Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1406

"Since the unhappiness with the gods and the demon and the others left, it seems that in order to vent their anger, he and his lord went to the city to capture the sleeping children back to the stronghold. From the reports so far received Look, 23 children have already been taken away." Qili replied.

Only three hours have passed since then.

"Moreover, it seems that some parents found out in the middle, but they were silenced immediately." After a pause, Qili went on to add.

Even if Shichen didn't say anything, Qili could clearly feel the anger that his master was about to overflow at this time.

In the city managed by the Tosaka family for generations, there are people who have blatantly destroyed the iron law of the Association of Magicians, which is not to use magic in front of ordinary people.

For the manager of the spiritual veins here, Caster is not only provoking the church and the Holy Grail War, but also provoking his manager!

"Because they did not cover up after the incident, the staff of the Temple Church are doing the aftermath..." Qili did not care about the current minister's anger, but continued.

"...What are they thinking about! What's the matter with that master?" Tokimin, who was obviously holding back his anger, asked.

"According to the intelligence, that person was a serial murderer who has been frequently reported in the news recently before summoning the followers." Qili replied.

"Damn! Such a compelling thing, since this guy is a serial murderer-mad and hasn't been caught for so long, he must be a cautious person. How could he do such a thing?" Shichen wrinkled. Asked the brow.

"Never let it go! Shichenjun!" asked the elderly priest who had been listening to the conversation between the master and the disciple.

He is the official administrator of the Fuyuki Church, and Yanfeng Rimasa, the father of Yanfeng Kirei.

"Such a serious violation of the rules, our temple church will not sit back and watch." Yan Fengli said with a righteous expression.

However, since the son who still holds the servant was admitted into the church for a nominal asylum, the so-called fairness in his mouth has long ceased to exist.

But all three of them subconsciously ignored this question.

"In short, these two guys must be dealt with! This is no longer a question that the Holy Grail War is tolerated! As a human being, they are no longer qualified!" Toshimi said awe-inspiringly.

"But simple warnings and punishments are definitely useless. If you rely on servants, Kirei's assassin will definitely not be exposed, and Shichen-kun, your hero king, is obviously not willing to deal with him. The rubbish in the eyes might even deliberately indulge them because it was a good after show..." Li Zheng said embarrassedly.

"Indeed, the king's words were already a little dissatisfied with my advice just now. It is really not suitable to continue to make such suggestions at this time..." At this point, Shichen even regretted it, summoning such a powerful but Servant who is not obedient at all.

But thinking of his unparalleled strength and treasures, Tokimin once again strengthened his determination to win.

"Through my authority, let's change the rules first and let all the masters participate in the crusade against the caster!" Li Zheng quickly thought of an idea.

"What about rewards? If there is no benefit, it would be difficult for others to act, right?" Shichen asked worriedly. If the benefits they gave up affect their strength, it seems likely that some of the gains outweigh the losses.

"Don't worry, because the one who killed Giles in the end will definitely be our hero king!" Li Zheng showed a cunning smile.

Immediately, Rizheng discussed the specific plan with Shichen, and immediately went to make preparations to convene all the masters.

After all, according to the rules of the Holy Grail War, all masters will come to the church for filing.

Of course, there are also masters like Ryunosuke, but both Risho and Tokimin think this is not a big problem.

Chapter 1927 Crusade!Giles de Rice!

The next day, Dong Ma got up from Wu Mi’s chuang, and naturally learned from her about her being abducted and sold as a child. Of course, with her inherent coldness, she cleverly killed her thoughts. She wanted to invade her, and luckily met Kirishu and accepted his training.

Dongma himself didn't care about this. After all, Wu Mi was not the first family member in his poor family.

So after loving and cherishing Wu Mi, I got up and came to the villa, or the huge restaurant in the castle.

"Tongma, you are too slow! Let the masters wait a long time, it's too rude!" Altria, who was sitting with him at the end, ate a large piece of beef in her mouth, and then murmured vaguely. Tao.

"Speaking at the table with a mouthful of food is a more rude behavior." Dongma smiled, and then sat down opposite Altria, next to Alice Phil.

"Well, both of you calm down, and now we are talking about business." Alice Phil chuckled lightly, and then pretended to be serious and said to them.

"On business?" Dongma took a sip of the black tea brought by the maid with some confusion. After thinking about it, he went to add some milk.

"Did the enemy attack it?" Altria continued to eat a piece of uncut steak into his mouth, and asked in a more vague voice.

It seems that the coming battle is not enough to reduce her desire for food.

"No, it's not that serious." Keishi slowly shook his head.

"Then there is a new situation?" Dongma asked with a smile.

"Yes, just now the Winterwood Church sent a convening notice. I have already asked my envoy to attend the meeting." Kirishi nodded and said.

"The meeting that the messenger attended? It should be funny if you imagine the scene." Dongma couldn't help laughing.

"You can see the scene there now." As he said, Kirisu pointed to the computer in front of him, which was the scene in the church chapel at this time.

It is indeed a scene that makes people want to laugh and laugh. In the dimly lit room, except for Father Lizheng who is standing in the middle of the podium, the only people sitting on the believer seat are the enchanted demon full of evil spirits.

"Not a single master officially attended, but only six envoys officially attended..." Alice Phil said in surprise.

"It seems that everyone is wary of the church itself." Dongma said with a sneer.

"Of course, although the church has maintained the so-called neutral referee role in the past Holy Grail Wars, in fact, magicians do not believe in people in this aspect of the church, whether it is the concept or the way of doing things, the magician and the church They are all opposites, so it's not surprising that such a scene appears." Keishi shook his head and said.

"But it seems that in this master, there are many people who have not received serious magic training." Dongma said with a smile.

Because Alice Phil and Chesi are allies, only one servitor was sent as a representative, and Kenes and Sora should be the same.

That is to say, there are a total of eight masters who actually appeared on the scene, and even if Yanfeng Qili, who has already withdrawn on the surface and was sheltered by the church, has five masters who have not received the magic signal from the church.

"It's also possible that it was received, but it didn't come on purpose..." Keishi thought thoughtfully.

And just as Kirishi was thinking about whether the other party was a layman who didn't understand magic, or was simply too lazy to send an envoy over, Father Rizheng on the podium finally spoke.

"I originally wanted to make a polite sentence, but seeing these envoys sent by you, then it is not boring." The white-haired priest seemed to say with a wry smile.

"Although several masters have not arrived, considering the urgency of the matter, I won't wait any longer..." As he said, the priest's face suddenly became serious.

"In this Holy Grail War, there was an obviously ineligible contestant! He and his heroic spirits are absolute villains who are absolutely not allowed to receive the Holy Grail! So after the decision of the Holy Grail Church, I specially summoned you all Master, I hope you can unite, let go of your hostility and prejudice, and first clean up the pair that broke the order of the Holy Grail war!"

Father Lizheng said slowly, as if talking about cleaning up garbage.

"The two people have seriously affected the ritual of summoning the Holy Grail itself. I think for everyone, this is absolutely not allowed! So I took advantage of the power granted to me by the Holy Grail and temporarily changed the rules of this war! "The priest with a serious face of nonsense, when he said this, he suddenly rolled up the cuff of his right hand, revealing an old but clearly muscular right arm.

On the entire right arm, everyone saw it instantly. As long as they were involved in the Holy Grail War, they would be familiar with and eagerly demanding things.

"As the justice of the Holy Grail War, the past priests of our Winterwood Church have inherited these curses recovered from the defeated masters from their ancestors..." Li Zheng said solemnly and somewhat proudly.

Indeed, because these at least dozens of spells are equivalent to the sum of the spells held by all the masters of this Holy Grail War, or even more.

And the meaning of Lingshu in the Holy Grail War is very clear to everyone, because at this time the final means for the masters to control the followers, no matter how rude the request, no matter how unfulfillable the order, as long as the master uses Lingshu to issue Order, then the follower must obey the execution.

Even these things considered by the church to be stigmata can allow the followers to travel directly through space and return to the master from a distant place.

"All masters, please temporarily put aside the fight between each other, and do your best to annihilate the villain Gilles de Les! Whoever annihilates the villain in the end, then as a reward, he will be given extra Lingshu, of course, if it is annihilated together, then all participants will have a share. The Holy Grail War will restart at the same time that Giles de Les is annihilated!" Li Zheng said seriously.