Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1222

"You must have committed suicide." Heiji apparently came to this conclusion, and then he leaned against the wall with an expression of impossibility like a dead fish.

However, everyone's actions were not affected by him. Now that they have come to the conclusion of suicide, they are naturally ready to go back.

"But why did Mr. Kanzuki use that method of death?" Kogoro asked still somewhat puzzled.

While pressing the elevator, Otaki replied: "Mr. Kanzuki seems to have lost a lot of money in stocks, and a large part of it is borrowed high-interest loans. I must hate the stock manager. Go to the bone, it is said that he once threatened to take him to hell with him at the reception! I think it should be done deliberately to make the incident look like the hands of the securities manager."

"That's it, but it turned out to be bad luck. I didn't notice that I was being watched by the police because of another incident. In the end it was confirmed that I committed suicide..." Kogoro sighed.

"Speaking of which, does that stock manager live nearby?" Kogoro asked.

"Not nearby, but moved into this apartment building last year." Otaki nodded, "I remember the name is..."

"It's Pupu who lives on the second floor!" A female voice called his name unceremoniously.

Everyone fleeing their reputation, they saw a fat woman with gorgeous dress, and said angrily: "After that guy moved in, it caused everyone a lot of trouble!"

"Every time someone waited for the elevator, he would go up to talk up and recommend stocks. Of course, it would be a bit sweet at the beginning. If once a large amount of money is invested, there will be a sudden serious loss, and my husband is almost fooled and cost me. It took a lot of effort to persuade me!"

"Even the face looks like a god of death, with sunken eye sockets, the cheek of the lower hand, and the face is pale...Ah, say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!" The fat woman suddenly pointed to the elevator in surprise.

However, the person in the elevator was pointing a gun to his head with his left hand, and the moment he saw everyone...


The deadly gunshot sounded instantly.

Chapter 1669 The Elevator Secret Room Murder Everyone Sees (3) Chapter 1669

"Damn it! The elevator is up!" Otaki, who was standing in front of the elevator, kept pressing the button to get the elevator down, but the original mechanism of the elevator made him press it too much.

"It's better to find the stairs faster!" Dongma suggested.

"Where are the stairs?" Heiji asked immediately.

"That, I remember it seems to be..." Otaki obviously couldn't remember where the stairs were.

As for the fat woman living in this apartment building, at this time, because a person shot herself in front of her, she was almost instantly frightened by this level of panic, so Pingji didn’t even ask her, but ran by herself. Go looking for the stairs.

"No need to go..." Dongma suddenly stopped Pingci, who had just raised his leg, "The elevator has come down."

As his voice fell, he nodded his head for a while before hearing the people at this level again.

As the elevator door slowly opened, Bu Pu, the stock manager who was bleeding from his temple, fell on the elevator floor with his head to the left.

Immediately, Mihezi quickly led the team to the scene.

"The deceased was named Bupu Walrus, a stock manager." Looking at Bupu who fell to the ground in a strange posture, Dongma also listened to Ono's report.

The head of the corpse fell to the left with bleeding, but the legs were bent in the direction of the door as if kneeling, and something similar to a spray paint can was dropped at the feet of the corpse.

"By the way, who is this lady?" Ono looked at the fat woman who was shrinking behind with a panic face.

"She is the Ms. Mingbo who lives in the building we met by chance when we were waiting for the elevator. She would go to the beauty salon every week and today to get facials, and she was about to go out today." Kogoro explained.

"In other words, after opening the elevator door, you saw this scene, right..." Mei Hezi nodded.

Of course, the elevator once went up midway, and she already knew the scene where everyone witnessed the dead shooting suicide.

"In other words, although it looks like it was deliberately shown to you, logically speaking, it should be suicide." Miwako concluded.

"By the way, there is still such information in the elevator." Otaki said and pressed the elevator's door close button.

And on the iron door with barbed windows, four katakana sayonara (Farewell) seem to be written in red spray paint.

"The spray paint cans at the feet of the corpse should be used to spray these words before death." Otaki explained.

"Last words..." Ono nodded heavily.

"If you look at it this way, you should have committed suicide, right?" Miwako whispered to Dongma for advice.

However, Dongma shook his head and said, "No, this is an obvious homicide."

"But Dongma, where can I tell that he killed him?" He Ye asked suspiciously.

"It's very simple. We have no point in arguing here. Why don't we call up the surveillance video in the elevator to see everything?" Dongma pointed to the display on the floor on the left side of the elevator. The monitoring probe said.

"Ah! It was painted off by spray paint!" Ono said in surprise.

"I just asked where the monitoring room is. I said that not long ago, a hand suddenly painted off the screen with spray paint. It should be the spray paint sprayed by someone standing at the elevator door, and the purpose of this is obvious. , Just to prevent the surveillance probe from seeing the murder trick that happened in the elevator!" Dongma reasoned.

"But, it's also possible that he doesn't want people to see what he looked like when he committed suicide? Or maybe he just wanted to play a prank before he died." Kogoro doubted.

"Let's not talk about the suspicious point of why you should commit suicide in front of us if you don't want people to see suicide. However, it is clearly photographed in the surveillance that the spray paint painted off the probe was held by someone with his right hand!" Said with a sneer.

"Right hand, isn't this normal? Isn't most people right?" Otaki asked strangely.

"But look at the hand of the deceased with the gun, it is obvious that the deceased was a left-handed!" Dong Ma said, pointing to the corpse.

"That, Mr. Bupu is indeed a left-handed." Ms. Mingbo also affirmed at this time.

"Look at the "Farewell" written on the elevator door. This is obviously written by a right-handed person. I think someone who is about to commit suicide would not do it, right?" Dongma added. ...

Then Dongma motioned everyone to look carefully, "And when you look at his watch, it stays on your left wrist. Of course, there is nothing special about a left-handed watch on the left hand, but the key is that this person's watch is just broken, and Stop at the moment we saw him!"

"Isn't the battery dead, or broke when I fell down?" Kogoro guessed.

"His watch is a self-winding watch, that is, as long as it is worn on the hand and walks, the watch will automatically wind up." Dongma explained with a smile.

"So there can only be one conclusion, that is, after Mr. Bu Pu died, somebody put on the watch in order to pretend to be suicide. Of course, the purpose of this is not known. The only certainty is that the prisoner should be there. The floors above the third floor are right!" Dongma said his conclusion coldly.

"That’s right, because according to Minister Shangjo’s instructions, the monitoring room that was contacted just now, no one had come down the stairs before everyone from the Metropolitan Police Department arrived. Naturally, no one was able to use it, which was under our control. It’s a lift, so if it’s a murder, the murderer should still be upstairs. 5.0." Otaki nodded.

"Then shall we look for one room by room?" Miwako asked.

Immediately, with Dongma's consent, Meihezi led a team to inspect each house upstairs.

"Are there only three suspicious rooms?" Dongma asked after learning the result.

"Yes, because of the suicide incident last month, many residents have moved." Ono explained.

"In other words, there are only those three families who live alone and cannot provide an alibi." Meihezi nodded.

"Then, let's go and look at the three people. The murderer probably didn't expect that, he was like being blessed by death and bad luck. He was suspected so soon!" Dongma sneered.

The first day of the 670th chapter everyone saw the elevator secret room murder (4) third

First, everyone found the first single-occupant room.