Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1150

"But speaking of it, is it really a plastic bomb?" Kogoro asked.

"Yes, and also set a timing device according to the playing time of the two..." Miwako shook her head.

On the other hand, the rehearsal seems impossible for the time being, so Domoto Xuanya, who is obviously a lot smoother than Domoto, is explaining the principles of the pipe organ to the little ghosts and showing them the gorgeous huge pipe organ installation.

After a while, Qiu Ting Lianzi began to accept Dongma and others' questions, but his attitude was still not very good.

"Excuse me, Ms. Qiu Ting, we would like to ask, the text message Hebian Zouzi sent you before the incident,'I don't want to cooperate with a layman who can't even tell the sound', what does this sentence mean?" Asked.

"Of course it means literally. I said it before. It was the first time that Miss Hebian and I met at this press conference. Then we went to listen to the performance of the two and asked me to text her with her. Share your thoughts..." Qiu Ting Lizi explained impatiently.

"In other words, if you are someone who can't even hear the difference between Miss Riverside's music and those of the two, then you won't be able to collaborate with you this time, am I right?" Dongma laughed Asked.

"Yes, but why don't you ask Miss Hebian herself about this kind of thing? I heard that she has woken up." Qiu Ting Lizi asked dissatisfiedly.

"I'm sober, but after being hit by the explosion, I can't remember the events before and after the incident." Miwako explained helplessly.

"By the way, what was left on the scene at this time." Ono took out the middle part of a flute, "Basically rule out something that a student accidentally left. After all, it is impossible to leave only the middle part. Do you have any clues about this Miss Qiu Ting?"

"No!" Qiuting shook his head coldly, and then returned to his seat.

Dongma squinted his eyes, and then said to the Takeda sisters and the others, so under the soft and hard blisters of the little ghosts, Qiu Ting Reiko reluctantly agreed to help a few little ghosts training academy to sacrifice the school song of Emperor Dan.

Immediately, everyone left the concert hall that was still rehearsing.

A few days later, Reiko Akita came to help train a few little ghosts as promised. Although there are Conan, the sound idiot, and Motota Mitsuhiko, the two funny comparisons, but fortunately there are Ayumi, Takeda sisters, Mikami Ling, Ito Hui, etc. The girls sang well, so the demanding soprano singers weren't selected on the spot.

However, even so, the incident happened, because Yuanta secretly drank the throat tea in the thermos of Qiu Ting Reiko on the way to training, only to let everyone discover that her tea was drugged.

After an examination by a nearby hospital, it seemed to be a medicine that would make one's voice dumb for four days. It was obvious that for the soprano singer, it was simply murdering her artistic life and career.

And more importantly, four days later is exactly the official start time of this Domoto concert.

And the subsequent incident of a stolen truck crashing into Qiu Ting's pity in the alley seemed to once again prove the fact that someone wanted to harm her.

"How about, do you think of someone who loves these two days and deliberately wants to harm you?" Dongma asked in a low voice while supporting the injured Qiu Ting Lizi.

That's right, what saved her was what had been following Qiu Ting Reiko all day following the clues provided by Sisters Takeda and others.

"No, I'm thinking about how to sue a criminal minister of the Metropolitan Police Department for a criminal offence!" Although Qiu Ting Lizi was flushed in his arms by Dongma, he said strongly.

"I'm not the murderer who hurt you?" Dongma asked with a quizzical smile, but one of his hands has clearly constituted a crime, although it should be regarded as a minor crime...

"Follow, tail-go, is this an illegal act?" Qiu Ting Lizi asked immediately.

But then, the noble soprano singer was turned over by his whole body and firmly pressed on the piano stand.

"Let you answer the police's questions honestly!"

"Make you suspect that the police are tracking crimes!"

Dongma said viciously.

"I dare not, I will be obedient and obedient in the future!" Qiu Ting kept yelling, but still couldn't happen.


Almost at the same time, another explosion occurred in a high-end apartment in central Tokyo.

As for why we say "again", because the scene is very similar to the scene of the previous Domoto Conservatory.

"Have you found out the cause of the explosion?" asked Dongma, who was late to the scene.

"Master Dongma, the preliminary judgment was that the room was full of natural gas and the explosion was caused at the moment of ignition." The gun field reported, "The gas pipeline has been damaged in advance, so it should not be an accident, but a deliberate murder."

"The deceased is the owner of the room, Mr. Shida Haru, 36 years old, a violin player, and a graduate of Domoto Music Academy." Ono also reported the identity of the deceased.

"If a 4.3-term graduate is the same as the first two deceased?" Dongma immediately remembered that the two who died before were also the first-term graduates of Domoto Academy.

"Yes, and it's definitely not accidental, because I found something like this at the scene." Said Miwako, who was covered in smoke, walked out of the building and said, holding a bag of evidence in his hand.

Dongma and others didn't worry that she would be in danger at all, and the mere flames naturally couldn't bear her.

However, everyone was still shocked, because she was holding the flute tail that was similar to the middle part of the previous flute.

"In other words, there are obvious consecutive killings, and the murderer also wants to tell us that there is another target to kill!" Dongma said with a sneer.

Chapter 1570 The trembling movement (three) sixth more

The next target, as Dongma and others thought, was quickly killed the next day.

However, all the killing methods this time seem to be very different from the previous two...

"Mr. Sone, who did hang gliding yesterday and fell from the sky to drown in the sea, is a viola player and a first-year student of Domoto Conservatory. Shida who died in the explosion were all students in the same class."

In the office of the Metropolitan Police Department, Miwako is reporting the case to Dongma.

"And until two years ago, the four formed a quartet performance group together." Ono also added.

"Sure enough, it was the same murderer who committed serial killings..." Dongma said lightly, taking a sip of black tea.

"Yes, on the wings of the hang gliding wing used by Shida, you can see obvious traces of being cut by a sharp blade. Moreover, under the seat of Sone's car, the last part of the flute head was found. 07" Mikako nodded and said.

"In this way, although all the parts of the flute are composed, I always feel that the matter is not over yet..." Dong Ma looked out the window.

"Yes, at least the murder of Ms. Qiu Ting is hard to imagine that it has nothing to do with this serial murder. It seems that the prisoner is preventing Ms. Qiu Ting from attending this concert." Mikako said.

"In terms of motivation, if Ms. Qiu Ting can't participate in the performance, then the biggest beneficiary will be Miss Chikusa Lala, a ninth-year student of Domoto Conservatory."

"Furthermore, according to the investigation, the first lead singer at the beginning was Miss Chikusa Lala, but then Miss Riverside Musician invited Miss Qiu Ting Reiko, and Mr. Domoto Yichi decided to let Miss Qiu Ting perform the singing part of this performance. ."

Ono looked at the notepad in his hand and said.

"The question now is, what is the connection between the first four people who were killed and the subsequent murder of Miss Qiu Ting?" Miwako said without a clue.

Qiu Ting Lizi and the four people who died before seem to be unrelated.

"What can be confirmed right now is that there is some connection between Miss Hebian and the two who died first..." Ono said with a grimace.

That is to say, the explosion that occurred in the Domoto Academy = cracked the case.

"The place where the bomb was planted is under the floor. It seems that Miss Hebian is innocently implicated." Miwako shook her head. "But since Chikusa Lala is a fully motivated person, she cannot be completely ruled out. The possibility of one of the goals."

Of course, Yamane Shiyin, who is a substitute for the riverside music, also has a similar motivation.

"Of course, there is another possibility. Mr. Domoto seems to like Ms. Yamane Ziyin more, but Kawabe Koko's name is too big. If you don't want to let her quit automatically, it will be huge for the entire concert. That’s why we did such a thing.” Nan Kong, who was also involved in the investigation of the incident, speculated.

As for Segawa Riao and Yuki Tsui, who have been silent, they are naturally busy serving Dongma.