Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1609

"Ah, Jade, you can't do this, aren't you my exclusive maid? Shouldn't you be in a hurry?" Dongma smiled and hummed at the iceberg in front of him.

"Widow?" A strange light seemed to flash across Jade's eyes.

"Don't you try to say something nice for me?" Dongma asked helplessly.

"Forgive me for my incompetence." Jade respectfully refused.

"Okay, okay, anyway, I didn't expect your persuasion to have any effect, after all, that guy Qiuye still has a weird temper." Dongma murmured.

"Master Dongma, Shunu overpassed, where have you been these two days?" Jade asked coldly.

"Ah, just go out and treat the vampire that caused Sao to move recently." Dongma replied truthfully.,.

However, Jade is still a normal person.

Please don't lie...Although I didn't say it, the expression in those somewhat inorganic eyes contained this meaning.

The reason why she didn't say it was because she was such an excellent maid and would never ask her master to be ashamed.

"Alright, alright, knowing you don't believe it, just don't tell Qiu Ye anyway." Dong Ma said with a smile.

"No, it's not that the slave doesn't believe it, but thinks that with the power of Young Master Dongma, the vampires in the town should be easy to solve." Jade said lightly.

"Ah, speaking of you, you are also of Wu Jing's blood. You should also be able to see the so-called weirdness." Dong Ma nodded without surprise.

"Master Dongma, the eldest has been waiting for two days." Amber said deliberately like a prank.

"It seems that you can't escape the charges of skipping classes and going out without a reason." Dongma said with a smile.

Immediately, Dongma opened the door and walked in alone.

There is only Qiuye in the living room. His original beautiful face is now full of expressions of "I am angry, I want to explain". The cold eyes are like knives, scratching Dongma's skin severely. .

However, for the true ancestor, this level of eye attack is of no use at all.

"Morning..." Before Dongma spoke, Qiuye interrupted impatiently.

"The meaningless courtesy will be avoided. Brother, please sit down and I have to ask some questions!" Qiuye said solemnly.

Dongma sat down helplessly, and then was asked about going out for two days without a reason.

"I'm telling the truth, because I was caught by another guy, so under the threat of an unequal treaty, I went to help get rid of the vampire who was doing things in the town recently." Dongma replied with a smile.

"..." However, Qiuye's answer was a strange and long silence.

"Huh? Qiuye doesn't believe it? I thought the Tono family children should understand what I'm talking about." Dongma asked strangely.

"No, it's not that I don't believe that the vampires who have been living in the town were wiped out by my brother, but it's hard to believe that my brother didn't lie to me." Qiuye looked at Dongma weirdly, seeming to confirm what this one is Not like my brother.

I have to say, girl, you have a keen sense, and you actually noticed... a strange feeling rose in Dongma's heart.

"Do you know? Brother, since you went out that night three days ago, I was worried, would you leave me like eight years ago, this time there is no father, I don’t want to Living here alone!" Qiuye looked at Dongma pleadingly.

"Isn't there still amber and jade?" Dongma asked.

"They are different after all!" Qiu Ye shook his head.

"Don't worry, Qiuye. I won't let you be alone anymore!" Dongma promised decisively.

"Hmm!" Qiuye jumped up in a panic, her beautiful long legs kicked over the coffee table directly.

Dongma never promises to do things, but as long as it is not alone, it does not seem to be the key whether Dongma is with him or not.

After finally sorting out his emotions, Qiuye, whose face was still slightly red, hurriedly prepared to end the topic.

"In short, Brother please don't go to the street alone, otherwise if some other monsters appear again, Brother will be in danger!"

"Yes, I know." Dong Ma said perfunctorily.

"Really, my elder brother didn't listen to me well at all!" Qiu Ye puffed up her face.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, such a pretty face makes it unsightly." Dongma stretched out his hand and patted Qiuye on the head.

"Long-winded!" Qiuye rolled her head angrily, but did not refuse Dongma's close contact._ Mpq, |

Chapter 2194 Do everything you can to wake up brother!"Miss, breakfast is ready." Amber walked in at this moment, and interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere just now if nothing had happened."Hmm!" As if shocked, Qiuye immediately hid behind him and escaped from Dongma's clutches."Huh! Don't think that if you say a few good things, your elder brother will not be blamed by me!" Qiuye seemed to be more angry than before, and said with a blusher face."Yes, yes, I'm listening." Dongma smiled and sat down again, making an earful look."Speaking of it, my elder brother often gets up very late a few days ago. Such lazy behavior is absolutely not allowed in Tono Family!" Qiuye sighed and said, trying to restore the majesty of the Patriarch."But, as long as you are not late, don't you just be fine?" Dong Ma said with a rascal expression."That is not in line with the Tono family's character! If you really can't get up, just let Jade ask you to get up?" Qiuye said proudly."Really, my elder brother knows what mood I have every morning, waiting for you when the time limit is narrow..." Qiuye complained subconsciously."Miss Qiuye!" But then he was interrupted by Jade.The cold gaze seemed to remind Qiu Ye of something, causing her to lower her head with flushed cheeks 373.Sure enough, teasing Qiuye with such a cute expression is an extremely pleasant thing.At least on this point, sister Wu Jing and I have a common language.Looking at Amber's joyful smile and the joyful look in Jade's eyes all showed that they had almost the same mentality at this time."Speaking of which, elder brother, did you tell Jade what time you want to start chuang?" Qiu Ye asked suddenly, changing the subject."That said, I really didn't tell Jade..." Dongma shook his head, thinking that sleeping is just a habit and hobby, not a necessary behavior, so the biological clock in the body can almost accurately infer when he wakes up. I never told Jade about this."Then, Jade, I will wake my brother up at 6:30, no problem?" Qiuye turned her head and asked Xiang Xiang, whose eyes changed from pleasure to inorganic jade."...I refuse." Jade stared at Dongma's face for a second, then refused without hesitation."Jade?" Amber looked at her sister in surprise."Why refuse?" Qiuye's face was also astonished."I'm sorry, I can't do anything I can't do, even if it's the order of the eldest lady." Jade shook his head."Although I heard you said, is it really so difficult to wake Master Dongma?" Amber asked in surprise.