Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1228

"But how can people who died half a year ago appear in the coffin?" Conan asked strangely.

"Well, shouldn't it be the elder brother who secretly hid the maid's blood and sucked it in the coffin?!" Ruli said in horror.

Chapter 1677 The Vampire Mansion's Secret Chamber Serial Murder (5) Fourth

So Dongma asked Kogoro and Yamamura to conduct more detailed DNA identification.

"Then the tunnel-road? When can it be repaired?" Dongma asked next.

"It's probably not until tomorrow morning... Damn, you have to protect Xiaolan for me before then!" Xiaogoro shouted angrily.

"Don't worry, Uncle Maori, who am I? I'm a goddess! Let alone an ordinary prisoner, even a real vampire I can teach him how to be a man in minutes!" Dong Ma smiled confidently.

"Did you still not find Mr. Moya?" Heiji asked suspiciously.

"I have looked everywhere..." Kishi shook his head, and then suddenly asked, "Where is the second brother Asin?"

"I made several calls, but it seems that the mobile phone is not around and no one answers at all." Ruli replied instead of being absent.

However, as soon as her voice fell, everyone's expressions changed instantly.


The mobile phone shook and moved suddenly, and Yukawa, Ruri, Kishi, and Mina picked up their mobile phones one after another.

"It's a text message from Big Brother!" Kishi was surprised.

"I want to convey my decision to everyone, please go to the restaurant to gather." Ruli read the text message.

"So, this is a group message?!" Yu Chuan was surprised 570.

However, everyone came to the restaurant to sit down, Hibara also served a refreshment, but still did not see Mr. Miya.

"Thunder is also starting outside, and it looks like it will be a heavy rain." Kishiji said nervously.

"Aren't you worried?" Shin Naji asked quietly, "Shou and sister have not appeared yet."

"Well, after all, her constantly changing personality must be hiding somewhere." Yu Chuan said without hesitation.

"Then you have to seize this cash cow..." Shina said lightly.

"Don't panic, if she gets dumped, I can still get back together with your ex-girlfriend." Yu Chuan smiled lightly.

"And second brother Ma Xin, how long does it take to smoke a cigarette?" Kishiji said boredly.

"Couldn't Mi have received group text messages because of the new number?" As she said, Ruli was about to call Ma Xin directly.

However, at this moment, a flash of lightning struck the night sky, and the dark outside was suddenly illuminated.

"Huh!" Hibara screamed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ruli asked impatiently and frightened.

"There seems to be something strange outside the window just now!" Hihara said palely.

"Strange thing?" Yu Chuan walked to the window in doubt, and then opened the curtain covering the entire balcony window.

"Ah!" With an exclamation, everyone immediately looked over, only to find that Bo Mi seemed to have fallen on the balcony upstairs, watching them with a terrifying expression.

"Big brother... won't you really become a vampire?!" Kishiji stood up in horror.

"Why, how could it must be hanging there with a rope or something." Yuchuan hurriedly opened the window door, but Momi disappeared in an instant.

"What? Going up disappeared?!" Yu Chuan exclaimed in horror.

At the same time, a slightly larger bat, accompanied by a strange cry, flew towards the obscure moon.

"Hey, what is that?!" Heiji roared as if he couldn't believe it.

"Could it be a bigger bird..." Conan was full of unconfident panic. He didn't notice that the blood from the eaves above had dripped onto his face. He probably thought it was rain floating in from outside. Right.

"Steward! What room is up here?!" Dong Ma immediately turned his head and asked.

"The upper attic was set up as a smoking room..." Koga said coldly.

"Smoking room? Isn't that the place where Ma Xin smokes?!" Ruli screamed in horror.

Immediately everyone ran up, opened the stairs and baffles of the attic, and saw Ma Xin lying on the small windows of the attic, as well as blood stains flowing down the roof of the tile structure.

"No way, the carotid artery was severed and he lost too much blood and died." Dong Ma made a judgment after taking a look.

Then he saw that the knife in the hands of the deceased was not used for resistance, or that the prisoner wanted to make people think that Ma Xin had committed suicide. Judging from the blood on the knife, the latter is more likely to be the latter.

"Husband!" With Liuli's sad cry, everyone retreated from the attic and locked the baffle door of the crime scene.

"If you look at it this way, if you don't find my dear soon, it might turn out to be like this..." Yu Chuan said with an ugly expression.

"Maybe, Shou Yu's sister has been sucked up by the blood of Bo Mi, who has become a vampire! Just like the legend, she was pierced on a wooden stake by her whole person..." Shina said heavily.

"Speaking of which, what is going on in that legend?" Heiji asked curiously.

So that ancient and terrifying legend slowly appeared in front of everyone.

"It is a legend in the Edo period. The name of the generation here was prepared to pass on to his younger brother because of his heirs. Suddenly one day he brought back a beautiful woman, and he soon gave birth to the first priority heir male. Ding. But it didn't take long before the lady in the side room was found dead by a stake in the forest."

"The daimyo was very skeptical about this, so he used some torture instruments sent by Nanban to interrogate the courtiers around him, but he finally knew the truth."

"It turns out that the big-name younger brother who was taken away from the inheritance right was unwilling to withdraw, so he made such a vicious plan."

"So the daimyo was furious, and all his brother and all his retainers were pierced to death with wooden stakes nailed to the ground."

"And the legend of the vampire also came from this, because the prototype of Count Dracula in history was the Duke of Impaling Romania."

Everyone, you and I describe this terrible legend.

"Since it's all here, why don't you follow me to see the Nanban room?" The butler Koga suddenly proposed.

"Nanban room?" Dongma was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and readily agreed.

So everyone came to that gloomy room...

Chapter 1678 The Vampire Mansion's Secret Chamber Serial Murder (6) Fifth

After entering the Nanban room, everyone saw a variety of torture tools from that era, even simple small guillotines.

"Ah! It must be this room! In the morning, the master told me to come to Nanban's room to find him, but I said that I couldn't find a place. It turned out to be here!" Hibara suddenly shouted.

"Then why don't you ask others?" Dongma asked.