Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1316

"Do you remember the looks of those three people?" Dong Ma asked Xiao Ai to call the police, and then asked.

"Look clearly! A burly uncle, an older brother with long hair like a woman, and an old grandfather with gray hair." The boy immediately replied.

"Hey, Dongma, shouldn't you meet so soon?" Conan asked in a panic.

"How is it possible, how do you think of a cadre of that level, and will not kill people yourself, I heard that he seems to be very energetic in the government department, wouldn't it be better to find someone to kill him?" Dongma shook his head and denied. .

And even though I said just now that they have almost the same appearance characteristics as the three people in this case, in fact Rum should be only one person, so although there are some coincidences, it should be just a coincidence.

"No, that's not right, there is another very important feature!" Xiao Ai said after the call.

"Although everyone has different descriptions of appearance, there is only one characteristic that everyone seems to have mentioned!" Xiao Ai thoughtfully said.

"What the hell is that?" Conan asked hurriedly.

"I just said so much just can't remember it!" Xiao Ai said uncomfortably.

"In short, whether that person is a so-called rum or not, let's go up and see the situation in that apartment first, maybe he's not dead yet." Dongma said with a smile.

But in fact, he had already determined in his heart that the person was dead, otherwise he would not have made such a boring call to the police.

"Speaking of which, what's the relationship between you and that aunt?" Itohui asked suspiciously on the way upstairs.

"Is it a relative?" Mikami Ling asked next.

"No, it's an aunt who doesn't know him at all." The boy suddenly said something very strange.

"Not at all? How could she suddenly entrust you with such an important thing?" Conan asked strangely.

And Sister Takeda directly asked the doubts, or doubts, in the hearts of the little ghosts.

"Couldn't that aunt just talk nonsense and deceive, right? Who would entrust such an important matter to a child who doesn't know?" Sarong asked suspiciously.

"It's a lie! It's a lie!" Hui Wei also echoed.

"Actually, I don't know her at all, but I don't know her name yet." The boy explained.

It turned out that because he had just moved here and had no friends, he often went to play in the park alone, and then the aunt seemed to meet him in the park often, so the two would play games or chat together from time to time when they came and went. A familiar stranger.

"Then you=mother should know this aunt?" Wen Nai asked strangely.

"I don't know, because I don't have parents..." the boy shook his head.

"Ah, sorry!" Wen Nai immediately apologized.

"It was a time when I was traveling with the family together. I met a robber and killed someone in an outing camp? Then he was killed by a bad guy." The boy said.

"The robber kills... Then who do you live with now?" Dongma asked while walking with a smile.

"I live in my mother's brother's house now, but my uncle is also very busy and has no time to play with me..." the boy said.

"That's because the aunt saw you alone, so she played with you, right?" Mitsuhiko reasoned confidently.

"En! Even if I said that I wanted to go to my aunt's house, but I always refused to let me go, but today she said she specially entertained me." The boy stopped outside a room on the second floor and said.

"What? He is a strange and good person!" Yuan Tai expressed his opinion with strange words.

"By the way, what does this auntie do?" Bu Mei asked.

"Auntie said she was a writer of TV drama scripts, and she told me a lot of stories she would write next!" The boy said with a little excitement, as if he had forgotten that aunt's prediction of death, and subconsciously pressed the doorbell. .

"No one answered the door..." Xiao Ai said with a serious face.

"But the door is not locked!" Dongma said, pulling down the door handle.

"Wait! Auntie said that if she doesn't come out, I absolutely can't go in, and must let the police investigate!" the boy said immediately.

"Kid, do you know what this is?" Dongma smiled and took out the police officer's card.

"Ah! It turns out that Big Brother is a policeman!" The boy suddenly said.

"Yes, and just like the aunt said, the next step is the scope of our work. The children just stay outside the door." Dongma said, he opened the door and saw that The corpse of a young female whose neck was hung from the ceiling in the hallway.

"Is this suicide?" Mitsuhiko asked immediately.

"No, she has no footsteps at all. Judging from this situation, she should have been killed by the prisoner and hanged up in the disguise of suicide. The prisoner should be the three suspicious men that this kid saw." Dong Ma shook his head and said.

"But Dongma, this scene is so strange!" Conan frowned and said.

"Yes, although it seems that it was because of a temporary intention to commit the crime, the key stepping chair may not be moved over because of panic to reveal the flaws, but in fact, there is no sign of the prisoner leaving in a panic in the whole room..." Dong Ma walked in and looked at the room and said.

"And this corpse is also missing something..." Conan then asked.

"Well, the Yoshikawa line created when the neck was strangled did not appear, which means she was strangled to death without resistance..." Touma looked at this young woman with makeup and glasses. Said his face.

"It may have caused the deceased to be dizzy first, and then strangled her, but why didn't he bring a chair in such a planned crime?" Conan asked strangely.

Dongma did not speak either, but found a white envelope on the floor just a few centimeters away from the toes of the corpse.

"The envelope of Dongdu Bank? And it's still brand new!" Dongma picked up the envelope and looked at the desk not far away.

Chapter 1801 Three First Discoverers Murder Case (3) Sixth

"It should have just gone to the bank to withdraw money!" Conan also saw the words Dongdu Bank on the envelope.

"Unfortunately, there is no cash in the wallet. There is only a withdrawal slip printed out by a bank ATM. According to the contents of the slip, it seems that 500,000 yen was withdrawn three hours ago. But neither the drawer nor the wallet looks like this money." Dong Ma turned through the drawer of the desk and shook his head.

"Is it the murder for money?" Conan asked.

"You don't need to rush to conclusions, but this kind of leaking crimes shouldn't be a case that organizational cadres would do." Xiao Ai said with certainty.

Soon, Miwako and others came to the apartment as the scene. Gunfield commanded the subordinates of the forensic class to put down the corpse. After all, preliminary on-site exploration began.

"Has the identity of the deceased been verified?" Dongma asked casually.

"The name of the deceased was Yasue Komai, who was a TV drama screenwriter. Although the witness boy provided valid testimony, in fact, it seems that we can only use her company, friends and relatives, etc. The people she had complained about found out and brought them to the Metropolitan Police Department, so that the children slowly identified them one by one. 873" Miwako said with some pain.

Although they are not as busy as the front-line Shiratori and others, because the cases that Dongma participates in are basically handed over to them, in fact, their workload is not small. Such cases that require a lot of time are always Every case that the frontline police do not like.

"Sister Miwako, if you talk about the three people who came to meet with the victim today, then I think I might know who they are, at least they all know their names." Ono said suddenly looking at the laptop on the desk.

"En?" Miwako was taken aback.

"Because there is today's schedule in the computer's schedule folder, and it says that starting this afternoon, I will meet with Sakaba Ronpei, Ka Nakakura Michi, and Goraku Denji." Ono said.

"Are you sure there are only these three people?" Miwako asked with confirmation.

"We found the same record in the notebook in the desk drawer and on the calendar, so there should be nothing wrong." Guntian also nodded.