Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1383


There was a weird silence, and then Alaya laughed stiffly.

"An Xin, how could the great Alaya not even think of this."

You guy, definitely hesitated!

I never expected it before!

Dongma spit out sharply in his heart.

However, this time it was still not heard by Alaya.

"So I gave you an inherent talent, you can use this talent to provide yourself with energy."

"What talent?"

"Know about the'Hi-ERo' particles..."

Dongma suddenly felt a bad (beautiful-wonderful?) feeling from his heart.

Before Dongma could answer, Alaya said suddenly.

"This kind of special particles can provide the energy needed by the mecha through the secretion of human hormones and hormones. However, considering the differences in various mechas, the special particles that need to be consumed are naturally different. "

To put it simply, as long as the beast desire is released... Dongma thinks eloquently.


Totally wrong!

How could it be possible? Doesn't this make me a beast or a beast?!

As a pure high school student(???), Dongma said...

Alaya did a great job!

"Then my true ancestor, go and complete the first task!"

Immediately after a wave of his small hand, Dong Ma felt a huge suction again, and his body still flew towards the center of the ceremony just completed without his control.

On the other side, Alaya secretly said in a cold sweat, "How can this guy block the pressure of his concubine?"And since just now, the concubine can't hear his heart!'

This is absolutely impossible for Alaya, who is a collection of primate will.


[So, Alaya is a fool!You have turned him into something like Gundam, how can you continue to use the identity of a collective of human consciousness to coerce that kid?

[He is no longer a primate!

[Puff Miao...]

Ignoring the two most adorable life forms, Dongma soon came to the center of the magic circle.

Although he was surprised at the beginning, Dongma quickly recovered his former Gujing Wubo.

Although the magic circle was almost filled with rich magic power that made ordinary people want to die, Dongma took off a silver cup that didn't know who put it there from the podium in the chapel.

"You two, who is my master?" Dong Ma asked with a light smile.

The stranger who appeared suddenly, oh, should be a strange hero, suddenly let the pair of men and women in front of the magic circle recovered from the surprise of the girl in the knight armor next to him.

"Kiji, how come? How can there be two heroes?!" The woman with long silver-white hair and a white winter dress that is extremely multiplied by the snow outside, almost asked her next to her in horror. Almost the opposite man.

The man with the face of East Asian also couldn't conceal the surprise in his heart. There was also a moment of chaos on the face that had suffered from vicissitudes of life, but it seemed that he recovered quickly...

"Our holy relic can never be wrong. It must be the scabbard of the knight king Arthur Pendragon! Judging from the special feelings that the two of them wear and the holy grail passed to me, that serious girl It should be our Knight King, but this man in modern casual clothes is absolutely impossible to be the Knight King's entourage, right?!" Kirishu frowned tightly, his already tight brow.

"Um, Kirishi, he seems to be my servant." The silver-haired woman suddenly raised her hand in surprise, looking at the bright red mark on the back of her hand, slightly surprised or excited.

"Alice Phil, can you see what kind of servant he is, and does he still have the ability attributes?" Keishi asked immediately.

"It's a rider! Ability...Is this really the servant in front of you?!" The woman called Alice Phil widened her red eyes in surprise.

"Is it very weak?" Keishi thought instantly with the worst possible possibility.

"No, the value is too strong!" Alice Phil exclaimed, and then shared the value with Kiriji.

God Cleansing Demon (Kamijo Touma)

Career: rider

Muscle strength: B

Durability: A+

Agile: B+

Magic: C

Lucky: C

Treasure: EX


"Ari, we won this war!" Keishi said excitedly.

Chapter 1896 the Holy Grail War Beyond Specifications

"But why do we have two heroes? The same summoning ceremony should only be able to summon one hero, right?" Alice Phil asked suspiciously.

"It's true, and the only holy relic we use is Avalon's scabbard. Looking at that rider's dress, it shouldn't be a character from that era..." Kirishu also nodded.

"Sorry to interrupt, if you want to ask why I was summoned, I think it is because of the revolver you put on the bench over there, and because you already have a servant, so I will be with you. A beautiful young lady made a contract." Dongma smiled and pointed to the strange-looking revolver behind Shikiji, and explained.

Of course, it was actually just a forced explanation, because his summons obviously did not go through a formal channel, but Alaya opened the back door to let him in...

(Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this...)

"Then can you tell me the identity of your previous life?" Facing the unknown servant, Kirishu immediately began to gather information.

"If you insist on your identity, I used to be a policeman in your home country for a period of time." Dongma replied ambiguously.

It is true that he was indeed a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department before, but obviously it is absolutely impossible to be summoned to the Holy Grail War with that kind of identity.

"Have you been perfunctory? But forget it, rider, remember that your master and I are husband and wife, and they are companions who share a common ideal, so in the next battle, you and Saber will participate in the battle together."