Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1414

"Yes, it is precisely because in such a cruel war, no matter how powerful and genius magician is, there is a full possibility of death, so father 1.3 said that you will participate in this Holy Grail war as a replacement for him. The Trial of the Minister of Spiritual Sciences... But I didn't expect you to be fooled so easily. Thinking about the so-called child prodigy, it's really ridiculous." Sora continued to sneer.

At this time, Kenes finally couldn't help the despair and anger in his heart, and a mouthful of dark blood was sprayed out of his mouth, "Since I can't get it, then I won't let others get you!"

It seemed that he had made the final decision in his life. Kainas commanded the Moon Spirit Liquid, trying to drag his beloved woman into hell.


But then, Dongma, one kilometer away, permanently drove his thought into the deepest part of hell.


Chapter 1938 Sola Nazelle Sofiali

PS: Thank you "gaochao940615", "Fei Lu Shusheng" and "Feng 8 Fan" for your monthly pass support.

"Dongma?" Keishi touched the huge revolver that hadn't been taken out from his waist, that is, his magic costume with the origin bullet.

"Of course, besides me, who else can pass the target's temple with such precision at a distance of one kilometer, close to two kilometers?" Dongma's voice came out through the surveillance in the castle.

Hearing this, Kei Si saw that Kenes' corpse on the ground was indeed penetrated accurately at the temples on both sides of his head.

Although it didn't bleed because of the beam weapon, the burnt wound with black smoke could still tell.

"It seems that adjusting the output power can also reduce consumption, which is worth noting." Dongma muttered to himself with a smile.

"Then can I talk about it now? Why do you want to sneak attack on your companion?" Keishi looked at Sola cautiously, even though the other party had already raised his hands completely and made a non-resisting attitude, but Che Si still did not relax his vigilance, and seemed a little too cautious.

"Companion? I think you made a mistake too. The man Kenes and I were not companions from the beginning!" Sora shook her head.

But she did not explain. Sola, who was also born in the famous gate of the magic road, naturally disdain to explain to the descendants of the small family of the Wei Gong family who have only passed on for three or four generations, not to mention the kind of person that is disgusted by magicians people.

The reason why she chose to do it at this time, and has not yet figured out a way to escape, is to wait for someone.

A servant who just passed through countless trees and walls with a beam of light, and finally killed Kenneth directly.

"Then can you tell me?" When Dongma returned to the villa with Alice Phil and Wu Mi, he looked at this famous lady who was still unabated in the smoke and dust.

"I just received the message from Calamity Marie." Sora said something that made Keishi a little bit confused.

"So, what about your decision?" Dongma asked with a smile.

It seems that this woman has other ideas.

"Although not necessarily as the final winner, if you participate in this mythical battle throughout the entire process and return to the clock tower for the last time, whether it is me or my family, I will get huge prestige capital, right?" Ra smiled ambitiously.

"I didn't expect it, I thought you were just an ordinary lady, did you want to become the patriarch of your family?" Dongma sneered.

If you hadn't already wanted to become the patriarch, you wouldn't think about the future of the family so clearly.

"Of course, that's the patriarch of the Sofiali family! As a magician, who doesn't want to be the patriarch of the Clock Tower Demon Dao family? Become one of the few lords?" Sora said naturally.

"Then as a reward for your knowledge, if you want to seize the family, I will help you when necessary!" Dong Ma said with a smile.

"That was after the Holy Grail War?" Sora asked with some confusion.

"It's okay. Even after the Holy Grail War, I will not leave this world. After all, there are still many things left to do." Dongma gently hugged Sola. I went back to rest, and the only person who was with him here was the Maimi of his former assistant in the view of Kirishu.

"It seems that you are not an ordinary hero." Sora just let Dongma hold her in her arms, and said with a smile on her face.

"Of course, after all, I have someone above me." Dongma smiled triumphantly.

"Are you talking about me?" asked Sola, who worked hard to please Dongma.

"Stop talking nonsense, move quickly!" said Wu Mi, who was standing by and urging Sola to move.

"Are you jealous? Do you want to change you? It just so happens that I am also a little tired." Sola pinched Mai Mi Road behind him.

"..." Wu Mi did not answer, but looked at Dongma's eyes with a little desire.

"Then I'll change to Wu Mi. I just need to check the information. After all, we still have three servants and four masters. We haven't confirmed the situation." Dongma opened the notebook next to him and invaded all of the city of Winterwood. The monitoring system started to look for useful clues.

However, Dongma, who is focusing on searching, and Wu Mi and Sola who are working hard on him, do not know that there is an unexpected person looking at them through the laptop's built-in camera.

"Dongma...ah...why...why don't you come to me..." Alice Phil whispered in the bedroom.

Even though it was late at night, she still did not fall asleep, or she did not dare to fall asleep.

Because after she became the lord of Dongma, every time she dreamed of memories of Dongma, she could not help but wake up from the dream 493.

And after waking up, what it brings to her is usually a huge emptiness...

Because of the Holy Grail, there is usually a wonderful connection between the master and the follower.

In the dreams of the slave and the master, both dreams about each other's memories.

Naturally, Alice Phil also dreamed of memories of Dongma before.

In the dream, Alice Phil seemed to be the family members of Dongma one after another, and almost tasted all the flowers.

And such a dream, for a woman in need, is bound to be an unbearable thing.

The nominal husband Keiji is also busy with the Holy Grail War every day, as if he will be overtaken by something and then killed by a slow shot. Alice Phil feels that he and Keji are completely formed. The same stranger.

As a result, Alice Phil, who became more and more weird, especially yearned for Dongma's strong = strong body in her dream, and that almost cruel = violent ravages = ravages.

However, the nobility of Einzbern's family made her unable to confess such a desire.

As a result, she could only secretly learn how to use surveillance equipment, and secretly watched what Dongma did at night.

Chapter 1939 Rin Tosaka [A new month, please complete the order]

At the same time, Dongma saw a small figure in a certain surveillance in the city.

"Wu Mi, who is this little girl?" Dongma asked the little girl who seemed to be looking for something in the picture.

"Master Dongma... Um..." Mai Mi stopped exhausted, "She should be the eldest daughter of the Tosaka family, Tosaka Rin."

"Is the heir of the Demon Dao family? It really is a completely different character from an ordinary girl." Dong Ma said with a smile.

"Why, are you still interested in a little girl?" Sora teased while using Xiong service beside Dongma.

"No, it's just that I am a little curious about what kind of character the heir of the Demon Dao family will be." Dong Ma said with a smile.

"There is nothing to be curious about, it's just a more cruel fate than ordinary girls." Sora said with emotion.

"Of course I know that if you want to gain powerful strength and higher status, how can you not pay more than ordinary people?" Dongma nodded and said.

"However, according to Tosaka's strategy, it should be to preserve the Tosaka family's bloodline, so the second daughter Tosaka Sakura was adopted to the Maki family, and the eldest daughter Tosaka Rin was with his wife Tosaka Aoi. I went to Tosaka Aoi’s hometown of Chancheng 277. I should be afraid of being affected by the Holy Grail War.” Maiya reported seriously.