Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1386

To subdue the knight king, just grab the dull hair-by Dongma.

"In short, go to seize the Holy Grail! For our common ideal, go to seize the final victory!" Alice Phil said like a martyred.

"As you wish, Alice Phil, I will use the sword in my hand to do my best to my life, and use the glory of my life to protect you, and I have a long-cherished wish for you!" The Knight King solemnly swore.

Chapter 1899

Tosaka’s magic workshop was built underground. At first glance, it looked like a scientific research institute, but compared to the modern research institute full of various lights, it looked darker and...old.

That's right, at least Yanfeng Qili thinks so.

The inheritor of orthodox magic is almost the representative of the traditional magician who perfectly embodies the image of the nobility. Tosaka Tokimi disdains the use of modern technology.

Therefore, there is no monitoring probe, nor any digital products. Naturally, the most common fax machine in this era does not exist.

But in a corner of the laboratory, one that looks old, but still operates extremely flexibly, and is doing almost the same job as a fax machine.

It’s just that the power of this machine is from Kishua Zelrich Shibain’o, who has many titles such as the second magician, the ancestor of the fourth dead man, the jewel Weng, and the marshal of the magic road. Ancient gem magic.

Through complex magic principles, even this machine can imitate the other's handwriting, which can be said to be almost indistinguishable from a fax machine.

The only difference is that the former can only be used by the Tosaka family, while the latter can be operated by ordinary people.

However, Shichen did not pay attention to the question of his somewhat weird disciple, Yanfeng Qili, but browsed the content on the parchment.

"It's really unreliable. No matter how you look at it, it's unreliable." A short black hair, dressed as an ascetic monk, and a sharp, cruel face, all showed that this apprentice of magic in Shichen's opinion was extremely good. His predecessor was indeed a saint. The surrogate of the church is correct.

Cruel, and ruthless.

"The'child prodigy' Rod Elumeroi, a magician with the dual attributes of water and wind who restrains me, is worthy of being the second-level lecturer of the Clock Tower. It seems that the Elumeroi family is also spared no expense..." Shichen Said with a sneer.

Although the Clock Tower, as the world's largest three magician training organization, has extremely powerful energy.

However, because the structure is extremely loose, it is actually impossible for the holy relics collected by Rod Elumeroi to pass through the clock tower.

"Have you found the new holy relic... In this way, there are already five people confirmed." Yanfeng Qili said.

"It's not that there are already five people, but there are only five certain people!" Toshimi emphasized dissatisfiedly. In this case, even the optimistic Toshimi had to frown.

"Indeed, compared to the fourteen masters in this war, the number of certainty is indeed too small." Qili still nodded calmly.

"Huh! But it's okay. If it's that king, you don't have to worry about other people at all, just be careful not to be attacked by others." Shichen just struggled for a while and instantly became optimistic.

"Don't worry, my teacher, my assassin has been confirmed, and there is no monitoring envoy or magic device around." Qili said affirmatively.

And behind him, a man whose whole body was shrouded in shadow also emerged.

"En?" Suddenly, Shichen noticed the gem-powered machine, and there seemed to be some unfinished text.

"Well, the Master of the Einzbern family..." It seemed that he cut off the next parchment and handed it to Kirei with a bit of disgust. Toshimi himself seemed to not want to look at any more, turning his head slightly. Twisted aside.

"Is that the magician killer recruited by Einzbern, who has always advocated pureblood theory?" Qili said after reading the report on the parchment.

"Hmph, has even the Templar Church heard of this infamous magician killer? But this is also normal, after all, he was almost an upper-level murder tool at the time."

"A substitute?" the former substitute Qili asked.

"It's even worse. As a magician, he uses a method that a magician least likely to use, plus his own knowledge of magicians, and he hunts magicians without hesitation." Shichen said in disgust.

Poison killings and shootings are commonplace, exploding in public, and shooting down a civilian passenger plane, which can be said to be the terror-terror-element-child of the terror-terror-element-child.

"The so-called magician, because it has a strong power, should abide by the rules made for magicians!" Shichen said with an anger.

Of course, Qili had a different view on this, but she didn't know why she didn't say it.

"So, can I take a closer look at this report?" Qili asked.

"Whatever you want." Shichen said in disgust.

Qi Li didn't say much, and returned to the first floor with the information. She happened to see a seven-year-old girl who was dragging a trolley box taller than her down.

"Good afternoon, Rin." Qili said to the girl with a smile.

"...Good afternoon, Kirye." Rin hesitated for a moment, and then uttered greetings with difficulty.

Obviously, she didn't like Qili, even if he was her father's disciple, she was also her senior.

"Would you like to go out?" Qili still asked casually.

"Well, I'm going to my mother's original Zen Zen house and harass for a while." Rin nodded.

After thinking for a while, Rin spoke again: "Are you going to fight with your father?"

Obviously, as a descendant of the Tosaka family of the famous magic road, she knew very well what kind of cruel battle her father and this somewhat disgusting priest would face next.

"As a disciple, this is my duty." Qili said slowly.

"Kiri, will you promise me to protect my father's safety?" Rin asked solemnly.

"If it's such a simple battle, you and your wife don't need to take refuge." Qili directly refused.

"Sure enough, I hate you!" Rin said angrily.

"To expose hostility so directly is not something a qualified magician should do." Kirei said lightly, and at the same time, Mrs. Tosaka who was also prepared on the other side said goodbye.

The classical lady named Aoi Tosaka, also carrying a suitcase, looks graceful and luxurious, showing her noble identity.

Chapter 1900

Yusheng Ryunosuke is a normal Japanese youth in his twenties.

During the day, I do some temporary workers with good salary but meaningless for ordinary life planning, and at night I pursue my own unique hobbies.

A little handsome face makes people look more approachable.

But in fact, when he tells people his hobbies, almost everyone responds to him with disgust and fear.

Ryunosuke didn't understand other people's reactions very well, just as other people didn't understand him.

"Why is everyone so afraid of death? Obviously that is the ultimate end of life, and it is also the brightest and most eye-catching moment..." The bored Ryunosuke pushed the corpse on the sofa to the side while facing the corner of the room. , Said the boy whose hands and feet were tied and his mouth was sealed with tape.

However, the boy's expression disappointed him. After traveling around and observing the deaths of countless humans, Ryunosuke didn't show much interest in such simple fear.

But this does not prevent him from continuing his hobby, because after killing more and more various kinds of human beings, Ryunosuke feels not only to understand death itself, but also to the 873 opposite of death-life ——I also have a deeper understanding.

"And today, I hope you can further my understanding of life." Long Zhisuke touched the leopard tooth necklace on his neck, and slowly poured the blood concentrated in a large bowl on the ground, drawing it as A somewhat crooked magic circle.

"Fill it, fill it, fill it... Huh? One less time? But forget it, let's do it for the first time." Ryunosuke said indifferently, without noticing it, even if it was repeated five times, it was because of it. The pronunciation problem was said wrong twice.