Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1605

"Yes, because he also said yesterday that his goal should be only you, and my absence is the perfect situation for him!" Dong Ma said affirmatively.

"If I appear alone in this state, it would be a great opportunity for Nero..." However, the doubts between Alquette's eyebrows did not disappear.

"But can it really work? Nero is also an outstanding magician, definitely not a simple reckless husband, even if I appear alone, he might not be fooled?" Shaking his head suspiciously.

"That guy will definitely be fooled, because his envoy patrolling the street will tell him that Shenjing has returned to school!" Dongma smiled triumphantly.

Time soon came to the early hours of the morning. According to the plan, Nero of Dongma was found at school.

So there is no doubt that Nero's ambassadors followed as expected.

While Dongma, who started the Mirage System, manipulated the double doll made by Orange, while in the depths of the park forest, he watched every move of El Quette and its surroundings.

In the park late at night, Alquette was sitting on a bench, looking boredly at the ordinary scenery.

There are still ten minutes before wee hours...

"It's really impolite for me to keep you waiting, Your Majesty's Princess!" Gongqian's tone sounded in the quiet park.

It resounded in this small park like the unpleasant sound made after metal rusted.

At the same time, Dongma also saw the ancestor of the dead who appeared in front of Elquit like a dead soul, turning into a black mist.

"It does make me wait, Nero Kaos, or do you want me to call your real name? Fabron Lowein!" El Quette's voice spread throughout the entire park.

"It's really surprising. I thought that no one remembered the name of my human period. It seems that the information of the twenty-seventh ancestor can't be hidden from you. You deserve to be the princess of the real ancestor!" It was like rusty metal collision The voice can be heard unexpectedly without any obstacles.

"Speaking of which, do you still disagree with'snakes'? Why do you think that guy is enough among you?" El Quette asked in a little surprised.

It sounded like there was no delay at all to let Dongma find a chance to kill with one blow.

Naturally, Nero didn't seem to notice the anomaly, and he still chatted with Elquet casually like an old friend.

"After all, that guy’s thinking is not the same as that of most of the dead compatriots. Of course, the blood-sucking species that has no meaning at all cannot be recognized by everyone. Although he and I are old acquaintances, it is a pity. I can’t get to know him too much.” Nero sighed, shaking his head.

"Ha 323, I remembered what you said like this. You two are aliens among all the dead. It is only natural that there is some old knowledge between the two aliens." It seemed that his strength had been greatly lost, but it was the appearance of a noble man talking to a commoner.

"That's right, it's because people who are always alone are called heretics. Everyone is outside the whole group, so they can get along." Nero seemed to be remembering something.

"Indeed, judging from the city where you are both passionate about the Far East, there is indeed a certain degree of similarity." El Quette sneered sarcastically.

However, Elquet's provocation did not seem to have worked, and Nero's attention at this time was still completely nailed to the girl's body.

"I'm curious, why are you hunting down the'snake'? As a executed prisoner, why do you focus so much on him? Did he poison you?"

However, until the two talked to the present, Dongma still did not show up.

After knowing that Nero's body was made up of 666 monsters, Dongma knew that those dead lines and dead spots that surfaced on the surface were of no use, they were just the dead spots of all monsters._ Mpq, |

Chapter 2188 Manticore and Hell Watchdog However, even if the dead spot of the black beast was not found, Dongma walked out of the darkness."Winter Horse..." El Quett called out in surprise."What?" Nero didn't look back, but was stunned subconsciously, and then seemed to understand something suddenly."Ah, it's a weird thing for the goddess to stay at the school so late, and it really is a fake over there," Nero said."Cut, have you been found?" Alquette smacked his lips uncomfortably."Of course, the entire park is now in my domain. Even if I am focused on confronting Her Royal Highness and I have no time for him, as long as these little guys in my body find one, they will take the initiative. Counterattack. So, the act of surprise attack is useless to me! That God Purifying Demon was aware of this, so he came out from the dark." Nero sneered confidently."Yes, let me see the so-called group advantage." Dongma continued to move forward. At the same time, a lion head with a scorpion-like tail flew out.The huge bat-like wings flapped vigorously, and the huge creature seemed to show off its claws and teeth glowing with faint blue light, and instantly rushed in front of Dongma."Manticore? I didn't expect that even this kind of imaginary creature exists in your body. It's really impressive!" Dongma seemed to clap his hands in admiration, but in fact, there was no doubt that he mocked.Because a powerful beast that should be able to kill people with a random wave of claws, even close to Dongma couldn't do it, it was restrained by Dongma's Lambda system, and then severely pressed into a pool of black mud."Is that your precious abilities? The true ancestor who appeared as a hero!" Nero turned his head in surprise.Even if it is not as good as Nightmare and Dragon, this legendary alchemy product, but a creature as powerful as Chimera, was killed by Dongmao without even lifting it.Anyone who sees such a scene will be extremely surprised."This guy, even if I regain my strength in the heyday, I may not be able to overcome it with my fantasy realization!" El Quett heartily admired."Then I have to give it a try, whether my black herd is strong, or the individual of the true ancestor is strong!" Nero seemed to howl excitedly.It didn't look like a cry from a creature, and it immediately led to the other monster in his body.On the huge canine body of Warcraft, there are fifty dog-like heads, each with odd-shaped horns, and the breath from their mouths almost instantly burns the surrounding cold air = It is as hot as magma, and the steam formed by the high heat recondenses into small water droplets when it encounters the cold air outside. The strange scene makes people feel terrible.Each head was wrapped around the neck-around a staring viper, and the tail that appeared at the end was also the tail of a snake.This giant monster, which was several times larger than Nero itself, was found out almost instantly."Unexpectedly, you guy is so courageous that even the guard dogs of hell dare to swallow it?" Dongma cracked the corners of his excited mouth, looking at this legendary monster with almost no dead spots."Hell's guard dog? Cerberus! But it's not right, isn't that hell three-headed dog has only three heads?" Elquet cried suspiciously."It was only thought that for the convenience of carving, it was reduced to only three. Actually, in Hesiod's "The Book of Gods", this dog had at least fifty heads!" Dongma explained with a smile ."Then let me take a look! Even if this is the god generation where the strong are gathered, no strong can kill it, and it symbolizes the eternal hell's guard dog, what about your demon eye of death? Kill it!" Nero smiled triumphantly."Indeed, because death does not exist conceptually, or it represents death, it is impossible for Cerberus to have a dead spot... But ah, no dead spot does not mean that I can't eliminate it!" Dong Ma said with a sneer."Baseless self-confidence!" Nero snorted coldly, obviously not believing that Dongma could do this."Is it unfounded, you should know it best!" Dongma said with a sneer."I'll wait and see!" Nero sneered."Don't you forget? In all the Greek myths and legends, how did this hell dog usher in the last?" Dongma showed a weird expression."...Sleep!" Nero reacted instantly.Greediness and low intelligence are all weaknesses of the hell guard dog.And the most famous weakness is naturally easy to sleepiness!For the gods and heroes in Greek mythology, the best way to deal with the guard dog of hell is to find a way to let him eat something that can sleep and let him enter a dreamland where he will not be disturbed by the outside world at all!"Yes! Since you have reproduced the legendary dog ​​so perfectly, then this dog will certainly inherit the fatal weakness in the legend!" Dongma smiled coldly, and then stretched his hands forward. A hypnotic-va-th-hand-thunder fell to the feet of Cerberus in an instant."S..."