Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1558

"You always do this! Give me a low evaluation, so that everyone else thinks that my ability is below you! But that's impossible! I'm the next Dean of Shubenheim! I've learned A veteran magician with more than 40 years of magic tricks! Whether it is rune characters or puppet technology, I first began to research and publish! Why are you ahead of me!"

It seems that this guy has already turned his purpose to venting his dissatisfaction with oranges over the years.

"Aruba, that's your own problem. In short, you who pay attention to your appearance and you who keep yourself in this state are the fundamental reason why you can never catch up inside!" Orange didn't bother to show closeness, directly Use more insulting = insulting words to judge.

"Sorry to disturb the two narratives, I'm not here to listen to you talk about old things!" Dong Ma interrupted impatiently.

"Huh, I didn't tell you my purpose, did I?" Aruba let out a cold laugh.

"Huangye's experiment has nothing to do with me, and I am not interested in the root cause. What's the meaning of that kind of thing?" The magician who was completely on a different path laughed without scruples.

However, just now, he was still accusing Orange of evaluating him too low.

"But it's okay, anyway, my goal has been achieved, to bring the ultimate goal of you, Aozaki, to this alien world now under my control!" Aruba laughed triumphantly.

Immediately, the red magician ran to the second floor and the lobby on the first floor was filled with things peeling off the ground and walls, like sticky = liquid, jelly, etc.

Ugly, rotten, not knowing whether it is a human or a beast, in short, something full of hatred.

There is no doubt that these things are enough to kill ordinary magicians instantly!

However, there was no'ordinary magician' present.

"Ah, it's really disappointing. This is the next dean of that monastery? It seems that the place can't be sustained anymore. For a guy of this level, even a low-cost horror movie will be disgusted with technology. It's off." Dongma glanced around, then walked forward slightly bored.

Although it was an obvious and slow footstep, it did not cause an attack by the alien monster. On the contrary, it was like Moses stepping into the sea. Everything retreated to both sides, giving way to a path that was enough for the two to pass.

"How is it possible?! A true ancestor..." Aruba exclaimed in horror.

"Quite? You are really ignorant, Aruba!" Looking at Dongma, who had already shown impatience, Orange opened his password box directly.

"Come out!" With this clear order, there was nothing in the password box opened.

However, a black substance that looked like a cat or a dog appeared beside Orange.

In the last moment, the monsters that had been separated by Dongma on both sides had long since disappeared.

As for where it went, you can understand from the point that the black substance made a burp motion?

"How is it possible?!" Aruba exclaimed with a more horrified expression than before.

And the object of his horror is naturally the flat shadow that seems to only appear in the second dimension, those eyes that look exactly like some kind of hieroglyphs, as if seeing through life and mastering death!

"Damn... what did I see?! Your envoy was killed by your sister?!" Aruba yelled unbearably.

"Who knows..." Orange fell into the memory for an instant, and then retired in an instant.

After a short pause, Orange seemed to comfort his envoy.

"Sorry, I let you eat something unpalatable, but the next delicious meal will never let you down. Just as I usually teach you, eat all the enemies!" Orange commanded coldly Tao.

Immediately, as if receiving the instruction, the big black cat instantly pounced on... Dongma.

"Hey, that's not the enemy!" Orange suddenly rebuked silently.

However, what made her speechless was that Dong Ma just turned her head and glared at him. The black shadow cat, which was not like it, stayed by his side obediently. It seemed that she was waiting for orders again, and it was better than the one next to Orange. Time is more obedient.

"Damn! I'm your master!" Orange exclaimed with angrily.

However, this didn't seem to be of any use for eggs. The black cat just glanced at the orange, and continued to wait for Dongma's instructions as if he hadn't heard at all.

"Okay, don't make the oranges embarrassing, go and eat your dinner." Dongma reached out and touched the black cat's head, then said lightly.


With a silent roar, the black shadow instantly pounced on Aruba.

At this time, Aruba, who had recovered, also completed the ten-second magic chant, and the white flames that looked like the sun appeared in front of him.

Chapter 2126 the study of human death

Scorching-hot flames are at least thousands of degrees high.

In an instant, Dongma's breathing was stagnant, and that powerful magical flame, while generating high temperatures, also took away a large amount of oxygen in this alien world, creating a deadly vacuum.

However, this degree of problem is just a matter of pausing for a while for Dongma and Orange.

Aruba knew this too. Taking advantage of the pause between the two, he directly launched a fireball and rushed to the black cat in front of him.


The high-intensity explosion caused by the intense high temperature caused the entire space to shake.


The flames and heat waves dissipated, and Aruba still saw the huge black shadow.

"How is it possible?!" Aruba exclaimed in horror.

This is the third time he yelled such a shout today, but this time, it will also be the last time.

Because there is no next ten seconds, chanting to him that is comparable to the high temperature flame on the surface of the sun.

Looking at the burned body being sorted, the faded shadow seemed to sort something.

Taking advantage of this short period of one or two seconds, Aruba can barely sing a flame of about a thousand degrees, but such a flame can't even make the black cat stop and tidy up his body. .

So, when the black cat tidied up his body, his huge mouth instantly enveloped Aruba.


Aruba's head and shoulders were eaten by the big-mouthed black cat.

However, at this moment, the black cat stopped its movements.

"Wang Xian..." The majestic and ancient voice sounded behind Aruba.

It was still the short Sanskrit, in stark contrast with the lengthy chanting of Aruba, so that Dongma knew the identity of the person in a flash.

"Sure enough, it's you, the monk." Dongma said with a sneer.

"Although he is an inferior person, as a magician, he is not worthless. At this stage, he cannot be eaten by you, the god of death from India..." Huang Ye's unique low voice rang.

All the spaces seemed to express surrender to him, this place itself was the alien world he created.

And the black cat that had been crushed just now appeared to be unable to move at all in front of the three-fold torus interface that was formed again.

"The Indian god of death? Looks like something over there." Dongma said casually, and then beckoned, indicating that the envoy who had become a huge mouth had retreated.^