Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1323

After chatting for a few more words, he said good night before leaving.

"Good night?" Dong Ma looked at his watch strangely, it was indeed almost twelve o'clock, he seemed to sit here boringly for a day.

But for the true ancestor, the passage of time like this is indeed just a daze.

So Dongma didn't mind Si and went back to the room. He went up to the third floor and saw Hualien who seemed to be trying to open the door with the concierge card in Room 316 next door.

Seeing her bending over and raising her hips back, Dongma couldn't help but go up and hug her, pulling down her defense...

"Tongma, Master, no, here!" Hualien shouted.

But Dongma was still immersed in work, and at the same time asked casually: "Isn't your door key today?"

"It is true. The picture on the left hand is yesterday, but the picture on the right hand is today?" Hualien had no choice but to acquiesce in Dongma's actions, and said strangely.

Realizing that the Hattori next door seemed to be coming out, Dong Ma Cao Cao ended the battle and let the female lead of the troupe leave first.

As soon as she left, Hattori walked out with a look of excitement, and then happened to see Dongma with a nonchalant face, and immediately said with excitement: "Tongma, this time the camera has done a good job. I already know the murderer's modus operandi. Up!"

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow, it's so late today..." After recollecting the taste of the heroine of the troupe just now, Dong Ma returned to the rooms of Ling and He Ye.

The two of them had just finished taking a shower, and Dongma immediately rushed up when he saw it, trying to disperse the fire that he had just been hoisted, but did not completely vent.

At the same time, when the mid-night bell rang, Otaki stood alone by an ancient well not far from the hotel building, looking down at the Christmas card in his hand.

"When the twelve o'clock bell rings, I will appear in the well—the red beard Santa Claus."

"Will it really appear here?" Otaki murmured.

As soon as the voice fell, his cell phone rang.

"Have you been waiting for a long time?" came a thick male voice.

"Red beard?" Otaki said a pirate nickname.

"It's Santa Claus...but forget it, turn your head and take a look at the room on the third floor!" The red beard Santa Claus didn't seem to care very much, and directly reminded him.

"There, the third act of the murder drama will be released soon!"

Hearing the sound of hanging up, Otaki turned his head subconsciously, and saw a figure wearing a red windbreaker standing by the window. The red color in the whole room made the figure look very strange.

"The room of Heiji and the chief inspector?!"

Otaki subconsciously summoned Bupa and the other police officers. Although he later realized that with Touma's combat effectiveness, it was impossible for the prisoner to succeed, but after thinking about it, he knocked on the door of Room 315.

"Your Excellency Chief Police Officer! Heiji!"

Just as he became a little anxious because he didn't respond, Xuecun suddenly ran over with the door key.

Otaki directly opened the door and turned on the light.

The red light came on again, but Otaki and others found that there was no one here.

"Otaki Police Department, what is going on?" asked unsatisfiedly.

"Impossible. I clearly saw a person wearing a red cape appearing in the room. Even if it is Heiji's prank, Heiji should be here!" Otaki opened the bathroom door unbelief, but very Heiji was discovered by accident.

His hands were tied to both sides of the wall, his head lowered weakly, looking lifeless.

"Heiji!" Otaki yelled in panic. The director's son had an accident here. Although he said it was a commonplace meal, he would really be over if he died.

"It's okay, just fainted..." Shi Shiran said when he heard the noise coming to the scene, Shi Shiran motioned to the person next to him to call an ambulance.

"Your Excellency, the Chief of Police, it seems that you and the victim live in the same room, right?" He asked, knowingly, as if he already had some judgment in his heart.

But Dongma ignored her at all, and asked Otaki, "Where is his key card?"

"Not found!" Otaki replied immediately, seeming to have come to some conclusion, "In other words, the murderer made a phone call in the room, then snatched Heiji's key card, and locked the door after escaping from the room?"

"Admire! You deserve to be a police officer of the Osaka Prefectural Police. I really doubt how you passed the police assessment!" sarcastically said with disdain.

"Don't forget the time you saw the murderer's figure!" reminded with a sneer.

"12:5...what's that?" Otaki asked suspiciously.

"Think about it, all the key cards in this hotel will be unavailable after twelve o'clock, that is to say, there must be a new card at the time of the attack, but the new card is still at the front desk! In other words, the murderer has been inside! "

"In other words, the only person who can commit the crime is Minister Kamijou who also lives in this room. After attacking Heiji-kun, he finished setting up the scene, then called Otaki, and then he left the room. It is automatically locked, so you can lock it after you leave!"

"But it's a pity that everyone can do it with such a technique, and you have to doubt me, the most motivated person, and I also doubt whether your police assessment is cheating..." Dongma faintly Sneered.

"Huh!" After seeing the situation, I had no choice but to skip this topic, but my attitude towards Dongma was no longer as respectful as before.

The time has come to the third day, which is the Christmas Eve that was originally scheduled for the answer chapter.

"Minister Kamijou, why did the murderer attack Heiji?" Otaki asked in confusion.

"Before the incident. Heiji told me that he found a way to kill Bandai. It was probably to make him shut up, so I did it." Dongma said lightly.

"But there was a chance, but he didn't kill him?" Otaki was still puzzled.

"Probably just let him not get in the way in a short time, maybe the real third act of murder will be staged today." Dongma sneered.

Chapter 1811 Foreign Mansion Hotel Murder Case (7) Fourth

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket support of "Only ① No ②".

"Um, Minister Kamijou, the prisoner turned himself in..." His face was not very good, he suddenly walked over, and said something unexpected.

"The murderer!" Otaki said in surprise.

"Where is the person who surrendered?" Dong Ma asked directly. He did not directly treat that person as a criminal, because this case is really strange.

"It's in room 316, but there may be no way to communicate with you." Bupa shook his head.

Room 316, that's Hualien's room!

After realizing this, Dong Ma guessed that the prisoner who could not communicate without breaking through was Wenyue Hualien.

And the reason why she can't communicate is that she is already dead.

Sure enough, when Dongma and others came to the scene, they saw the man lying on the table with a glass of red wine pouring beside

"According to the test, she was taking the same poison that she used to kill Ms. Bandai." Bupo explained to Dongma. "At the same time, our forensics staff found a mobile phone and a 470-voice-changer under the table."

"These are the tools she used to call Otaki when she was not in the red room, and she also explained the killing technique in her suicide note." She said that she handed the so-called suicide note to Dongma without breaking it.

To put it simply, before Bandai took the stage, she added poison to the pills she usually took, and at the same time, the time when the capsules melted and the time when she drank alcohol were matched, so that a pair of Bandai could be made because of drinking alcohol. The illusion of just dying.