Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1524

"Speaking of it, Shi Ji also told me about this a few days ago. It seems that she commissioned the bomb-bomb-devil'Cang Mi Mu Liu Xia' to warn several foreign emerging forces." Dong Ma said suddenly.

"Tsk, I also said that I didn't get along with my stepmother, so I called it so affectionate!" said exasperatedly.

"Well, after all, now the entire Liangyi family is controlled by her alone, and the pressure is greater and you need to vent-you have to understand it." Dong Ma said nonsense seriously.

"Cut, it sounds good, I'm afraid you already have control of the situation!" Shi Leng snorted.

It is precisely because of this knowledge and confidence that she does not care about family matters.

"Close to the subject, let's continue to say that Mr. Cang Mimu is fine." Dongma decisively turned off the subject.

"How did you know?" Shiji keenly discovered this.

"Obviously, isn't it? Because of the mastery of the future, the only people who think of using such a violent method to eliminate emptiness are men. The same thing happens to sentimental women, I am afraid that most of them will mourn themselves. I tried my best to hide the grievances instead of spreading it like this." Dongma affirmed his analysis.

"M-cut, you guessed it again." Shi glanced at his mouth.

"Why, do you know this guy?" Dongma asked with a smile.

"It was at the inauguration ceremony of the five-star hotel designed by Orange. I saw a young man outside the hotel, and after a few seconds, the building exploded." Shi said.

Although Dongma did not go to the party that night, he had heard of that incident. It was the same as the murderous ghost incident two years ago and the recent incident of consecutive falls of female high school students in Wutiao Building. There is no such incident. Progress.

Since there is a special intuition that the person is Cang Mimu, then there should be no mistake.

"Then why must this guy stare at you?" Dong Ma asked curiously. If it was just a guess, the formula would not use such a certain tone.

"Because this thing appeared in my mailbox after that day..." He took out a disposable mobile phone.

"Have you ever called?" Dong Ma asked after looking at his phone.

"Not yet...but there have been two similar attacks before. The first was the flash bomb explosives on the nearby construction site on the Internet yesterday. The second was the back alley of a commercial street, similar to mine-burning bombs. ."

And the third time, it was a regular bombing in such a remote area.

"This guy is a little weird..."

Dongma naturally found no suspicious people in his surrounding investigations, but this is not the point.

"I'm just coming here on a whim, but I bomb-bombed regularly, but it exploded in the same second we went upstairs! Anyway, it's a coincidence!" Shi also noticed the abnormality.

"There is no accident in this world, there are only certainty!" Dong Ma suddenly thought of this famous saying by a certain witch, and subconsciously said it.

Chapter 2082 the so-called predicting the future

"But if it's not a coincidence, what's the situation?" Shishi asked suspiciously.

"Sure enough, there are still a lot of things to learn." Dongma said with a smile, and then slowly explained.

"This guy is also a typical high-IQ criminal. Although it did not cause murder, such a vicious blasting-demolition incident is also the focus of the investigation of the criminal psychology department. Of course I have read his file. Simple. In other words, this character belongs to a criminal with an empty shell, a character with a typical future vision." Dong Ma said slowly.

"Future Vision...foresee the future?" Shiji didn't seem to believe that.

"Yes, just like the inauguration ceremony you attended on July 31st, the scene actually left something similar to a report after that..." Dongma explained.

"Criminal notice?" The style thought of this thing that often appears in high-IQ criminal investigation TV dramas.

"No, it's not so much a notice letter, it's more like an after-event report." Dongma shook his head and corrected.

"Report?" I don't understand the difference.

"To put it simply, 647 is the time of the incident, the scale of the explosion, the number of injured, and even the detailed injury specific to that location. It is like seeing everything on the scene. It can't be realized by simply speculating and planning!" Dongma sneered.

"In other words, it's not about personal grievances or a sense of justice, but simply completing the work..." Shishi suddenly said.

"Yes, this Cangmimu Liuxia must be the kind of mercenary character who collects money to do things. It is probably the employer's request to do so, in order to cause serious after-effects on competitors... In short, this guy is eyeing We are right?" Dongma said with a sneer.

"It should be correct. When I was looking at the scenery downstairs, I happened to see the man. Thinking of the time of the crime and his appearance, the bomb-bomb-devil was undoubtedly him." Shiji said affirmatively. .

"However, since I only have a vision of the future, in front of me who controls all the monitoring equipment in this city, it is useless to simply predict it!" Dongma said with a sneer.

At best, after foreseeing all the circumstances, I found that I still had nowhere to escape.

"It's all good, I just want to know, is it really possible for humans to predict the future?" Shishi frowned.

Such a weird opponent is really strange to her.

"Well, although it is a very magical ability in the eyes of ordinary people, even for a magician like orange, it is also very tricky, but in general, it can be said to be a visual ability." This is what Dongma calls it. For the reason of'future vision'.

"The predictive abilities that humans can use are usually divided into prediction and measurement. Prediction is the most common type. The highest level can be directly turned into an image and played directly in the mind." Dongma explained.

"No wonder I can't catch it all the time..." Shi sneered.

"Of course there are ways. It's just a matter of time and cost to call the surveillance network of the entire city as I just said. Of course, if there is an emergency, you can also directly eliminate his threat." Dongma said casually.

Although it was interrupted by an accident, Dongma still let out his mouth in this place where the explosion was full of gunpowder smoke.

"Emergency? A traffic accident?" Shi raised his head and asked strangely, and soon buried his head again.

"Of course, a simple car accident is naturally impossible. After all, it can be foreseen. But if it is something that he can't understand at all, or hasn't touched it at all, then it is naturally impossible to get it without realizing it. Foresee the minimum information required."

"What kind of things can't she see?" Shishi raised his head again and asked.

"For example, in a situation where A was killed two days later, and B was the murderer. With such a simple relationship, the holder of the future vision can conclude that B killed A two days later by just looking at the two." Dongma raised two index fingers.

"What? It's pure intuition!" said Shi Shi dissatisfied.

"This is a completely different thing. The conclusion you draw depends on experience and imagination. Future Vision is the ability to reason about facts based on what you see and hear!" Dongma said with a sneer.

"It's just that, usually, Future Vision can remember any details that all the holders have seen, which is the so-called'complete memory ability'..." Dongma said slowly.

"Surely memory alone cannot predict the future, so it also needs to have almost instinctive, computer-like intelligence processing capabilities." Dong Ma said of a scientific understanding of magic or superpower.

"Human evolution has allowed humans to shield some functions that have nothing to do with survival. Normally, the part of the human brain that is in operation is only about 1%. However, depending on how many brain functions are mobilized by users in the future, I am afraid that if we do not elaborate It’s not clear if you research." Dongma said with a smile.

"To put it simply, in terms of human evolution, these people are humans with degraded functions, because the useless memories that were originally shielded are completely retained in the surface memory..."

"Is this...regression?" Shishi asked in surprise.

"Of course it is degeneration. Do you know how painful it is to use your brain with such a high load?" Dongma sneered.

"You may not feel anything at first, but when such a person reaches the age of thirty or forty, even if they don’t use their abilities, they will have memory confusion at that time, because at that age, brain cell activity begins to degenerate and cannot Dealing with all kinds of useless information as efficiently as when I was young."

"At that time, let alone foresight, even whether it can maintain a normal sanity is a problem." Dongma sneered disdainfully.

"But if you say that, I remember you also have similar abilities?" Shishi asked.

"Yes, but do you think that as the true ancestor and strengthened by Alaya, do I need to have the same worries as a mortal?" Dongma smiled triumphantly.