Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1233

"Then I will open the door now..." Misheng said gently.

As a result, Kogoro, who was upset because of being treated differently, immediately walked in with Akaza swaggeringly.

Upon seeing this, Mibu immediately walked out of the service window, "This guest, you bother us so much!"

Immediately, two other kimono men who also wore masks came over, apparently planning to use force if they couldn't.

"You don't need to care about me, I'm also looking for the curator in an emergency." Saying that, Kogoro took out the letter of entrustment with the three people's puzzled eyes, and read the content on it.

However, it was precisely the above content that shocked the three of them. Z instantly changed his face.

"Then who are you?" asked one of the men with almost bald head.

"Forgot to introduce myself..." Kogoro immediately sent his business card to everyone.

"It turns out to be Mr. Kogoro Mori! I've been admiring the name for a long time!" Akaza who also received the business card immediately said in surprise.

"Haha, I don't dare to be it, I don't dare to be a nickname!" Kogoro said with a big smile, although he looked very proud.

And Dongma silently observed the other three people, who seemed to be the three employees of the Noh Mask Museum, and it seemed that they all showed an unwelcome attitude towards Kogoro's arrival.

So Akaza enthusiastically invited them to visit Curator Izumi, and discussed the Noh mask with them along the way, but in fact, Touma was able to say a few words with him. As for Conan, who seems to like and proficient in this area more. Obviously, you can't interrupt.

But although Dongma was communicating with Akaza while walking, most of his attention was actually on the three people who were thrown behind them.

"How did the information leak out?" the bald man asked in a low voice.

"And it happens to be that detective Kogoro Mori, so maybe the young man who came with him is..." Mibu said with a look of horror.

"It should be right. I heard that those two people often appear together." Another middle-aged man who was younger said with an ugly face.

"Sleeping Kogoro and Shenjing beg the devil, I think our plan should stop." Misheng's voice was a little trembling.

However, the bald man next to her was shaking more.

"Already, it's too late!" the bald man murmured.

"What's too late? At this time, Izumi should be paying homage to Shikiya God. Wouldn't you also set up the mechanism there?" Mibu said with a gloomy face.

"This is terrible..." the middle-aged man also said with a weird expression.

It's really interesting... Dongma's mouth raised a strange smile.

He doesn't care about the dead, it is the Japanese anyway, he only cares about solving the case itself.

So he didn't say anything. Instead, he followed the trio of Akaza and Maori to the trail behind the mountain.

"What is Shikiya God?" Xiao Lan asked curiously.

There are as many gods in Japan as the heavens, and the heavens are even more exaggerated in terms of numbers. Therefore, as an ordinary Japanese high school student, Xiaolan, 097 naturally cannot know the origin of every god.

"The old house had the habit of offering sacrifices to ancestors in the northwest, but it gradually evolved into the so-called Shikiya God." Akaza clearly explained that.

"In other words, Mr. Izumi believes in God." Kogoro laughed strangely.

"After all, there are many people who hate him. If you don't worship God, you will probably feel uneasy." Akaza said in a strange tone.

"That's Curator Izumi, right?" Dongma asked faintly, looking at the old man being pushed by his wheelchair.

"Yes!" said Akaza and ran up, "Curator Izumi, long time no see!"

Although Izumi Jisaburo seems to be sixty-five years old, even in a wheelchair, he is full of energy.

"I came here on time, Akaza-kun... but who is this?" So he said hello, and Izumi looked at Dongma and the others.

"My fellow Maori Kogoro..." Kogoro took out the exaggerated bronzing business card again, and then briefly talked about the matter.

"Intimidation letter? It's not the first time I have received it, just ignore it!" Izumi said coldly, and the group walked towards the shrine.

Chapter 1685 The Complicated Murder in Noh Mask Museum (2) Chapter 1685

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "Lelouch V. Britannia".

As soon as he walked into the shrine and wanted to say something to make Izumi realize that he was in danger, Kogoro's words were interrupted by Touma's loud shout.

"Dodge! Everyone hides to the corner over there!" Dong Ma shouted, and pushed Xiao Lan to run over there.

At this time, Kogoro and the others also saw that a door that seemed to be a warehouse was somehow opened just above the ladder, and a large amount of logs rolled down the steps in an instant.

Kogoro was shocked, and then together with the young maid who seemed to have thrown Izumi and the wheelchair down because of panic, he hugged Izumi to a safe corner.

"Saved!" Akasaka, who was running the slowest because of obesity, immediately cried out with lingering fears when he looked at the wheelchair that was made into parts by the rolling wood.

Immediately, everyone came to the living room of the Noh Mask Museum.

Mibu served the freshly prepared tea, but was pushed aside by Izumi.

"If it weren't for Mr. Kamijou's reminder, I would have been crushed into meatloaf! You won't bring me the replacement wheelchair!" Izumi 903 exclaimed in panic and anger.

"Yes, sir, I'll get it now!" said the young and beautiful maid Toba Hatsue immediately.

"I didn't say you..." Izumi said calmly to Toba who had saved his life next to him.

"The three of you, don't you go hurry up?!" Then Izumi roared again, and the three of them hurried out of fright.

"Really, you can't take it lightly one by one." Izumi sighed with loss and fatigue.

"This world is a world where no matter what happens, it's better to be careful..." Dong Ma said pointedly.

"Be careful? Mr. Kamijou, what do you mean?" After learning Dongma's identity and experiencing the escape just now, Izumi immediately paid attention to Dongma's words.

"For example, the head ropes and pieces of armor..." Dongma said, pointing to the items in the display cabinet next to him.

"The head rope is used for buckle decoration, and the piece of armor is part of the armor. Is there any problem with this?" Izumi asked in confusion.

"These things must be very strong." Dongma reminded again.

However, before everyone could understand, a wasp suddenly appeared in the room.

"Ah!!!" Izumi screamed when he saw the wasp.

"What's the matter, isn't it just a wasp?" Kogoro said disdainfully.

"Because Curator Izumi has been stung by a hornet before!" Akaza immediately explained, and at the same time carefully watched the hornet flying around the room.

But in the next moment, Dongma just waved his hand, and the two wasps slowly fell from the sky as if they had a heart attack.

Yes, the other one did not know when it came out.