Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1361

"But in fact, we didn't find anything similar to blood on the water pipe, so it was just a guess." Yumi said.

"But why wave the water pipe?" Xiaolan asked suspiciously.

"I don't know about that, but according to Takagi's description of the coward, it seems that the prisoner is slamming the water pipe intently, as if a western cowboy is throwing a noose. Of course, it may be a ritual!" Yumi deliberately feared = Scared.

"Ritual?! Is it a metamorphosis 977 murderer?!" Xiao Lan asked in fear.

"I don't want to say that, but there seems to be no other possibility." Yumi shook his head.

"Then how did the victim die?" Dongma asked suddenly.

"I was pushed-fell to the ground, and then hit the back of his head on the steps and died. That's what the Gunfield Police Department said." Miao said.

"But since the traces of tape were found, it is also possible that the prisoner used tape to stick something to threaten the victim. The victim accidentally fell over in a panic, right?" Shiliang guessed.

"That's not possible, because the victim was still wearing high heels. Obviously, before entering the house, he encountered the criminal who had stolen his things and killed him on the way to the dispute. In that case, there would be no time. Let's make the so-called'kill weapon stuck on the water pipe'." Yumi shook his head.

"That said, the prisoner only got something on the water pipe after the murder... That is to say, in the prisoner's perception, sticking something to one end of the water pipe and waving it vigorously is better than fleeing as soon as possible. The scene is even more important!" Dongma said lightly.

"Indeed, it seems that this is the only possibility." Yumi nodded.

"Could it be to send a signal to a companion? For example, there is an accomplice nearby, and then agreed to such a signal, or something?" Yuanzi guessed insensibly.

"My garden eldest lady, instead of sticking something on the water pipe and constantly waving it so troublesome, wouldn't it be faster to call the accomplice directly?" Yumi shook his head.

"And even if it is inconvenient to carry a mobile phone but you want to send a signal, you can carry something that can make a specific sound before committing a crime!" Miao Zi also shook his head.

"That's right." Yuanzi nodded with a smile.

"Sure enough, the murderer had to use that water pipe to make a strange move before escaping. Of course, we still don't know the purpose of that." Dongma nodded.

"So when you chased into this store, did you check the belongings of the three guests?" Shiliang asked.

"Well, because they were also brought back to the police station as suspects. The people in charge of the inspection are Shiratori and Takagi." Yumi nodded.

"Have you found similar tape on the three of you?" Shiliang asked.

"Oh, I forgot to say that at that time the prisoner threw the tape and the water pipe at Takagi, so we didn't actually find the tape or anything from the three of them." Yumi shook his head.

"Then what were their belongings at the time?" Dong Ma asked after thinking about it.

"Yes, because I was also the policeman in charge of handling the case at the time, so even if I was in the traffic class, they gave me a copy of the information." Yumi took out his phone and turned to the page of the notepad.

"First of all, Ms. Shono Yuna (blonde woman), who is also the accompaniment of the club, was carrying a handbag, which contained a purse, cigarettes, lighter, mobile phone, chewing gum, handkerchiefs, tissues, and keys to her house."

"Next is Mr. Shui Ke Zongfu (glasses man), a freelancer with a wallet, mobile phone, mask, his own door key, and his own glasses case in his jacket pocket."

"Next is Mr. Shin Xixiu (a man in a fat suit) from the management of the company. He put a wallet, his own keys, mobile phone, company documents, and towels in his jacket pocket and briefcase."

"To put it simply, no one is carrying valuables or suspicious weapons." Yumi shook his head helplessly.

"Then this store has also been checked?" Shiliang asked.

"Of course I checked, but I didn't find anything." Miao Zi also shook his head.

"Does anyone wear gloves? If one of the three is a murderer, they should wear gloves?" Yuanzi asked suddenly.

"We found the glove, but unfortunately, it was found in a certain section of the sewer on this street." Miao Zi reluctantly shook his head again.

Because it is placed in that place, it is impossible to find something that can extract DNA on it after a period of pollution.

Even if it is found, there is no way to convict it.

"So, in the end, Shiratori felt that it was Takagi who had lost the prisoner, or that the prisoner ran away before we reached the intersection, so the three were released." Yumi said with some dissatisfaction. .

"Although the Shiratori Police Department actually made sense, but Yumi's sister felt unconvinced, so she came here every day to observe the three people." Michi Naoko concluded awkwardly from the side.

"Haha, it turned out to be like this!" Yuanzi laughed indifferently.

"But speaking of it, if one of the three is a murderer, then seeing the policewoman who was chasing him appearing at the door of the store every day, will she really come over to eat noodles as leisurely as she is now?" Asked strangely.

Chapter 1866 delicious to death ramen 2 (four) first more

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass support of "Dawn Road Syphil" and "koarts".

"Well, this is not necessarily true, because as long as the prisoner is a little smarter, since he did not catch him on the spot for the first time, he must continue to come here to eat noodles, otherwise, if he doesn't come suddenly , Then it will lead people to doubt." Dongma explained with a smile.

"Yes, that's right! The prisoner must think so!" Yumi immediately cried out happily when he heard Dongma's support.

"In that case, I think Ms. Shano, who is also a club accompaniment girl, is more suspicious, because she is a accompaniment girl like the victim. The circle is not very big, maybe they actually know each other, and There have also been some nasty things." Caidai said thinking.

"About this point, we have actually found out that the victims, Ms. Atsuta Tokuta and Ms. Shuang Ye, although they originally worked in the same shop, Ms. Shuang Ye changed stores last year, so the relationship between the two is actually very good. It's hard to be close." Yumi shook her head and said.

"But since they went to work together before, Miss Zhuang Ye must know the working hours of the victim. If she sees the time to break the door, no one is more advantageous than her, right?" Shiliang said.

"If you want to say that, then Mr. Shenxi is the same, because Mr. Shenxi is a frequent customer of Miss Duntian's shop, and he often names Miss Duntian. Obviously, he knows something about Miss Duntian very well." Say so.

"At the same time, Mr. Suike also knows Miss Duntian’s commuting time, because the convenience store where Suike works part-time is opposite to Miss Duntian’s store. Of course, I heard that the convenience store was a few days before the incident. It's already closed." Miaozi added.

"So, boss Ogura, think about it. After the incident, are there any notable changes to the three people?" Yumi asked this question again, but the subject of the question changed slightly this time.

"Let’s think about it..." Ogura leaned his chin in thought after hearing the words, "Miss Shano seems to be for beauty, so she has recently started to add vinegar to ramen. Brother Shuike used to eat ramen, but recently At first I only ordered dim sum like dumplings. Mr. Shinsai used to eat only one bowl of ramen, but recently he has started to order two bowls."

"It seems that it has nothing to do with the incident." Yumi frowned.

"Speaking of it, since it was a robbery, what did you lose?" Dongma asked suddenly.

"In fact, we don't know that too!" Yumi said with a look of confusion, "Although the safe has been pried open, the large amount of cash in it is still there. Although the drawer of jewelry is also turned over. It's a mess, but there are still plenty of gold and silver jewelry..."

"Speaking of jewelry, can it be said that the stolen earrings are very valuable? You think, if a certain earring is very valuable, it is entirely possible that the prisoner will deliberately steal this item in order to confuse the police's investigation. , And the prisoner may even conclude that Ms. Duntian was unable to disclose the missing piece of jewelry for some reason. Maybe it was something of unknown origin." Xiaocang speculated openly, "But, why are you? Suddenly thought of earrings?" Dong Ma asked strangely.

"Because that Miss Tonta sometimes came to our store to eat ramen. I forgot the specific time, but I clearly remember that once again Miss Tonta seemed to be drunk and then went to our store. She flaunted loudly at the door, saying that it was a gift from her regular customers, and it was worth at least a few million when combined. And because of this, she usually hides at home and is reluctant to wear it. That day seems to be her birthday. , This was specially worn as a gift to celebrate his birthday." Ogura recalled.

"Then were the three suspects in the store?" Dongma asked suddenly.

"Yes, and at that time I remember Miss Tonta ridiculing them. One is a companion girl who is not welcome at all, and the other is a poor employee who does nothing but order wine every time he comes to the store , What else is secretly through the window glass-watching her disgusting-heart-wrenching wage earners... In short, what she said was ugly, but because she looked drunk, I also advised those three people not to care too much "Okura recalled.

"It seems that this is the key point we are looking for..." Dongma nodded and said, obviously satisfied with the clue provided by Ogura.

But apparently Yumi was very dissatisfied with this, "Really, why didn't you tell us the police earlier?"

"Because... I just remembered it just now." Ogura explained embarrassingly, the reason is really perfect.

"Ah, having said this, I seem to remember another thing." Ogura seemed to be a little hairy by Yumi, so he immediately changed the subject.

"On the day of the incident, there was a customer in our store, but before the three of them entered the store, he happened to have finished the ramen and went back." Ogura said.

"There's another person? Who?" Yumi asked immediately.