Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1412

"I guessed it a long time ago, your assassin should be a hero with similar multiple personalities? Or maybe it is an assassin with the same title... Judging from their fighting style and clothing, if you remember correctly, it should be Hassan on the Arab side!" Dong Ma didn't even look at the three bodies behind him, but sneered disdainfully.

Chapter 1935 Floating Cannon!Mie Di Lu Mu Duo!

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "8888845sw".

"What is this?!" Dilmuduo screamed in surprise, because Dongma had another weird ability that he couldn't understand.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce it. This is a wire-mounted floating gun, one of my weapons..." Dong Ma smiled leisurely.

"A new weapon? It looks like you can launch an attack without you?" Even though Qili didn't know what it was, she calmly analyzed it.

However, this is only a characteristic that can be seen by individuals...

"That's right, but it's a little incomplete..." Dong Ma said with a light smile, and snapped his fingers again.


"Master!" Assassin, who was standing behind Qili, shouted suddenly, then pushed Qili aside.

"What's the matter?!" Qili cried out in surprise, but then reacted.

Because when he turned his head to look at his servant, he found that the beautiful Hassan had been directly penetrated by the high temperature beam, and the canoe fell to the ground.

"Since you already know that this weapon can leave my certain range and launch an attack autonomously, you should have guessed that there is such a possibility, right?" Dongma said 810 with a little disappointment. It seems that this makes Kirishi take it seriously. The priest, there is nothing too surprising.

At best, it's just a slightly stronger human.

So Dong Ma just glanced at the priest who was receding embarrassedly, and no longer cares about his life or death. Instead, he looked to the side and reacted faster than Hassan, and directly pointed the door at him with the two spears of the treasure. The floating artillery was destroyed.

"Lancer, who deserves to be one of the three knights, should have a high level of combat intuition, right?" Dongma said with a smile. If Altria's combat intuition has evolved into a feeling similar to foresight, then Dilmud The worst is only half a level lower than her.

"No, I barely reached the B+ level." Dilumudo waved his guns confidently, and then...

The magic burst!

Rushed straight to Dongma!

"So I can feel that if I continue to stand here, I will definitely be beaten into a hornet's nest!"

"Very good intuition, but unfortunately, the speed and locking accuracy of the floating gun are very high." Dongma said with a sneer.

"Biu! Biubiu!" The six floating cannons that appeared around Dilumudo when they did not know when they fired together, weaving into a beam like a spider web, happened to surround Dilumudo in the middle.

The dangerous beam caused Di Lumut to stop in place like a sudden brake, and then he could no longer move.

"It seems that Dilumudo Audina, the one who is leaving this time is you!" Dongma said with a sneer.

In the next instant, the six floating guns fired again. Through the analysis of the cloud computing computer, almost all possible moving routes and angles were blocked. The deadly beam instantly penetrated Di Lumut's body.

The smell of barbecue radiated from Dilmud, and the entire scapula of his left shoulder and the blood vessels and muscles nearby had been completely evaporated.

Although due to the high temperature, the bloodshed that might occur in the future was blocked in an instant, his left arm was completely abolished, and the inevitable yellow rose, the treasure that he was famous for, also fell on the grass.

"It's too rash, Dilumudo, if your supernatural power master is nearby, then this degree of injury can be healed quickly with healing magic. After all, we exist in the world as heroic spirits. High-purity magic powers are gathered...but unfortunately, it seems that your master firmly believes that three servants can defeat me, so it's time to go to the depths of the castle and sniper Altria's lord alone!" Dong Ma shook his head and laughed.

"Huh! This is our strategy. As long as we kill the lord of the Knight King, even if Mary and I are buried here, it is still not a loss for our camp!" Dilmud was proud but somewhat Said bitterly.

The world-renowned knight king, even if only the holy sword that the world knows, is worth enough for Dilmud, the incomplete heroic spirit who did not get the complete four treasures because of the spearman career, plus his own ability value It's not high, and the treasure is also the sum of the weak Calamity Mary.

But precisely because he knew this, while he agreed to this adventurous strategy, he also had deep despair in his heart.

In this life, he still wanted to dedicate all his loyalty to his master, but as if there was a curse of fate, this time the master still abandoned him and chose other more powerful followers.

Although helpless, it still makes people desperate.

"What should I do? Dongma? If Kirishi is killed, I am alone, but I can't provide you and Altria with the consumption of magic power!" Alice Phil asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems!" Dongma smiled confidently, and then manipulated the floating cannons that had been doubled and fired at once.

The twelve beams, even if Di Lumuto tried his best to block and dodge, was still killed on the spot after three volleys.

The pikeman, Dilmudo Audina, died at nine o'clock in the evening of the second night.

"Master Dongma, are you going to chase that priest?" Mai Mi asked while comforting Alice Phil who was vomiting because of the strong smell of barbecue just now.

"No, it's too troublesome to catch up with the substitute under the cover of Assassin..." Dongma shook his head lazily, "Moreover, we have more important things to do now."

"Is it important?" Wu Mi questioned. At this time, she had already given her mind to Dongma completely, without thinking about other people and things that had nothing to do with it.

For her, the only important things are those related to Dongma.

Dongma didn't say much about her, but knelt down and said softly to Alice Phil: "How is it? Is it better?"

"It's much better..." Alice Phil said with a pale face. For her tonight, too much happened, and a little too cruel.

"So, can you see the situation on Altria?" Dongma asked next.

Chapter 1936

"There is no problem with Altria. Although Marshal Giles's demon army looks a little endless, but I think if she liberates her real name, the problem can be solved..." Alice Phil looked at the crystal that he brought out. ball.

"Then the problem lies with Kirisi?" Dongma said slowly.

"Yes, judging from the monitoring screen of the monitoring equipment, the people who invaded the Dao Castle area were: Kenes Elumeroy Archipoulud, Sola Nazelai Sofiali, a total of two magicians Teacher." Wu Mihui reported.

"So, Tosaka Tokimin is ready to take advantage of the fisherman?" Dongma said with a sneer.

In fact, from the situation where Yanfeng Qili fled without hesitation just now, he had no plans to fight alongside Dilmud.

"But what are we going to do?" Alice Phil asked.

"Very simple, try my new equipment, is it as powerful as the legend!" Dongma said with a smile.

Then, in the eyes of Alice Phil's doubts and Wu Mi's expectation, he took out a sniper rifle that was longer than his height.

GN Rifle Bit-II, this is a powerful sniper rifle combined with special sniper rifle parts equipped with GN pistol Bit.

According to the original range, the Earth can directly hit the distance near Mars in the solar system.

From here to the main part of the castle, it is about one kilometer at best. Even modern sniper rifles have such a long effective range.

Immediately, Dongma captured Kenes' position.

Although due to the barrier of the wall, Dongma can only detect the location of the opponent through thermal energy induction, it is only a human-shaped temperature source, in fact, Kainas and Chishi can not be distinguished.

However, the problem is that this time Kenneth is suitable for Sora to act together.

In order to ensure that when the two face the magician killer, they have enough advantage to ensure victory, so it is completely predictable that the two will act together.