Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1120

"Then, Yean!"

Chapter 1528 The difference between Kanto people and Kansai people (1) Fifth more

After the siege of the Maori detective agency, Xiaolan returned to daily campus life.

Of course, in her daily campus life, there is a strange companion and classmate, detective Shi Liang Zhenchun, a female high school student who returned from studying in the United States.

But for Dongma, that beautiful female detective didn't have any influence on him, after all, she was just a poor-breasted girl.

On this day's consecutive holidays, Xiaolan took Conan to the convenience store to buy things.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, are they coming to Tokyo to play?" Xiaolan asked strangely.

"Well, Pingci told me last night." Conan nodded.

"Is it to solve the case?" Xiao Lan thoughtfully.

"I don't know, he will tell us when he comes, and then he said'curry' or something..." Conan replied unclearly.

"Curry (kare)?" Xiao Lan asked strangely.

At this moment, a girl in men's clothing who came across suddenly smiled and said, "Who wants to solve difficult cases with kare?"

That's right, it is Xiaolan's classmate, Shiliang, a transfer student, Zhenchun.

"Oh? The son of the head of the Osaka Prefectural Police Department, and he and Mr. Kudo are also called Kanto Kudo and Kansai Hattori's high school detectives!" The three returned to the Mori Detective Office, and Shiliang said in surprise.

"Yes, two people are not so much rivals as rivals who solved the crime together. In fact, when they met Dongma, they basically united and confronted Dongma. "Xiao Lan said in a naturally black voice, as if she didn't even notice that she spoke and she was black.

And Kogoro said more directly, "Huh! As a result, the two people added up, and they have never beaten Dongma!"

"But, what happened to the Hattori-kun from Kansai who came over this time?" Shi curiously asked.

"I don't know..." Xiao Lan shook her head.

"Huh! What's the matter with so much? Anyway, I must find an excuse to come out and play." Kogoro said with disdain.

"That's really a pity. I also look forward to the duel between two famous Japanese high school students..." Shi Liang said pointedly, "Although they are not so good behind the scenes, Mr. Mori thinks which of them is the real one. Where's the detective?"

"The two little ghosts, when compared with my uncle, of course, they are little people who have no sense of existence!" Kogoro first praised himself, "but there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two. "

"What, it's obviously that the new brother is even better!" Conan said without blushing.

"Idiot! Of course it is the famous detective of my relationship, Hattori Heiji-sama is even better!" Heiji pushed the door open and furious.

Then angrily walked to Conan and shouted: "I have been listening in silence since just now. I didn't expect that you guys will become more and more disrespectful!"

But Heiji's anger was the same as always, coming and going fast, and then he asked, "Where is that strange female high school detective?"

"This is right, Shiliang is really pure!" Xiaolan introduced immediately.

"Eh? Are you a woman?!" Pingji said in surprise, and then spit out sharply, "But this xiong department is really too bad..."

"That's because I will grow up well in the future!" Shi Liang yelled in annoyance, "After all, although my mother is a little thin, she is a huge breast! Right, Lan Jiang? "

"En..." Xiaolan replied awkwardly,'I haven't seen her at all, okay?'

"Speaking of which, what about Yejiang people? Didn't you say that they came together?" Xiaolan asked strangely.

"That guy detoured to other places, and he will come to meet up later." Pingji explained with a smile, "The curry I brought back last time, I enjoyed it with Mama Ye very much, and I happened to see that shop on the way here. So Heye got off the bus and bought some curry to take back. It is said that it is only available in Tokyo franchised restaurants, so Heye’s mother specifically asked her to buy some more to take back."

However, he actually didn’t know that the main purpose of He Ye’s going to that restaurant was actually to meet the Dongma  whom he had made an appointment with.

When they were talking, the two were already in the women's toilet on the first floor, sweating and fighting together.

"So, what are you doing this time?" At the end of the fierce battle, Dongma asked, playing with Ye Na, who was much bigger than Shiliang.

"It's Heiji..." But when she adjusted her breath to say something, there was a scream from the next door, and then the whole shop seemed to panic.

Then, a familiar voice began to come out to maintain order.

"Everyone, please stay here and cooperate with the subsequent investigation by the Japanese police, because this is a homicide, and it is still uncertain whether it was a homicide, a suicide or an accident!"

And the person who spoke was the Cameron search officer who appeared here for some reason.

"I'll call the police!" He Ye immediately reacted and said.

"Well, by the way, let Uncle Maori come over with them, Hattori-san should be with them too." Dongma nodded and ordered.

Immediately after everyone rushed to the scene, Dong Ma had a basic understanding of the general situation.

"According to the description of the clerk, suddenly a foreigner screamed out of the toilet, then blocked the door, 0.0 asked the manager to call the police, and then asked them to block the entrance to the toilet. Of course, this foreigner, Conan Xiaolan, also Know..." Dongma briefly explained and added an extra sentence.

At this time, Shiratori and others who were in charge of the investigation of the case also came out.

"The chief police officer, the preliminary results have come out. The cause of death was poisoning. A candy (amedama) containing a lot of potassium cyanate toxin was found in the mouth of the deceased, and the same type of candy was also found in the pocket of the body. And according to the foreigner who was the first discoverer, suicide should be correct.” Takagi reports.

"Speaking of which, who the hell is that foreigner? He seems familiar with this kind of incident..." Shi Liang asked strangely.

Chapter 1529 The difference between Kanto people and Kansai people (two) sixth

"Well, it's Cameron search officer after all. It's natural to be familiar with this kind of thing." Dongma shook his head and smiled.

"Ah! It turned out to be Mr. Cameron!" Xiaolan and the others also reacted immediately.

However, Heiji, He Ye and Shiliang seemed to have seen him for the first time.

"Search officer? Do you know this person?" Heiji asked excitedly.

"Master Dongma, who is he?" He Ye also asked.

"It's the FBI investigator. During the Kira incident, didn't they bring in a lot of FBI and CIA to enter Japan to assist in the investigation? Although Kira didn't seem to have made any major moves recently, he still retained a certain degree of organization. "Dongma explained with a smile.

"Mr. Kamijou, and Mr. Maori, Miss Maori, and Conan-kun. It’s been a long time since I saw you." Cameron said with a smile, "I came here this time mainly because the curry I used to eat here in Japan with my companions is really good. It’s unforgettable, so today I happened to be passing by and came over for dinner, but I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing."

"Forget it, everyone, don't chat here, let's go in and see the situation." Immediately, Dong Ma led everyone into the men's toilet.

"Really, why do you commit suicide in such a place..." Kogoro said dissatisfiedly after everyone came to the toilet cubicle at the crime scene.

"What about the identity of the victim?" Dongma asked.

"Because the deceased did not carry any suspicious identification, so we are still checking the identity. And the only mobile phone that can be used to investigate the identity, also fell into the toilet-no use." Shiratori replied.

"What about you Cameron?" Dongma asked, turning his head.

"I was going to the toilet in the third cubicle next door..." Cameron said, pointing.

"Then why do you say he committed suicide?" asked Shiliang, the only woman who followed up.