Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1155

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of "Blast everything in one second".

"Moreover, that man is probably not the murderer." As if adapted to the posture of Dongma, Belmode said, lying on the roof of the car.

"I know, that kind of motive, how do you make me believe that a person who seems quite normal can become a serial killer?" Dongma asked with disdain, and then sneered again, "and the serial killer used his right arm to move up. To kill someone by stabbing the victim, the person with a bad right hand cannot be the murderer."

"But how did you recognize me?" Belmode asked.

"You have a gun hidden in your right ankle, so there are obvious bumps in the trouser legs and socks? Also, your left cheek was scratched by the man, but there was no bleeding at all!" Dong Ma sneered.

"Huh, seems to be going to make a bloody mask next time." Belmode sneered.

"It can be seen that you want to lead him to a place where no one is there, and then ask him something. As long as you are a hostage, you will not be questioned too much. It seems that you planned very carefully. Ah..." Dongma exclaimed.

Then Dongma asked curiously: "Speaking of which, why are you also intervening in this time?"

"There is noc (spy)!" Belmode 453 replied.

"Noc? Among those victims, are you people?" Dongma asked amusedly.

"Yes, for safety reasons, that person took the memory card with the list of the organization's personnel on him. The organization should kill him in the near future, but he didn't expect..." Belmode said without concealment.

Belmode took out a cigarette, lit it, took a sip, and continued.

"After that, the murderer took the memory card, presumably he didn't know what he took, maybe it was only taken as a memento of the crime."

"That's it..." Dongma nodded in satisfaction, "Let us catch the murderer first, it will be troublesome if the information is seen, so..."

As he said, Dongma smiled coldly, "But if you can show up here, it means that there is a ghost in the person."

"So, can you let me go?" Belmode asked.

"Of course, no, let me be refreshed and leave!" As he said, she pushed her into the car, and after a long time, they separated and went back.

However, almost at the same time Dongma left the underground parking lot, Mumu called, "Your Excellency Chief Police Officer, I just received a call from a painter named Shintang Jin, claiming that he has clues to this serial murder. , The address is in Hachioji City!"

"Well, I will send someone there." Touma said, he hung up the phone, and asked Ono to take Segawa with him.

At the same time, Gin also received a message, "I see, Shintang Jin is..."

"What should we do now? We will be discovered even if we arrive at the distance of that address!" Vodka asked anxiously.

"Huh! I won't come across..." Talking about gin and called and found Cohen and Chianti, "Are you ready?"

"Just in time!" Chianti said with a grin, but Cohn was still expressionless.

"Me, right."

"Ok! My mother left!"

Immediately, the two sniper rifles rang out instantly, blasting the tire of the police car in Segawa that was driving 300 meters away.

"What's the matter?" Ono asked.

"It's a sniper!" Segawa said almost without hesitation, and then rushed in the direction where the two shot.

"Damn it! Why did you find it so soon?!" He didn't care about putting away the weapons to clean up the scene, and threw the sniper rifle directly, and then ran out from the safe exit that had been set a long time ago.

But Cohen, who was silent, had done all this a long time ago, and then said lightly: "Monster's subordinates are also monsters."

"Damn it!" When Segawa arrived, there were no traces of the two people around. She could only vent the sniper rifle on the ground in two pieces.

However, the gin and vodka on the other side were even worse than her, because when they came to Xintang Jin’s house early, they found that the room was in chaos and there were various painting tools everywhere.

The key Xintang was naturally not there, so the two could only leave the scene in an anguish.

Ono and Segawa, who arrived around the evening, also discovered the result, and then reported to Dongma. At this time, they were still in a meeting.

Of course, Dongma is still drinking tea.

"People are gone?" Mumu who was sitting next to Dongma also asked in a slightly surprised manner, "Is it possible to go out?"

"There are traces of fighting in the room, and it is basically concluded that someone took Shindo Sumire away with a car." Segawa gave a professional opinion.

After Segawa suggested that she needed reinforcements for the forensics class, she hung up the phone, but at the same time, she also found a pool of semi-dry paint that had been stepped on not far away on the ground...

However, no one knew that at this time, a mysterious person sneaked into the classroom of Class B of the first grade of Didan Primary School and took down a certain clay handicraft made by Conan today.

And consciously compared this fingerprint with the fingerprints left by Kudo Shinichi in the database, and got the answer as if he had expected it, "Sure enough..."

The mysterious man sneered, then picked up the phone that had been ringing for a long time.

"Gin, what's the matter?" The tone seemed impatient.

"Just two hours, where have you been?!" Gin's cold questioning sound came from the receiver, "Is it somewhere where the phone must be turned off? Or what are you doing that must turn off the phone? "

"Are you doubting me?"

"Humph! It's best not to let me doubt you! Complete the task I gave you peace of mind, maybe I can consider letting you go!" Gin said coldly.

"Speaking of which, the high school detective who you handled personally..." the mysterious man said suddenly.

"Which high school student are you talking about?" Gin asked questioningly.

"Kudo Shinichi, have you forgotten?" the mysterious man reminded.

"I never remember the name of a dead person!" Gin paused, then hummed as always.

"Really? Hum...hehe..." The mysterious man suddenly let out a strange and oozing laugh.

Chapter 1577 Dark Tracker (five) seventh more

Time soon came the next day, and the seventh incident finally occurred in Ayase City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

The deceased was Xintang Jin who had disappeared before. There was still a mahjong beside the body, and there was also a seven tube dyed red, but this time it was printed on the upper right corner of the four tubes below.

The back of the mahjong tiles is also a vertical line, but it does not seem to be a letter, but a symbol similar to a three-corner.

However, before the meeting, Ono and Segawa explained their speculation to Dongma and others, "Master Dongma, there must be a gangster in our joint search headquarters this time!"

"Oh? Why did you see it?" Dongma was interested in listening to their judgments. Although the results are already in his heart, sometimes different reasoning processes can get a lot of unexpected gains.

"When we went to Xintang Jin’s studio yesterday, we found that the paint on the ground had been stepped on twice. First, the paint tube was stepped on, the paint was pressed out, and after the paint dries, another person stepped on the foot, indicating that the murderer took it away. After the new hall, at least one person visited before we arrived!"

Miwako also added at this time: "It's still 07 o'clock. The hostage taken by the knife-wound criminal in the Mihua General Store Building yesterday was also suspiciously disappeared. After hearing Ono's thoughts today, I think she It may be deliberately held hostage, and then have other plots!"

If this is the case, then there must be an inner ghost in the joint search headquarters, otherwise it is impossible to learn about their actions so quickly!

"Very good reasoning..." Dongma nodded in appreciation, then took the cup and walked to the conference room. "However, at this stage, solving the case is the top priority. As for the inner ghost, I will find out later!"