Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1397

It seems that because the treasure that I am proud of has not achieved the expected effect, those beautiful and bloody red eyes are conceiving-at this time a more intense murderous aura.

But before he wanted to clean up Dongma, who dared to offend her, suddenly accompanied by a harsh noise like a blackboard being scratched, a black figure appeared from the sky. .

"Haha, hahahaha... I'm going to kill you..."

Half of the face has become completely necrotic, and even around the necrotic eyeballs, you can clearly see something creeping in the meridians, one leg and one arm are completely abolished, and the original black hair becomes completely white. , His handsome face also became like a terminally ill patient who was about to die.

This is Ma Tong Yan Ye, one of the masters in this competition, and the last of the three royal families, the representative of the Ma Tong family, and the master of the Berserker Berserker.

"Damn! I knew that Aoi and Sakura would become like that, I should have found that damn old bug to learn magic soon..." Jian Tong Yanye muttered in a low voice.

Because of the sudden learning of magic, it only took about a year to learn most of Matsuki's magic in 2.9, but the price he paid for this was that his life span was only one month left.

Of course, one month is more than enough for the Holy Grail War, which has never exceeded seven days in the past, but it seems that in order to control his master, his burden has become a little too heavy.

"But it doesn't matter. After I have captured the Holy Grail and rescued Sakura, my mission will be completed. So hold on to me, my body!" Jian Tongyan murmured.

"At least until then, I will give my daughter to Jiantong Jianyan and kill the man who ruined Sister Kwai's happiness, and kill him fiercely!" In Jiantong's eyes full of hatred and jealousy, revenge burns. flame.

Chapter 1914 the first berserker

At this time, the servants and masters who were watching on the long side looked at the proud but stubborn figure.

It was a black shadow, and shadows could only be used to describe the heroic spirit.

The pitch-black armor made him look tall and stalwart, but the black shadows exposed from the crevices in the armor blocked everything about him.

Even Alice Phil on the side can't see through his basic ability value through the master's special ability.

The only thing that can be known is that this heroic spirit has an absolutely crazy legend during his lifetime. Those horrifying pupils that shoot out from behind the shadows seem to show the most extreme resentment and hatred to everyone.

There is no doubt that such a frantic monster can only be berserker!

"But at least from the current situation of this guy, he also had a special ability to hide himself during his lifetime, probably a guy with a similar legend." Dongma pointed his muzzle at the newly-appearing black knight and murmured through Earphones, I told Kirishu and Maiya about their judgment.

"A difficult enemy..." Wu Mi frowned.02

"Yes, and more importantly, facing five, no, six servants at the same time, the risk of fighting is too great." Keishi glanced at the crane, assassin who seemed to have no plans to go on. Said so.

"No, obviously someone cares more about face than risk." Dongma chuckled and shook his head, because in his scope, the black knight suddenly looked at the hateful eyes. The golden figure standing on the street lamp.

The two heroic spirits that were almost diametrically opposed, at this time undoubtedly developed hostility to the extreme opposites.

"Bastard! Who allows you to look up at the rest?!" Gilgamesh's red eyes were already filled with crazy anger at this time.

However, in the face of his anger, the frantic black knight just stared at him with resentment, as if everything in this world was the object of his resentment.

"Mongrel! I will smash your corpse!" The four newly-appearing treasures rushed to the black knight standing there.

In an instant, a huge explosion occurred from where the black knight stood.

If the battle between Dongma and Gilgamesh just now, because Dongma directly used beam guns and beam knives to knock down the treasures, everyone seemed to fight a little anticlimactic, then everyone clearly realized that this A heroic spirit who claims to be the oldest king, possesses strength beyond the limits of heroic spirits.

Although they are the lowest C-rank and highest B-rank treasures, they are still rare legendary treasures. However, Gilgamesh treats them as pure throwing consumables, without liberating their real names and using treasures. Gu's special effects were just thrown out as a spear-throwing weapon based on the toughness of the treasure itself.

However, even such a rough and wasteful method of use; when the number exceeds cognition, its power will inevitably exceed everyone’s cognition.

Almost instantly as if the ground had been hit by an intercontinental missile, the audience was enveloped by the flying debris and iron fragments, and the magical turbulence formed by the explosion.

All the heroic spirits appeared in front of their masters, using the weapons in their hands to withstand the aftermath of an attack that could be said to be innocent disaster.

Misaka Mikoto pulled up the stones on the ground to block her in front of her, as if it had nothing to do with her master, or her master was not nearby at all.

Alexander waved the heavy epee in his hand, fending off the flying gravel one by one with extremely light movements.

Dilmud waved his double spears, and calmly avoided everything.

As for Dongma, he stood behind the beam shield and directly blocked the shock with his own equipment. At the same time, he didn't forget to hug Alice Phil to take advantage of his master.

In general, although the respective masters are a little embarrassed, it is still very easy for the heroes to deal with this shock.

However, the core of the explosion, the center of the field that was impacted by the four treasures, should be the most dangerous place.

But in fact, the black knight stood there calmly just like everyone else, even with a long sword and a one-handed axe in his hands.

"Is this guy really a berserker?" Dilmud asked in astonishment, seeing the movements of the black knight clearly.

As a warrior with a long history of battlefields, he has full confidence in his martial arts, as well as an exceptional judgment of his own experience.

But the scene just now subverted his perception.

In his consciousness, the so-called fighting skills are things that are developed through calm analysis of the enemy, clear self-analysis, and then simulation through experience.

In other words, in the battle of life and death, to give up thinking about itself means to give up the martial arts that you have studied for many years.


The berse857rker in front of him had obviously lost his sanity, but he had just shown fighting skills that could even be said to surpass Dilmud himself.

Almost a few minutes before avoiding the first sword, he gently grasped the hilt of the sword in rapid flight, and then fended off the second spear treasure in the most comfortable way...

The third one-handed axe spun at a speed invisible to the naked eye, but the black knight just reached out and accurately grasped the handle of the one-handed axe in the rotation, and split the fourth treasure dagger into In half.

Every bit of movement is calculated to the most accurate place, even Dilmud in a clear state is not confident that he can do better than him.

Therefore, he has this question.

"Inevitably, this man must have been a strong man who honed his martial arts to the peak." Dong Ma said the judgment in everyone's hearts.

"I really want to fight him!" Misaka Mikoto exclaimed enthusiastically, as if for her, enjoying the battle itself is more meaningful than the Holy Grail.

However, for the aloof Gilgamesh, the meaningless behavior of the black knight is the most serious provocation to him. As a king who has a strong attachment to the order he has established, anger has already rushed into her brain.

Chapter 1915 Gilgamesh's Exit

"You dare to touch the remaining treasure with your dirty hands! Sinner! You will never atone for your sins!" Along with the sharp drink, the sixteen handles more dazzling and powerful than before appeared from behind her. The golden vortex that almost overlapped one another made people's eyes dizzy.

"That idiot..." Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but complain.

Indeed, with so many treasures, even if the real names of a few of them are liberated at random, or if they are used more efficiently, they can achieve even more impressive results.

For example, when fighting with Dongma just now, she used at least two special effects with at least A grade treasures, so at least the scene did not fall into the trap.

But this battle now looks more like a meaningless war of attrition.

And considering that the black knight seemed to have some strange tactics, maybe Gilgamesh seemed to be a little bit more sluggish.

However, for Gilgamesh, such a level is not a waste at all, it is just a daily consumption.