Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective / Conan Super Detective Chapter 1312

"By the way, the old gentleman standing behind Ms. Hamaka is actually the manager of this hotel, called Toshima Ensaku. If you guessed it correctly, because it is a hotel under the Oiso Group, Toshima should It's the escort who brought Yongmei and Hamaka who came here to rest here to visit the swimming pool." Dongma added.

"The technique is very good, at least better than the guy who painted me at the beginning...right?" Nagami asked, looking at Toshima with a sneer.

"That, because I'm not familiar with this kind of thing." Toshima explained awkwardly.

"Humph! But it is only natural for you to paint well, so I must have painted for this little sister, right?" Yongmei snorted coldly.

"What do you mean by this?" Wen Yan Zuo Juan immediately stopped and asked.

"Do you think I'm blind and deaf? You two obviously got involved, don't you think I don't know?" Yongmei immediately shouted more angrily when she heard Zuo Juan pretending to be a fool.

"Don't think that the little actions you make behind your back can keep me away! With some tricks = you want to take half of your father's inheritance, don't think too beautiful!" Yongmei was still furious.

"Miss, are you thinking too much?" Toshima cautiously persuaded.

"Don't pretend to be a good person either. When the two of them have a tryst, they are both in your hotel? Don't tell me you don't know!" Yongmei stared at Toshima and said coldly.

"This..." Toshima was at a loss

"But scroll left, you better don't forget, you are my fiance. If you want to go back, I won't let you go so easily! Of course my father won't!" Yongmei said with a sneer.

"Um, my sister..." Looking at Nagami who put on the Bi-Kee-Ni jacket again, Hamika hesitated as if she wanted to say something.

"I don't want to hear your explanation! I will tell Dad!" Yongmei interrupted.

"No, I meant to say, what about the necklace on your neck, my sister?" Hamika whispered.

"Nani?! Why... Ah, I must have fallen into the pool while swimming just now!" Yong Mei roared.

"Mr. Toshima, drive everyone out for me, and then block the swimming pool. You must find me the necklace! That's something a valuable master craftsman made by himself. In order to prevent someone from sneaking away, all guests must Check my belongings carefully. If you come to the pool, you shouldn't bring too many things!" Yong Mei exclaimed furiously.

"And Lai Dou, you go find snorkeling equipment, we have to find it out quickly!" Yongmei went on to command...

Immediately, the guests in the swimming pool were driven out, and the Dongma four also left the swimming pool somewhat disappointed.

The four members of the Oiso Group inside, one after another with breathing masks for snorkeling, searched in the swimming pool, but after searching for a long time, it seemed that the necklace was still not good enough.

"No, Lai Dou, get the oxygen cylinder for diving, I'm going to dive under the pool to find it!" Yong Mei cried out impatiently.

"That, I guessed it might be used, so I brought it along with the snorkeling equipment in advance." Zuo Juan said.

"And you, you are too obstructive here, go outside and wait!" Nagami then said to Hamaka.

"But wouldn't it be better to find more people?" Toshima said hesitantly.

"Really, it's so annoying! You all give me out! I'm looking for it here alone!" Yongmei seemed to be very angry and shouted.

On the other side, stealing outside the pool because of curiosity=The garden and the others who watched for a while also told Dongma what they had just seen.

Of course, it was on the corridor next to the hotel restaurant, because they just went to lunch.

"Well, although we have encountered troubles, the hotel's lunch is pretty good, just treat it as lunch!" Yuanzi said with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah, don't care too much about Shiliangjiang." Xiaolan also smiled and said to Shiliang who seemed a little apologetic.

"But the hotel staff who have been a little noisy since just now, I don't want people to pay attention to it." Dongma looked at the staff who were whispering, and then hurriedly running around, said.

Immediately everyone moved around with the staff curiously, and soon saw the neatly dressed trio of Oiso Group.

And learned from them, the source of the sao chaos in the hotel.

"What are you talking about? Miss Yongmei is missing? Didn't she look for the necklace in the pool?" Yuanzi asked in surprise.

Chapter 1795 the secret room sank into the water (three) fifth more

PS: Thank you "Emperor ~ Di Cangming" for your monthly pass support.

"It was supposed to be in the pool, but the person disappeared in a blink of an eye!" Toshima said with a panic expression.

"We have searched for the toilet, locker room and around the swimming pool, but we still haven't found the figure of my sister." Hamaka also shook her head.

"We also confirmed with the family, Yongmei did not go home." Zuo Juan, who is the fiance, also shook his head.

At this moment, a staff member suddenly pointed to the entrance of the swimming pool not far away and said, "That, that! Look at that!"

"That...isn't it a figure?!" Another staff member was also surprised.

Immediately everyone went over and looked in the direction they were pointing, and as expected, they saw the fuzzy black shadow in the swimming pool through the corridor.

Reminiscent of the missing Yongmei, I must suspect that there is a personal shadow there.26

So everyone ran to the pool, Zuojuan and Toshima jumped in to get Yongmei wearing diving equipment out. The hotel staff also called for ambulances and police.

"But it's weird. When we came to see ten minutes ago, there was obviously no one?" The staff member who finished the call murmured suspiciously.

What’s even more strange is that when Zuojuan and Toshima were holding Yongmei and the oxygen cylinder and preparing to go ashore, Toshima suddenly let out a cry. It seemed that they had stepped on something and subconsciously threw the oxygen cylinder into the water. .

"Glass?" Dongma looked there and found that it was all glass shards.

As Dongma looked at the strange fragments, Miwako and others quickly led the team to the scene.

"The victim, Oiso Nagami, died because of drowning. The presumed time of death is from 12 to 1 noon today." Ono quickly reported the data from the gunfield.

"But this swimming pool is just an ordinary swimming pool, the deepest place is only about 2.5 meters, why shouldn't you drown?" Miwako said strangely.

"Because she carried an oxygen cylinder on her back, and in order to prevent her body from lifting, she also wore weight-bearing equipment." Zuo Juan explained to the side.

Immediately scroll left and wait for you to explain to Miwako and others what happened before the whole incident. Of course, only the necklace was lost, and the agitated Yongmi decided to go underwater to find the necklace with diving equipment.

"Well, in other words, there may be an accident. My feet cramped during diving, and I took off my breathing mouth in a panic. As a result, I drowned in the swimming pool." Miwako nodded suddenly.

"That's impossible..." Dongma shook his head, "Because according to the description of the staff, they checked the body about ten minutes before two and fifteen minutes before the body was found. After passing here, the victim was not found, and according to the time of death, she was already dead at that time, but someone hid the body...In other words, it was only possible that he killed it."

"At that time, was it the kind of situation where the corpse could be easily brought here from the first corpse hiding spot?" Miwako asked suspiciously.

"Because everyone was searching separately at that time, but because we were searching everywhere in this area, I think it's difficult for anyone to avoid all of us and move the body into the pool." Toshima shook his head.

"Moreover, at the entrance of this swimming pool, there has always been a receptionist there to check the guests coming and going, so I think there should be no suspicious people coming in or out." Toshima added.

"But, how do you explain the glass shards in the pool?" Looking at Toshima who seemed to think it was an accident, Toshima asked with a sneer.

"That..." Toshima glanced at his injured right foot subconsciously, then fell silent.

"I see! Hope, let people drain the water in the swimming pool immediately, wait for anything to be said later!" Miwako ordered immediately.

After the huge pool was drained, everyone saw glass fragments.

"When you were looking for the necklace, you didn't find any glass shards, did you?" Ono asked after checking it.