Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1340

"What's wrong, Sanzhi Police Department, did you find Qiu Shan Jun?" Zhu Fu asked casually.

"What's the matter! After that guy changed his clothes, he drove the car to Wife and Daughter Mountain alone!" Sanzhi yelled anxiously.

"Wife and Daughter Mountain? Is that the Wife and Daughter Mountain where the robber is said to be hiding there?" Zhu Fu asked in surprise.

"That's right! So I will rush over now, and you guys will come here soon too!" Sanji hung up the phone.

Then everyone drove to the mountain hut on Wife and Daughter Mountain based on Sanzhi's information.

"It looks like no one is here." Zhu Fu said as he looked at the chaotic room.

"Then I'll go find it nearby," Sanzhi said helplessly.

"Ah! Help!"

However, as soon as he walked out, he heard a scream, which was the voice of Qiushan they were looking for.

"What's the matter?" Everyone immediately went to the sound of falling asleep, and saw that Qiu Shan had a rope tied to his neck, and the other end of the rope was connected to the base of the rear of his own car. The started car was dragging Qiushan to the cliff close at hand.

"Mobile phone! My mobile phone!" It seemed that he realized that he was not saved, so he said the last sentence before being dragged down the cliff.

Immediately, as if suffocated, he let out a tragic whimper-sow, and fell off the cliff with the car.

"Pong!" There was a loud blast of a car crashing down the cliff, making everyone look down the cliff.

However, what they saw was the fire after the car exploded, and the headless corpse hung on the tree reflected by the fire.

Judging from the clothes, it was Qishan who had just changed clothes.

"Qiushan!" Sanzhi yelled and shone the flashlight below, and soon found Qiushan's forehead was carved with a woodpecker symbol.

"Damn it! Who did it?!" Sanzhi yelled in panic, because at this time the only person left in the Takeda class was him. No matter how experienced the criminal police were, he would panic at this time. of.

"Isn't that Qiushan talking about mobile phones just now? Let's take a look at the mobile phone I just found in the forest." Dongma said with a smile.

"Such a big forest, it's a real loss you can find." Kuroda's face seemed to compliment suspiciously.

"Well, you'll know after a call." Dongma smiled indifferently.

"Indeed, his phone is correct." Zhu Fu nodded.

"I just checked the contents of the phone, and received a text message at 5:32 in the evening..." Dongma said.

"I remember, at that time he should have read this text message, and then said to change clothes." Yui said as if thinking of something.

"Then Mr. Kamijou, what about the text message?" Kuroda asked immediately.

'From someone’s personal belongings, I found the cell phone of the old man Takeda who was killed in the first place. Now I am using this cell phone to send you text messages. Because that person is also a policeman, so you make up a reason to go to Wife and Daughter Mountain. Here comes the mountain hut!We will talk about the details when we arrive.'—— Yamato Kansuke.

"This is the content of the text message." Dongma shook his phone and said.

"Hey! So that Yamato guy was the real murderer who brought Qiushan here and then killed him?!" Sanzhi yelled angrily.

"Is Yamato still unable to get in touch?" Kuroda asked Xiang Yui.

"Yes, I played a few times when I came, and no one picked it up." Yui shook his head.

"Let's issue a wanted order! The murderer must be the Yamato guy!" Sane suggested loudly to Kuroda.

"Don't get excited, Sanzhi Police Department, it is too early to say that Yamato Police Department is the murderer now." Dongma said with a smile.

"I would like to hear from you," Kuroda said with a weird expression looking at Dongma.

"First of all, I won't say how stupid I should be before I leave here without looking for this obvious mobile phone that can serve as a clue. The most fundamental problem is that it is not Yamato's mobile phone that sends text messages? We can now conclude That is, someone used the mobile phone of the first victim to send this text message from the Yamato Police Department to Qiu Shan to lead him here, but whether this person is Yamato himself or even the murderer is difficult to proceed. Judging, you told me to issue a wanted warrant now? Do you think it is so easy to issue a wanted warrant?" Dongma sneered.

"Let me interrupt, Minister Kamijou... What if Dahe just noticed that we were up the mountain, so he hurriedly stopped looking for the phone and ran away? And Akiyama is not a fool, he must have stayed in the phone. I have the evidence, look here..." Kuroda manipulated the phone.

"Look, he put Yamato's phone on the blacklist, so Akiyama must have also noticed that he was targeted by Yamato, so in order to prevent the SMS from being deleted, he deliberately made such a trick." Kuroda sneered. Said.

Chapter 1835 Nagano County Police's consecutive tragic deaths (eight) fourth

"Then have you never thought about the possibility of the prisoner deliberately doing this to confuse our sight?" Dongma asked casually.

"I thought about it before, but the person from the forensics class just called me and said that Yamato's fingerprints were detected on the rope that hanged Luye!" Kuroda said coldly.

"Fingerprints? At that time, Yui did remind him to wear gloves, but you also saw that when he put down the body, he did not wear gloves, so fingerprints would naturally be left." Dongma reminded with a smile.

"Not only is the upper part of the rope hanging from the ceiling stained with his fingerprints, but the snare part of the rope also has his fingerprints!" Kuroda said coldly.

"This is the decisive evidence! Because in the process of laying down the body, I clearly saw that he did not touch the rope of the trap part, combined with Sanzhi they investigated this morning on the bridge similar to Yamato From the witness testimony of the character, I can conclude that the murderer is Yamato!" Kuroda said coldly.

"Adding to Yamato's dissatisfaction with Takeda in the two incidents nine years ago and six months ago, I think there should be no problem with issuing an arrest warrant 447." Kuroda said confidently.

"But..." Yui wanted to say something, but Zhu Fu interrupted him, "Don't mix up personal feelings, take him back as a prisoner and talk about it!"

"Yes, anyway, go back to the search meeting first. As for the corpse, wait until tomorrow for recovery. After all, the ground is very muddy when it rains today. It is really not suitable for recovery." Kuroda said lightly.

"Okay..." Sanzhi said in a low mood.

"There is Sanji, you take my car back. After all, there is a spare tire behind Zhufu's car, which is a bit too crowded..." Kuroda said and left the scene.

"Alright, let's go back first, anyway, when someone is caught, the truth will become clear." Dongma suddenly noticed something and said with a smile.

Immediately everyone drove back to the Nagano Prefectural Police Station. After Touma asked Yui about the incident half a year ago, Sanke ran over suddenly.

"Damn! I just received the witness testimony to find Yamato, but obviously there is no car available because of the wanted order. Let me borrow your car, Zhufu!" Sanzhi said to Zhufu.

"But the way you drive makes it hard for me to lend you the car..." Zhu Fu said reluctantly.

"Okay, I will drive it!" Sanzhi said flatly.

"Yes, Zhufu, this is an order to lend him the car!" Kuroda also appeared at this time and said.

So, Sanzhi drove away.

"Then I will leave it to you, Kuroda, Zhufu, and Yui. I hope I haven't heard any regrettable news when I return to the Metropolitan Police Department." Dongma said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Master Dongma, promise to complete the task!" Yui seemed to have been told something, and said with a serious face.

"But is Minister Kamijou in such a hurry to go back?" Kuroda asked slightly puzzled.

"Well, because the nearby hotels are already full, we simply booked today's express train back to Tokyo. After all, I don't want to live in the Nagano Prefecture Police Station. If someone knows about it, there will be some minor problems. "Dongma said with a smile.

"Then we won't send it. There should be results before you return to the Metropolitan Police Department." Kuroda nodded and said.

Immediately, the trio of Touma and Maori got on the train back to Tokyo.

"Dongma, do we ignore this incident?" Xiaolan asked suspiciously.