Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1650

"I didn't expect it, Dongma! The last strongest heroic spirit is now summoned by Ilia!"

Elia held her head proudly, her slender neck revealed, proud and beautiful.

"Hmm, great, great..."

Dongma chuckled and nodded. After all, it was his daughter, so he still wanted to praise it.

"Hate! Dongma, you have a hard mouth now. When my berserker kills you, you won't laugh so happy!"

As if perceiving Dongma's carelessness, Yi Liya raised her short hand high with dissatisfaction.

"Master, that hero, and we are not on the same level!"

Joan summoned his holy flag with a serious face and stood in front of Dongma.

"After all, 320 is Berserker's job agency. The frenzied level A has increased all her abilities by at least one level, and her power and magic seem to have increased by two levels. Such a knight king is Altria's ideal. The posture in the middle."

Dongma nodded in admiration.

As an ally in the previous war, Dongma naturally knows Altria's various values.

"Is that the legendary King of Britain?"

Rin looked at the blond woman in front of her in amazement, her cold temperament, as if she was not a berserker, but a noble true king.

"Yes, because the ideals during her lifetime were too noble, that she would subconsciously suppress some of her emotions. But when she released her usual depressed emotions, the perfect posture would also make her a perfect king……"

Although for this king, even through tyranny, as long as the ideal can be realized is perfect.

"See it, smelly winter horse! This is the strongest form of the knight king, the most perfect king, and it has appeared in front of you!"

As if she was showing her perfect work, Illiya used the courtesy of the German royal family to guide her gracefully.

"Master, shall we go together?"

Joan asked seriously, and the tip of the holy banner in his hand had also pointed at the black Altria.

"You go and try his level. Speaking of which, I haven't officially seen other people's ex-level strengths."

Dongma said with a sneer.


Joan nodded vigorously, then waved the holy flag, wrapped herself in the flag, and instantly turned into a holy light, rushing towards the black Altria, full of unknown black.

"Ah, Smelly Dongma is as anxious as ever. I wanted to know Rin and Ying, but forget it, if you kill both of them, Smelly Dongma will be Ilia's father alone!"

Yi Liya let out a cold snort, and then shook her small hand up high.

"Kill them, berserker!"

With an elegant voice that sounded like singing, the black knight king stepped forward instantly, and then...

Appeared in front of Joan of Arc!

"So fast!"

Joan's face changed, and he hurriedly put away the stab move he had used to attack, and hurriedly stood the flagpole of the holy flag forward, which could block the deadly black holy sword.

Seeing this, Dongma suddenly frowned slightly.

It wasn't because Joan seemed to be a little embarrassed. After all, the point where the spikes that originally controlled the distance were not the best time to exert force.

The long weapon that was originally suitable for stabs hadn't been charged, so it couldn't even stab the black knight king at that moment.

Of course, the more important reason is that the speed of the black knight king is too fast. It is so fast that Joan, who has experienced many battles, can adjust his angle to attack in a fight, and can only follow the pace of stopping. , For a helpless defense.


Rin and Sakura couldn't help covering their ears as if they were about to shake off the eardrum, and the opposite Ilia frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Tsk, it actually blocked the berserker's attack, it's not bad, the saint of France!"

Immediately, he shouted again with an angry smile.

"Go! Keep killing!"

He didn’t respond to his master’s command, but used more lightning-like swordsmanship, which seemed to be out of order, but made people avoid the inevitable sword skills, instantly turning the chastity who was already close to the body and unable to play the advantages of the holy banner. Germany.Suppressed in that square inch.He could neither move forward nor retreat to open a distance, so he could only passively endure the black knight king's wild attack.

"It seems that Joan can't stop him alone..."

Dongma shook his head, then nodded gently.

As if they had received a signal, the previous generation of heroic spirits who were already ready to send rushed up together.

The flame-like long axe stretched out from the body-strange weapons, each attacking the black knight king from a tricky angle.

The kidneys on the lower back and the center of the spinal cord on the back are about to be attached with sharp blades.


"It's useless, that's the knight king. The melee skills are ineffective for her who has the mind (A-level)!"

It seems to be confirming his master's compliment. The black knight king, who is in a situation where he may be killed at any time, uses his hands, and the strengthened power will suppress the unprepared Joan, and then repel!

Although the feet firmly stepped on the concrete floor didn't let him fall by relying on the basic skills, but with that strange force, Joan retired in embarrassment hundreds of meters away.

Without looking at the opponent he had repelled, the Black Knight King turned around at almost the same time, and then swept his sword behind him.

It was like seeing the scene behind him. The black holy sword with the red weird runes printed on it was just on the way to the two deadly weapons.

Chapter 2234 Monster!


Although the two weapons were blocked, the speed was so fast that the illusion of the auditory organs made everyone just hear a crisp sound.

"Step aside!"

Everyone hadn't recovered from the shock of being easily deflated by the opponent in the three-on-one fight, and a sound that was supposed to be seductive-a charming drink suddenly interrupted everyone's emotions.

Dongma escapes popularity, Jiao-drink's master is Yuzao, chaotic and chaotic demon power has emerged, and a huge spell is about to be launched.

Probably, this is why she told everyone to retreat.

However, it was not her who launched the attack first, but Niha, who had been silently waiting for her chance.
