Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1343

"Didn't I tell you to buy a toothbrush with a very fine brush?" Shono frowned and said, looking at the plastic bag in the convenience store.

"But that shop only sells such toothbrushes, otherwise I will buy it again now." Yingzi said.

"Forget it, it's going to be filmed at six o'clock, anyway, you can come and wake me up at five o'clock! Don't forget it this time, do you know?" Zhuang Ye said harshly.

"Yes, I understand!" Yingzi nodded immediately.

"Also, let me talk ahead. If someone other than you knocked on the door, I would never open the door, understand?" Zhuang Ye said again before entering.


Speaking of Yingzi, she left room 604 with the door closed.Take the stairs to Room 504 downstairs.

"En? A note with a heart-shaped symbol?" Yingzi pressed the doorbell and looked at the note on the door strangely. Because she was caring a little, she looked closer.

Naturally, in this state, she did not realize that the door was opened at all, and the suddenly opened door directly hit her face.

"Woo! It hurts!"

"Sorry! I'm very sorry! I didn't expect it!" Kitami who seemed to be wearing pajamas hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay, but there seems to be a note on the door of your room?" Yingzi said, covering her face with one hand and pointing at the door.

"Ah? Oh, maybe it was posted by a fan." Kitami was taken aback for a moment, and then tore off the piece of paper indifferently.

"Then what you said you want to tell me before is...?" Yingzi asked.

"Ah, it doesn't make sense to say it or not." Kitami shook his head, then said apologetically, and shut Yingzi outside the door.

At this time, after eating the cake buffet that can actually be regarded as afternoon tea, everyone walked out of the cake buffet restaurant.

"Ah! I'm full, I'm full!" Yuanta said while patting her stomach, and then said as soon as the conversation turned, "Then let's think about what to eat for dinner!"

"Yuan Taijun, you have eaten too much!" Mikami murmured silently.

However, when they first walked through the front desk in the lobby, they saw Yingzi arguing anxiously with the front desk staff.

"Please open the door quickly!" Yingzi said excitedly.

"However, this lady, such an approach is obviously not in compliance with the regulations." Although it was very tactful, the attitude of the person in charge of the front desk was obviously firm.

"What's the matter? Yingzi." Dongma walked over and asked suspiciously.

"I just rang the doorbell of Miss Zhuangye's room several times, but no one answered at all!" Yingzi said anxiously.

"In that case, wouldn't it be bad?" Before Dongma could speak, Kitami, who appeared next to him, interrupted abruptly.

"Miss Kitami?" Yingzi looked at the well-dressed Kitami in surprise.

"I didn't shoot people today, so it doesn't matter, but Ms. Shono's shooting seems to start in half an hour, right? Counting the makeup time, I should go to the shooting location now!" Kitami also seemed very anxious.

"So, you heard it too, go open the door now." As he said, Dong Ma gestured to the person in charge of the front desk. It seemed that he recognized Dong Ma's identity. The person in charge immediately took out the master key of the front desk and took it with him. Everyone came to Room 604 in Zhuangye and opened the door.

"Miss Zhuangye! Miss Zhuangye! Are you inside?!" After opening the door, Sakurako ran in and called out loudly.

Dongma and Kitami also entered the room one after another. Kitami seemed to subconsciously want to hang the hat on the coat rack at the door, but did not seem to grasp the distance so that the hat fell to the ground.

However, Dongma did not care about her, but pulled Yingzi back in front.

"What's the matter, Master Dongma?" Yingzi asked suspiciously.

"Did you not smell it? Such an obvious smell of blood!" Dongma asked slightly surprised.

"Ah, this is indeed the case..." Ying Zi froze for a moment, and then said dullly as if to react.

"It looks like you don't have to wake up Miss Zhuang Ye anymore, because she has been asleep forever." Dong Ma said while looking at the room on the left side of the living room, which is the carpet on the floor of the bedroom.

At this time, the Novice Shono was lying there with her head covered in blood. Judging from the degree of dryness and bleeding of the blood stains, she had been dead for at least a few hours.

"Master Dongma, should it be the room key?" After a brief panic, Yingzi suddenly pointed to the door card near the left hand of the corpse lying on the ground and asked.

"It should be..." Dongma nodded lightly, and then signaled the person in charge at the door to call the police and call an ambulance.

"But this is very strange. The room in this hotel is not automatically locked. How did the prisoner lock the door?!" Yingzi asked in surprise.

"Oh... in other words, this is another secret room murder?" Dong Ma smiled with interest.

At the same time, he noticed a small piece of white cream next to the room card, and immediately guessed the identity of the murderer.

'Very good, then let's have a fun, and see how long can your brain cells be active with your caution?'Dongma thought to himself.

Soon, Miwako and others rushed to the scene, and asked about the closest relationship with the deceased among the people present, and was also the first to spot Sakurako.

"Ms. Zhuang Ye asked me to call her at five o'clock on time, but I pressed the doorbell many times but there was no response, so I went to the front desk and asked them to help open the door. After Master Dongma asked them to open the door, Master Dongma found out. Miss Zhuangye's body is now." Yingzi explained briefly.

"Really, Sakurako, why have you become like this lately? We have a Dongma-sama who has died wherever he goes, so don't mess with it." Miwako said with a headache.

"I might not pretend that I didn't hear this, it's obviously Conan's pot!" Dongma said confidently, but apparently everyone ignored his sophistry.

Chapter 1840 the death of the blog actress in the secret room (four) third more

"Okay, what about the estimated time of death?" Miwako changed the subject.

"It was between four and half past four in the afternoon. Sister Qiangtian said that she was killed by beating her brain several times with a weapon such as a thin metal rod." Ono replied immediately.

"But this is troublesome. The room door is not automatically locked, but the room card is next to the bedroom corpse in the room. Although I know it is a secret room murder, I don't have a clue about how to use it." Miwako had a headache. Said.

"But it's still very strange. Miss Zhuang Ye clearly said that no one would respond to anyone knocking on the door except me! She also asked me to come and ask her to get up on time. Why did she open the door?" Yingzi looked confused. Said.

"But if it sounds, this request seems strange, right? Since you are sleeping, you wouldn't have promised others to open the door, right?" Ono asked strangely.

"It must be a stalker!" Kitami who was silent on the side suddenly said.

"Oh?" Dongma asked with some interest.

"She was once in this hotel and was attacked by a stalker who pretended to be a staff member, so if she didn't make an appointment in advance, she would never open the door even if someone she knew knocked on the door." Bei See explanation.

"Really 677, it's really not easy to be an actor." Miwako said with faint emotion, but only with emotion. After all, the beautiful female artists in Dongma Economic Company, either now or in the near future, will become Her companions and sisters, but at the same time they will become opponents of the Metropolitan Police Force.

"Speaking of which, Miss Kitami is also an actor?" Ono asked suddenly.

"Yes, she, like Miss Shuang Ye, is one of the heroines of the TV series filmed in the hotel this time." Sakurako explained.

"I also heard from the front desk that Miss Shuang Ye's situation was not so good, so I came over to take a look if I was worried." Kitami said sadly.

"Then let's go out and wait first. The next on-site exploration work will be handed over to you, Miwako." Dongma said lightly, and then took Sakurako, Kitakami and a group of little ghosts downstairs to the north. I went to the room I saw.

But while on the way, he was stopped by a group of TV crew members who seemed to have arrived after hearing the news. It seemed that the director’s fat man kept asking about Zhuang Ye's situation and repeatedly confirmed whether she was really dead. The expression on his face was almost Like a dead mother.