so quickly!"

Then pointed the pistol at Guangjing's head, "Then, Guangjing Zhushi, it's time for you to die!"

"Well, don't be so anxious, Mr. Zeli." Dongma's light-ridiculous but leisurely voice suddenly came out of the microphone again.

"What else do you want to say?!" Ze Li asked dissatisfiedly, turning his head.

"I never said that Ms. Mitsui is the murderer?" Dongma said with a sneer.

"But, isn't she the last to enter the room?!" Ze Li asked in surprise.

"It's true, but it doesn't seem to be equated with the murderer of your sister, right?" Dongma asked rhetorically.