Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1592

"Ahhh, is there any fun?" Dongma said as he raised his head suddenly, and then stared at the emerald, like a beast about to hunt.

"...In my sister's room, there may be..." Jade seemed to have a new reaction, and suddenly said this sentence.

"Oh? Is there a TV in Kohaku's room?" Dongma smiled and wanted to confirm.

"Yes, I saw it there." Jade nodded affirmatively.

"Forget it, she should be cooking now. It seems that there is something wrong with going to the girl's room at this time, so let's wait for the next opportunity to go." Dongma did not say anything about entering the girl's room. Abnormal performance.

And such a natural performance seemed to have made Jade relax his vigilance, and did not project any abnormal eyes.

In other words, because it is the identity of the master, so afraid to show it?

No, in front of Dongma, no matter how blank his face was, it was impossible to hide it.

"If you are not worried about Miss Qiuye's preaching..." Jade left such a sentence completely incompatible with the status of a maid, and then left Dongma's room.

Seven o'clock, this seems to be Tono's dinner time as always.

Of course, the jade and amber, as the maids, stood behind Dongma and Qiuye from beginning to end, and were responsible for some western food etiquette assistance.

However, the western food etiquette displayed by Dongma during the dinner is perfect enough to attend the state banquets of Western powers.

This made Qiuye, who seemed to be about to read the joke, expressed an extremely surprised expression, but she was soon hidden by her.

Thus, the dinner ended in a weird atmosphere.

At eight o'clock, Dongma, who didn't want to sleep at all, knocked on Amber's door.


"Please wait a minute!" Amber's voice was the same as when she first met at the entrance, a bit inexplicably panicked.

It's probably a girl's room, there are some things that are inconvenient to see.

Dongma thought so, so he waited outside the door.

The waiting time was unexpectedly long. As a maid, Amber made Dongma stare outside the door for three minutes, then opened the door carefully, and only opened a slit, revealing that beautiful face.

"Master Dongma, what's going on at this time?" Amber asked strangely.

Chapter 2171 Amber Room

"Huh?" Kohaku looked at Dongma in surprise.

"I'm concerned about things recently, so I want to watch TV news." Dong Ma explained.

"I understand, because suddenly returning to this somewhat heavy atmosphere feel uncomfortable..." Kohaku showed a bright smile.

"However, have you ever said this to Miss Qiuye and Jade?" Amber suddenly asked carefully.

"What will happen?" Dongma asked curiously.

"It should be, Young Master Dongma, please drive away." Humber said, and looked around the corridor, "Fortunately, no one saw it."

"So, did I go in?" Dongma asked with a smile.

With the consent of the twin sister, she walked into her private room.

"Then, please find a proper place to sit down and I will make a cup of tea for you."

Dongma looked at Amber, who was already busy, and subconsciously looked at the room. It was messy in the girl’s room. All kinds of trinkets seemed to have been secretly collected. After all, Qiuye was educated by nobles. And the hostess who had become a little rigid would not allow her to carry such things and put them out grandiosely.

But the reason for these messy visits is probably to conceal the small TV buried in it.

The remote control was placed directly on the table, which means that Amber was watching TV just now.

"I've been waiting for a long time." After waiting long, Amber put the tea cup in front of Dongma.

"Thank you, it's delicious." Although Dongma doesn't drink green tea often, he can still tell the basics of good from bad.

"Thank you, Master." Amber laughed happily, and then picked up the remote control. "What will Master Dongma look at this time?"

"At this time, only news can be seen, right? The prime time is usually a little later." Dong Ma looked at the time and said.

"I thought Master Dongma would like to read books..." Obviously, Humber also thought that Dongma was the man who became a little weak because of a car accident when he was a child.

"It's only when you wear glasses that you have such an illusion." Dong Ma raised his hand and took the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

This is the skill that Dongma learned from Orange. Because the pair of glasses itself is a precious thing, after replacing him, Dongma only needs to wear this pair of glasses. Most people even if his name changes. If you become a winter horse, you will not notice the slightest strangeness.

Of course, it's fine to take it off briefly like now.

"Speaking of which, because Young Master Dongma suddenly wore glasses, Miss Qiuye was a little surprised when she greeted her." Amber said with a smile, but Dongma didn't seem to see Qiuye's surprised expression.

"The intellectual disillusionment is disillusioned, are you a little disappointed?" Dong Ma asked with a smile.

"No..." Amber seemed to want to explain something. After thinking about it, she still felt that it would be more effective to switch the topic, so she turned on the TV directly, "Master Dongma wants to watch the news, right?"

Speaking of it, it's nine o'clock now because of the chat and the time spent in the room before.

Usually, the TV news at this time is reporting the serial murderer who has recently entered Sansaki City.

"It's this guy again...Is this a special report on the whole case today?" Watching the host who was counting every episode of the murderer on TV, Dong Ma directly ignored his nutritious commentary.

"It's not a case that humans can do, but it has to be analyzed from a human perspective. Only when there is a result can there be ghosts." Dongma hummed disdainfully.

"Master Dongma is interested in, is he also interested in reasoning?" Amber asked after hearing the words.

"Yes, I usually like detective novels and detective TV dramas." Dong Ma nodded.

"Then why is this case not something humans did?" Amber seemed to want to explore Dong Ma's heart and looked deeply into Dong Ma's eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? After killing the young women of the victim, they also drew their blood, proving that the prisoner obviously has no normal thinking. After doing such a thing, and becoming more and more blatant, It's not too much to say that he is no longer human." Dongma analyzed through criminal psychology.

"Master Dongma has any opinion on this? This should be the ninth person." Amber asked expectantly.

"The prisoner looks very careful, and he doesn't worry about being discovered when he commits crimes in the streets late at night. In fact, it is very simple to find the prisoner, but the problem is after that..." Dongma shook his head and said.

"After that? Are you talking about evidence?" Amber asked.

"No, because it looks like it might not be the same prisoner at all, because the location of the crime is too scattered. Even if the crime is circulated, it is impossible to do it in every corner of the city." Dongma shook his head.

Moreover, it must also be considered that there may be many illegal households (foreigners smuggling to work) who have not been found missing at all, and the actual number of victims may increase exponentially.

"In other words, it is organized crime, similar to a religious group or something?" Amber asked.

"If you guessed it correctly, it should be that way. After all, the victims themselves have nothing in common except for the fact that they are young women. If a single person commits a crime, it is impossible for a serial killer to have this 1.5. Do it." After all, almost all serial killers choose some specific targets to start.