Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1577

Just like the Tianwu Baolun in a certain animation, it directly deprives human beings of five senses.

"It's useless, the book of false gods!" Dongma sneered and shook his head.

Although I can hear nothing, see nothing, feel nothing, but can speak.

"My ability is not based on the five senses, but the sixth sense-consciousness!" Dong Ma laughed.

Immediately, the whole world before him collapsed.

"Speaking of it, this is the application method I learned from that guy Huangye. After trying it out, I found that my lambda system can just accomplish this kind of thing." Dongma said with a smile.

"Distinguishing and analyzing the space? It seems that you can already use the eighth consciousness-Alaya consciousness!" Xuan Wu said in admiration.

"You're not bad. The understanding of the seventh consciousness, the consciousness, can be said to be unprecedented, and there will be no comers." Dongma replied.

Although in an anime, the eighth sense is much stronger than the seventh sense, in fact the real meaning of the two is the perception of time memory and space world respectively. There is no difference in level itself, just like the five senses. It is not the same in sequence.

"So, the next step is to use the skill test!" Xuan Wu said with some excitement. It seems that he has never met an opponent who can fight him head-on to this level, so he is probably very excited and delighted.

"However, before we formally fight, shouldn't we let the flowers leave?" Dong Ma asked with a light smile.

"Of course, this is something that has nothing to do with classmate Heitong, because I have no fate with her, and classmate Huang Lu should be fate with her." Xuan Wu nodded in agreement, although no one could see him nodding.

"Then, flowers..." Dongma said lightly.

"Recovered..." Huahua said in surprise.

As for what was restored, it was naturally the five senses that had been deprived from just now.

"Before I leave, can I ask a few questions?" Hua Hua asked.

"Of course, this is my duty." Xuan Wu said with a smile, only the restored flowers could see his smile, it was so hollow and mechanical.

"Is it you who persecuted Tachibana Kaori?"


"Yeshan's whereabouts is unknown, you are the one who caused it, right?"


"Sister Huang Lu's magic, you also taught it?"


"You are the one who collects the memories, right?"


Four different questions in a row, four identical answers in a row, so that the context of everything is fully revealed.

"Why do you want to do this?" This is the question Huahua really wants to ask.

"There is no purpose, it's just fulfilling their wishes." Xuan Wu replied, Xuan Wu Gaoyue just provided a platform and opportunity to realize their respective wishes.

"But, collecting and forgetting must be your purpose!" Flowers said with certainty.

"Why do you think so?" Xuan Wu asked rhetorically.

"Because I don't have such a wish!" Flowers said affirmatively

"Because I don't remember, so I can't think...This is the reason," Xuan Wu muttered.

"What's the solution?" Flowers asked seriously.

Chapter 2151 the purpose of Xuanwu Gaoyue

"Actually, the past you want to retrieve is just the memory you lost after being taken away by the goblin that year!" Dongma sneered.

"Ah, what I said, I really started to study magic because of the memory impairment after that time. After all, it is a disease that cannot be treated by modern medicine, but in this way, I did not collect other people's memories. It's necessary, right?" Xuan Wu suddenly thought of this, and touched his face with some regret.

"But, I have to do this, because no matter how high I am, I can't get the memories of my own past. My mind would never forget any subtle memory, but if it is damaged, it will not be included. So. After my brain is damaged, I can only go one way to read the records of the world itself, that is, the Akashic records." Xuan Wu said terrible facts.

"In other words, have you really reached the root cause?" Dongma asked.

"That's right, the place that connects all human memory and the deep level of consciousness, I have been there constantly."

"There must be no Xuan Wu Gaoyue's past there, right!" Hua Hua said affirmatively.

"I guessed wrong, there is actually the answer I want." Xuan Wu let out a wry smile, "Actually I didn't lose the memory of the past at all, but I had already taken the memory of many people..."

"So, is this the reason you forgot the past?" Dongma vaguely understood something.

"Because the capacity of the human brain is limited, although there will be no overcapacity problems for the memory of a single person even after death, I have read countless people's memories and it has long exceeded the limit of the brain capacity. The protection of the human brain, so ordinary people will subconsciously shield some unnecessary memories, even if they are in the depths of the sea of ​​memory, they can hardly be remembered." Xuan Wu said.

"Sin, taboos, regrets... the memory we don't want, the human brain will delete it for us, or block it. So my behavior is to explore the deep consciousness of others, and to block the memory inside. Dig it out..."

"But because of this, my consciousness and memory of myself have become very vague..."

"People will forget their sins and continue to live as if they do not exist. This is actually an advantage. However, I have no way to do this! So in order to prevent these things from being discarded, I dig them They came out and exchanged them for them. As for how they feel afterwards, whether they think they are good or evil is their own decision. I have never interfered."

Xuan Wu still said with a smile.

This is his current code of action. From the original search for his own past, it has turned into an act of abandoning others for screening.

But in reality, this is just sophistry.

"Obviously unearthed the evil of others, but claiming that there is no distinction between good and evil? It is extremely ridiculous!" Dong Ma sneered disdainfully.

"I just want to find a way to solve the problem." Xuan Wu replied.

"Excessive thoughts, first think about how to understand yourself, idiot!" Dongma snorted coldly.

"It's because there is no other way, so I did this, because Xuan Wu Gaoyue's memory is already unclear!" Xuan Wu said.

"What the hell is going on?" Dongma subconsciously realized that there might be something hidden in it.

"Actually, I was abducted by fairies when I was a kid... Oh, you already know that. They want me to be with them forever, but I can't. I want to go back to the warm home in my heart, so I ran away ..." Xuan Wu seemed to remember.

"But when I was about to get home, I suddenly turned my head and saw that my hands were covered with the blood of unknown creatures, and behind me were the corpses and blood of those unknown creatures, covering the whole world..." Xuan Wu looked at his hand subconsciously.

"Therefore, I can't go back to my home again. My parents' cold eyes with fear, I already knew that there was no longer the home I wanted to go back to in my memory." Xuan Wu seemed a little bit painful.

"So, you killed them." Dongma said affirmatively.

"But that's not allowed, because Xuanwu Gaoyue later was cursed by them. So it's not forgotten, but since then, I have been unable to judge whether that memory is my own In the four memory links, I have lost the function of the reconfirmation link. Since then, my memory has become pure knowledge and intelligence." Xuan Wu smiled like a clown It looks strangely funny.

But this is Xuan Wu Gaoyue, she has no knowledge of herself, and can't even feel the movements of her body. He can only control it through language.