Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1521

"Okay, Master Touma." Fujino also said softly as always.

"Then I declare that Fujino will win the second duel!" Dongma hugged Fujino, leaving Dongma's masterpiece on his naked body.

"Shallow master! You cheated! You said you can't use the hole below!" exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

"No one has made an agreement with you, from the Liangyi family!" Fujino, who has officially become a family member of Dongma, showed a triumphant and brilliant smile.

As a result, the confrontation between the two women continued.

Chapter 2078 Asakami Fujino's Training Course

PS: Thank you "yy" for your monthly ticket support.

After the recent competition of "Who can make Dongma shoot-out faster?", although Shishi seemed unwilling to lose to Fujino, and for the first time made an active action against Dongma, he finally decided to use Fujino. The victory ended.

After all, after being sent to the hospital and taking the medicine of the earth, Fujino has begun to get rid of the so-called painlessness.

For the next period of time, Fujino has been recuperating in Dongma's hospital.

According to the medical technology of Soul Chase, the painless disease that has plagued Fujino for many years also began to improve significantly.

The first thing Fujino got better was that Dongma was taken into the special ward of the hospital.

"Master Dongma, Fujino can feel the pain again!" This is what Fujino said to Dongma in the ward just now.

"Very well, Fujino is very good." Touma touched the girl's head with satisfaction.

"Master Dongma, Fujino wants to help you more." Fujino said firmly.

After the decisive battle between Ohashi and the two ceremonies, Fujino had already understood his obsession.

Fujino who found what he wanted to do, couldn't wait to get Dongma's recognition, and couldn't wait to do something practically.

The various furniture and walls in the room that were almost completely distorted by her are the best interpretation of her ability.

"But Fujino, if you want to help me, you need to at least learn to control your own abilities, instead of letting go of your abilities as soon as you feel pain." Dongma said with a smile.

The appearance of the scene is not so much that Fujino showed his ability, as it was a sudden loss of ability caused by his ability.

"Understood, Master Touma..." Fujino said with a bit of disappointment, and he seemed to be like a kid who did something wrong, circling his dark blue hair in frustration.

The current Fujino is not qualified to help Dongma. This is the reality that emerged in the girl's heart.

"So, do you want to learn how to control?" Dongma smiled and held up the girl's chin that was about to hang down on the fierce part, and gently kissed her on the mouth.

"Yes! Fujino wants to be useful!" Fujino said with unprecedented firmness. Since she was born, she has finally found the meaning of existence and the real feeling of being alive. Of course, she wanted to firmly grasp it.

"Then next, I will twist the ornaments hanging on her hands and feet in the same direction..." Dongma pointed to Fujibayashi who was standing in the center of the room with a scared expression like a bunny.

At this time, her naked body was covered with various fashion accessories that should have appeared on the streets of Shibuya.

"Master Dongma! Please don't let Shizuo do such a thing! Let Kyoko do it!" Said Kyoko, who tried to hug his sister while blocking Fujino's sight with his body.

"It's so rude! As the family member of Master Dongma, how can you question his decision!" Fujino immediately became angry when he heard this.

At the same time, along with fluctuating psychological emotions, the green and red spirals are about to unfold on Xing's body.

But then, Dongma gave him a sharp buttock.

"Ah! It hurts!" yelled subconsciously, and then Fujino saw the winter horse holding a horse-whip behind him.

"I said, Fujino, what you have to do now is to follow my instructions, to twist the target thing in the correct way, and there will be punishment for acting without authorization!" Dongma said coldly.

This is the cold attitude that Dongma rarely shows in front of the Fujino girl. It is different from the indifference that is usually stamped in the bones, but with a cruel attitude.

[Ah, such a Dongma-sama... so handsome!Fujino thought to himself with an expression that seemed to be climaxing.

But she did not dare to speak, or even to make any movements, because she knew very well that before Dongma gave orders, any of her own actions were wrong.

This is also the purpose for Dongma to train her.

Asakami Fujino has never had a real sense of'body', so although his mental self-control has almost reached the point of inhumanity, his control over the body is unimaginable.

Even because of the sudden arrival of the senses, the girl can't control her excretion-excretion system, and the situation of incontinence = incontinence has been staged continuously in the past few days.

It's like just now, although Fujino tried his best to control, but the underside of the hospital gown was already shining.

That's why Dongma brought Fujino to do such things in the name of his control ability.

And the reason for choosing ……

"Sister, don't talk about it, because my predictive ability can't always help Master Dongma, so I want to do something that I can do." Gao said, looking at Xing who looks the same as himself.

"However, even if the body of a dead person is not afraid of such an attack, he still feels the same pain as a normal person!" Xing said with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, sister, this is the path I chose by myself!" Mao said firmly.

Compared with the apricot, which is strong on the outside but weak on the inside, although it looks like a little rabbit, it is a fierce rabbit that can cut off the head in a critical moment.

"So, Shirley, if we are ready, shall we start?" Dongma asked slowly, waving his whip.

"Get ready, Master Dongma." Huo nodded vigorously.

"Then Fujino, start with the first one on the left of the left hand." Touma said slowly.

"Ah..." Shiruki's screams made Fujino very excited, as if the scene at that time had appeared again.

But immediately, the winter horse whip came to her hip.


"Ah! Lord Touma!" Fujino screamed in surprise.

It's just that Fujino's voice seemed to have some joy in comparison to Shigura's simple scream.

"This is the first thing you want to change. Don't show up in front of you. You can't wait to twist her!" Dongma reprimanded coldly.

"Yes, Master Touma, Fujino will work hard!"


As the training continued, Fujino finally gradually mastered the trick of following Dongma's command to attack.

Chapter 2079

Another day, Dongma was strolling on the way from the hospital to Jialan Zhitang Office.

Because Dongma was training Fujino at night recently, he basically stayed in the hospital at night, and then went to the Metropolitan Police Department or office the next morning.