Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1427

Because this is where the righteousness of her unifying the Kingdom of Britain lies, and because she was originally the child of King Uther Pendragon, she was able to complete the great cause of reunifying the country after the death of the previous king.

Because if there is no such name, most of the knights in the Knights of the Round Table will most likely not join her.

In other words, compared to countless founding emperors in ancient China, these people can only be said to be a pretty good monarch at best, but it is a bit too great to call it great.

So Dongma didn't think that Altria had any inferiority compared to Alexander, the most was that the two chose different paths.

Even Dongma thought maliciously in his heart that Alexander just couldn't make such a huge sacrifice for the country like Altria, so he couldn't help but belittle Altria's royal way.

Because the more correct the king is, the more people tend to be hostile.

However, Altria herself obviously did not think so.

"I remember...'King Arthur doesn't understand people's hearts', it seems that someone in the Knights of the Round Table said when he left." Altria showed a bitter smile.

"Just like what I said just now, the more correct the governance concept, the more it will hinder the hostility of many vested interest groups, so there is no need to care about the false statements of a knight who may have become the spokesperson of a certain class." Dong The horse comforted softly.

"Your ideal, your kingly way, whether it is the seat of the heroic spirit, or the holy sword and holy spear you hold, have given the best and most important recognition. As for the ideas of other individual mortals, you really need Do you care?" Dongma asked with a smile.

"However, I became such an ideal king for the sake of ordinary mortals! Isn't my actions meaningless if they are hostile to ordinary people?" Altria leaned helplessly. In the arms of Dongma.

I am afraid I really feel very helpless, otherwise the great and determined Knight King would never make such a move.

"Altria, you have to know one thing. Your ideal, your kingly way, is not practiced for those knights of the ruling class!" Dong Ma raised the head of the girl in her arms, sharp His eyes pierced the window of her soul.

"But, doesn't the knight represent the people and pass the voice to me?" Altria said in confusion.

At this moment, Dong Ma felt that he was indeed just a helpless woman in his arms, not the legendary and mysterious king.

Because she, like many ordinary people, does not know the dirty-dirty of politics, which is always far beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

"Knights, in name, are naturally a class that represents the common people. But no matter what, they are also the ruling class. When their own interests conflict with groups such as self-employed farmers and knight leaders, they will be allowed to choose to speak out when they have a clear origin. What kind of words!" Dongma sneered, shaking his head.

"So your ideals were in conflict with the knights of the ruling class from the beginning. After missing a goal to allow the knights to gain more merit and territory, the country’s disintegration and the comeback of the knights under your command will naturally It will be a matter of course." Dongma slowly told the truth.

"Is...Is that so?" Altria seemed astonished by the unacceptable facts for her.

"Yes, that’s why Gilgamesh satirized you just now. Although you admit that the path you have chosen is correct, in your time, your kingly way will never succeed. This is what she said. The real reason for this remark." Dongma said slowly.

"Really... can't it be achieved?" Altria asked.

"Of course it can be achieved!" Dongma said with a smile.

Immediately, he turned and pointed to the empty direction behind him facing the city of Winterwood outside the old castle.

"In this era, your ideal, your kingly way, hasn't it been realized?" Dongma said with a smile.

Of course, it is only a nominal realization.

Chapter 1956 the novel with six billion characters

"Dongma, do you know? What you said just now reminds me that the Merlin Magician once said something very similar to what you said today when I drew the sword in the stone." Altori Ya was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke.

"Oh? The magician in transmission?" Dongma said with a smile.

"Yes, she also warned me before I pulled out the holy sword, if I pull out this holy sword that symbolizes destiny, then while continuing to win, will eventually usher in inevitable destruction... Thinking about it this way, she should have predicted my failure a long time ago," Altria said in a low voice.

"Well, this is not something you should think about now. It makes sense to think about it when you get the Holy Grail." Dong Ma comforted.

"That's right, Dongma..." Altria nodded, and then left the courtyard.

"Wu Mi..." Dongma, who stayed in the courtyard last, suddenly called Wu Mi's name lightly to the void.

"Master Dongma, what's your order?" Wu Mi's voice suddenly came from the air.

"Is the scene just recorded?" Dongma asked lightly.

"It's all finished recording." Wu Mi replied affirmatively at 110. Obviously, the Wang Zhisheng feast just now was not only seen by the people present.

"So, what do you think about the treasures that conquered the king and Misaka just now?" Dongma sat back in his original seat and asked a little bit of black tea that had already been cold.

"I'll let someone change a drink." Alice Phil's voice came out.

"En..." Dong Ma nodded and put the black tea aside.

At this time, Wu Mi seemed to have sorted out the sentence, and slowly answered Dongma’s question: “From the observation just now, Alexander’s treasure should be of the same level as you and Altria’s treasure. They have the same level, and they are all EX levels that cannot be quantified."

"Sure enough... what about Misaka Mikoto?" Touma asked.

"Doesn't you know this very clearly after Master Dongma becomes her master?" Wu Mi teased-teasingly laughed.

"It looks like I didn't tidy you up yesterday, so I dared to talk to the master like this!" Dongma snorted coldly.

"Then you can teach me a lesson, I'm always waiting!" It seems that I know that I am very far away, even if I use the technology provided by Dongma to communicate with Dongma, Alice Phil and others in different places, but In fact, Mai Mi's location is still far away from Einzbernberg, so he is so confident.

However, Dongma naturally would not let his dependents ride on his head.

For such an unruly family, Dongma's punishment has always been quick and ruthless.

Dongma quickly found a semi-abandoned residential house in the huge Xinducheng District of Winterwood City through the induction of his family.

Mu Mi, who looked surprised, pressed against the wall fiercely and punished vigorously.

It seems that the wailing sounds full of pain and pleasure reverberated over the silent Winterwood City, but obviously the same group of participants in the Holy Grail War in the Xinducheng District of Winterwood City did not have such a good mood.

"Ah! This is too much!" Yusheng Ryunosuke looked at the warm ashes on the ground in an abandoned drainage facility leading to the Weiyuan River that divides the north and south parts of the city into two. Wailed in pain.

This is Giles’ magic workshop. It was only because of last night’s battle that Giles and Ryunosuke left here temporarily. However, when they came back tonight to regroup, they found the entire magic position carefully constructed by Giles. The time has been completely destroyed in a very rough-and-violent way.

"These are rare works of art! Why can someone be so cruel and destroy them so cruelly!" Ryunosuke shouted.

"Poor Ryunosuke, you have to know that people who can truly understand beauty are only a very small number. Most of the lay people in the world always do more terrible things to these beautiful things because of jealousy. The scene you see now is like this." For Giles, who made this huge magic workshop, it seemed very calm.

"Of course, it is precisely because the artworks we produce are often destroyed by some fools, so you should not have too much emotion with the things that you create. The process of creation is the focus you should enjoy." Jill Si smiled and comforted.

He just looked at the wreckage of the workshop, but relying on the strategic intuition of the former marshal, he perceives the mighty power of the people who destroyed the workshop.

Even if an ordinary servant can crack the mechanism he set in the magic workshop, it cannot be so simple and straightforward.

"Simply put, even if it is destroyed, just create it again, right?" Long Zhisuke asked.

"The ability to understand is always one of your advantages that surprises me the most." Giles nodded with satisfaction.

"That's it, it's too enjoyable, that's why it was condemned by God." Long Zhisuke seemed to understand something.

However, Giles suddenly turned aside, "Ryunosuke! God, there is absolutely no punishment!"

"Boss Bluebeard?" Long Zhisuke looked at Giles in a daze.