Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1227

Immediately, everyone came to the room for taking pictures, divided into two rows to take pictures.

Yukawa and Asano are standing in the middle and right positions of the rear camera respectively, and the left and left middle positions that are vacated are the positions that control Kishi and Shou and the camera.

There are three chairs in the front row, with Shina and Rongli 793 sitting on the left and right.

"Sister, no matter how you tidy up, you won't get younger." Kishiji urged half-jokingly as she looked at Hoyo who was tidying her hair in front of a mirror on the back wall.

"I want you to take care of your business!" Shou Yu groaned.

"It's okay, dear, you are already beautiful." Yu Chuan said immediately.

"Then, please wait a while and press the shutter." Kishi said to Xiaolan and returned to the queue.

However, in the next instant, Xiaolan and Heye seemed to see a horrible thing that seemed like a ghost appeared between Shou and Yuchuan.


"What's wrong this time?" Heiji asked suspiciously.

"I saw it just now, right between Madam Shouyu and Mr. Yuchuan!" He Ye replied in panic.

And Dong Ma has been staring there, except for the mirror that just guarded and adjusted his hair. There was nothing else there.

When she said that she ignored everyone, Xiao Lan took He Ye and rushed to the kitchen, and asked the chef for garlic dishes.

"However, because the master has recently become disliked to see garlic, we don't know if there is any more." The chef said embarrassedly.

Chapter 1676 the secret room of the vampire mansion serial murder (four) third more

"Then I will look for it myself!" As she said, Xiao Lan began to rummaged through boxes and cabinets, only to discover a strange thing.

"Ahhhhhhh? Why can't the freezer door of this refrigerator be opened?" With Xiaolan's weird power, she said that she couldn't open it.

"Ah, that's the freezer that the master bought by himself before. I remember it was locked. I heard that it contained high-quality ingredients for today's distinguished guests, but it didn't look like it was used in the end." The chef said.

"By the way, wouldn't it be you?" He Ye suddenly asked an inexplicable question.

"What?" The chef was puzzled.

"I heard from Ms. Shimizu that Master Momi had behaved weird recently, and later he testified that Master Momi who had been sleeping in the room during the time Ms. Shimizu was murdered?" He Ye explained.

"This must be true, because the master said that he wanted to taste the soup when he got up that morning, he told me to take the soup and wake him up." The chef nodded affirmatively.

"But you haven't been monitoring the coffin where Master Miaomi is sleeping, right?" He Ye asked in confusion.

"Because the master said that someone had recently opened his coffin board to take a peek at how he was sleeping, so he asked me to put something hard to find on the coffin board. Then I put three sesame seeds, and when he woke him up I found that the position has not been moved, it must be evidence that the coffin has not been opened." The chef said triumphantly, seemingly satisfied with his little trick.

But at this moment, a loud noise came from a distance.

"What's the matter?!" Everyone gathered together in a panic.

"It seems that the tunnel was destroyed by an unexplained explosion, and it couldn't be repaired in a short time." Ma Xin seemed to find out the situation.

"Isn't it? That's the only way to the outside!" Ruli exclaimed in horror.

"In this way, there will be no more effort to find Big Brother!" Shina said with some dissatisfaction.

"So, did Mr. Moya really not find it?" Dongma asked lightly.

"Yes, we have searched separately, but no one was found." The maid Hibara shook her head.

"Speaking of which, did you see my dear?" Yu Chuan arrived later again, and asked suspiciously.

"Well, if you say so, Brother Kishi is also here..." Shina looked around subconsciously after hearing this.

"As for Kishi, he said he was going to wash out the photos he had just taken, so he should still be playing in his own room." Said Ma Xin.

"But it's true. In this era, there are still people using darkrooms to develop photos..." Ruli mocked.

"That's really sorry, but my Bao Bei camera will not be outdated!" It was Kishiji who spoke.

However, his face is very ugly, but thanks to the photos, I finally know what happened to my brother!"

"En? Have you found the big brother?!" Ma Xin asked in surprise.

"Yes, I took it very clearly! Just like the two ladies said, he was in the room when the photo was taken!" Kishi pointed to the center of the photo, which was reflected in the mirror behind, Mina A scary face.

"How is it possible?!" Liuli panicked.

"I said, shouldn't it be you who moved your hands and feet on the photo?!" Yu Chuan seemed to think of something immediately, struggling with fear.

"Are you stupid? Film photos, how can you do tricks in such a short time!" Kishiji shouted.

"Then, did your brother become a vampire like in the rumors?!" Ma Xin yelled in panic.

"Don't mess with yourself! It's just a fictional creature that appears in novels and movies. It must have disappeared from the coffin and that photo. It must be what the big brother did in this mansion!" Shina said solemnly.

It's just that the hands that are still trembling while holding each other seem to betray her heart.

"Then you continue to look for people, I will take this photo to Xiaolan and they will confirm if they saw such a scene at that time." Dongma said lightly.

He immediately followed Hinoki to the kitchen, only to find that there was no one inside.

"Well? How about people?" Dongma asked subconsciously.

"I think I went to the cafeteria to eat. This incident is the time for the chef and the servants to eat." Hibara said embarrassedly, "Actually I am a little hungry..."

"Then let me feed you!" Dong Ma was also missing a dinner, and immediately pressed her on the kitchen counter under her horrified but incredulous eyes. As if a strange new chef was preparing the ingredients, he rudely made the young girl awkward-embarrassed.

"Speaking of which, you are the child brought by your fiancée after the miracle? Why did your mother pass away?" Dongma asked suddenly when Yuyu Hibara woke up.

"I heard it was an accident, but because I was ill and was hospitalized in the master's hospital at the time, the details are not very clear." Hibara shook his head and carefully arranged clothes for the two of them.

"Well? The Tokura's family also opened a hospital?" Dongma asked.

"Yes, Tokura General Hospital." Hibara nodded honestly.

So ignoring that the flour for dumpling skins was spilled on the floor, and dragging the onion bag across the flour floor, and then went to the warehouse to make garlic dumplings, Xiaolan and Ye, Dongma received a call from Kogoro.

"What? The blood type in the coffin is AB?" Dongma asked slightly surprised.

"Yes, I asked the guy in the mountain village to find out the result of an urgent investigation. There should be no problem." Kogoro nodded.

However, the problem is that according to the housekeeper Koga, most of the people in Mr. Miya and Tokura’s family have type A blood.

"Then who owns the AB blood?!" Heiji asked anxiously.

"The only people with type AB blood in this house are Ms. Shimizu who died six months ago." Koga replied.