Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1159


Kosuke Mizutani nodded, as if at the end of his life, there was nothing to hide.

"On the day two years ago, if I hadn't met my friend and left her in the hotel alone, he would not have died!"

Looking regretful

"Although I don't mind if you committed suicide..." Dongma said with a light smile, "but I guessed the reason you wanted to commit suicide, so I decided to stop you."

"Ha... is there any reason, I can't stand the world without her anymore! Besides, I will be sentenced to death anyway..." Mizutani sighed quietly.

"So, it won't be a death sentence... because of you, no one was killed!" Dongma said with a sneer.

"Nani?!" Mizutani Kosuke stared in shock.

"The murderer is actually another person, but you stupidly bear the charge, but you don't know that the person that guy most wants to kill is actually you, because it is because of you that his favorite sister was buried in the sea of ​​flames. !" Dong Ma said as he turned his head and looked at the shadow on the other side, the character who had been waiting there for a long time and looked like a ghost.

"Right? Honjo Nanako's brother, Honjo Kazuki!"

"Brother? Why are you here?" Mizutani Kosuke asked in surprise.


However, he was interrupted mercilessly by Moto Kazuki, "You bastard is not qualified to call that!"

"Police officer, how did you know that I did it?" Ben's face was grim and terrifying, like a beast that chose someone to eat.

"Criminal psychology, stupid Mr. Kazuki." Touma sneered disdainfully.

"How can a person who wants to see the stars at the last moment of his life use his favorite Big Dipper and North Star as a reminder when he kills? That is simply the most serious blasphemy against himself, if not extremely hateful This hobby of my own, even those morbid murderers would not do it!"

"But obviously, as the only hobby in common with the dead Nanako Motogami, it can also be said to be the star of the most fond memories, Mizutani Kosuke will never be able to use this for murder and crime!"

"So the only possibility is that someone tried to make him commit the crime, and then came up with a scheming to frame him!" Dongma said with a sneer.

"And since all the corpses were moved afterwards, and the constellation diagram drawn on the map connected to the location is exactly the same as the original constellation diagram, the prisoner must be a perfectionist. And I have been to the apartment in Mizutani. The house number on the board is very crooked, even ordinary people can see it, it is naturally unbearable for perfectionists."

Speaking of Dongma, he pointed to Honjo and Shu.

"What about you? The phone number on the business card is written by yourself, right? The font is neat and clean, and in order to avoid crooked writing, you even drew a light underline with a pencil, and your notepad recorded everyone's name and The address is a rigorous person!"

"You..." Ben Shang and Shu exclaimed in surprise.

"So I think, the death of Ms. Nanako-of course the death of the prisoner himself-told Mr. Mizutani it was you, right?" Touma asked with a sneer.

"Yes, it's me!" Benshang and Shu were silent for a while, but suddenly said with a sly-secret smile.

Chapter 1581 The Dark Tracker (9) Eleventh

"I heard something that happened that day. The painter Shintang Jin was living on the same floor of the same hotel as them, so she went to her exhibition to ask about the last look of my sister, but didn't want to hear Shintang by chance. A conversation between Sumire and another victim, Takizaki." Motoki and Ki gritted their teeth.

"So you told Mizutani maliciously, and there were disgusting lies..." Dongma added with a sneer.

"Huh..." Benshang and Shu snorted disdainfully, but did not refute.

"On the first anniversary of Nanako's death, all the people who lived on the sixth floor at that time sent flowers. If there were only one or two people, then maybe it was guilt or occasional kindness, but all seven people sent them. Inevitably, it could only be to express gratitude! Thank her for giving them the elevator location at the expense of her own life!" Dongma sighed.

"That said, Nanako was completely voluntary at the time..." Kosuke Mizutani shouted as if he could not accept the reality for a while.

"Yes, she is such a kind-hearted person..." Moto Kazuki also looked sad, but then returned to his hideous face, "But, even so, we can't show that the seven people killed Nanako because of this. fact!"

"Indeed..." Mizutani seemed to shake again.

"Indeed, she did die in the fire instead of the seven people." Dong Ma nodded deeply.

"But as a stand-in, can you have any noble meaning in dying for this man?" Dongma asked with disdain, "saved an innocent life and replaced a serial murderer with a perverted criminal. , Do you think such behavior can be compared on the scale?"

"No! I don't even have the qualifications to compare!" Dongma shouted flatly.

Yes, compared to the noble Nanako, his behavior is as if to discredit her again.

"I won't do it!" Mizutani tremblingly called

"Nani?" Ben Kazuki was shocked.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to die anymore!" Mizutani's eyes were full of belief in rebirth, and he swept away the weakness and weakness, and said firmly.

"Although I was awake for a while, and even an accomplice cannot escape, Nanako definitely does not want me to accompany her now. I need to do more things that Nanako wanted to do but did not have time to do! After that , Is when I go to heaven to report to her!"

Mizutani slowly put away the backpack next to him, and then handed the things contained in a small cloth bag to Benjo and Kazuki.

"Please surrender, brother!"

"Damn it!" Ben originally cursed furiously.

However, Dongma interrupted him, "There should be the missing things from the seven victims, right? These things are evidence that you handed over to Mizutani and let him become a murderer instead of you!"

"Huh! It didn't come in vain. You found me in the morning, and you came here because you were afraid of being exposed. I wanted you to take revenge yourself, but I did it myself if you didn't have the guts..."

"It has nothing to do with guts, it's just your self-satisfaction at best..." Dongma sneered disdainfully.

"Shut up!" Ben Kamikazu said furiously.

Immediately he took out a pistol, and then smiled coldly: "There are only two people here, you and the trash, even if the gods are pursuing demons, I am not afraid of you..."

"Bang!" There was a gunshot, but it was not the gun of Benshang and Shu, but the gun in Mumu's hand not far away.

"Who said the police chief has only one person?" Mumu walked uprightly and said, "I am Mumu of the Metropolitan Police Department, please follow me to the Metropolitan Police Department!"

"Damn it! Where can you catch it!" Moto Kazuki took out a stun gun again, but was instantly subdued by Mugure's flexible movements that didn't fit his body.

"You are lrish, right?" Dong Ma asked, looking at the farce between the two, with a face that had nothing to do with me.

"Sure enough, not only is Kudo Shinichi not dead, but even the woman from Belmode also betrayed!" Mumu just froze for a while, and then showed a sneer.

"You know too much..." Dongma said lightly, and then paused for a while and asked: "Then just ask you, did you mention these things?"

"Not yet, but..."

"No more!" Dongma interrupted...

Only then did Irish feel his heart confuse, and when he looked down at his heart with difficulty, he found that it was already empty.

That's right, just empty!

Not only the heart is gone, but even the flesh and nerves are gone!

"What... ghost?!" Irish spat out the last question with difficulty.