Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1678

"Now I, naturally, no longer feel lonely = loneliness, but for a child under ten years old, staying with the same person every day for ten years, and being a person who can’t speak, will collapse. what!"

Sakura cried out a little violently =.

"Usually, didn't you expect to meet Aoi and Rin?"

Dongma asked strangely.

Logically speaking, without the obstacles of the Tosaka family and the other people in the Matsuya family, the mother and daughter should be able to communicate naturally.

But from the strange feeling after returning to Fuyuki to the words Sakura said now, Dongma knew one thing, something that he had subconsciously ignored before.

"I should have thought of it, Aoi and Rin's videos, and yours will always be divided into two channels. Originally thought you wanted to talk to me alone, but I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Dongma seemed to understand something.

"The woman who abandoned me is disgusting just by meeting!"

Ying said coldly.

"Then you hide so well. I thought that the two of you who met again during the Holy Grail War ten years ago have been reconciled as before."

Dongma smiled bitterly.

"If I showed hatred at that time, I would die."

Ying said coldly.

Death is not enough, but depriving her of the possibility of revenge is something that Dongma will definitely do.

"Then, let me see 797, the revenge opera you are offering-ten years later!"

Dongma showed an exaggerated smile, and then raised his hand, firmly blocking the all black blade that did not know when to fly.

The black shadow began to move slowly, and soon turned into a real entity.

There are three black blades, but...

"It's useless, I thought you already knew this clearly."

Dongma sneered coldly, letting the three black blades hit him motionlessly, making a crisp sound, and then being bounced back to the original place.

At the same time, amidst the evil red magic circle, an unknown woman with black clothes and long purple hair mopping the ground appeared in front of Dongma.

"Rider, go up and support him!"

Sakura immediately ordered, and at the same time it turned into a phantom-like bug that disappeared into Dongma's field of vision.

"Yes, I have integrated the engraving insect secret technique of the Jiatong family into my own..."

Seeing like a bug in the void, Dongma exclaimed sincerely.

At the same time, the rider disappeared from Dongma's eyes at a speed that could not be accurately identified by Dongma.

Chapter 2257 The Banshee in the Age of Mythology-Goergong Medusa!

"Good speed!"

Even if it only catches a vague shadow, Dongma can quickly determine the opponent's position and attack timing.

Head, eyebrows, heart, kidneys, spinal cord... almost all the deadly positions are covered by the black blade.

But Dongma is not messy at all, because...

"Your blade can't kill me."

Dongma said confidently.

"It is true, then please go out!"

With that, the rider suddenly grabbed Dongma, and a huge strange power suddenly came from Rider's hands.


Dongma let out a sneer, grabbed the rider with his backhand, and pressed it firmly in place.

"Unfortunately, your melee ability is still a bit short. It seems that you are not the type who is proficient in melee combat before becoming a hero."

Dongma said with a sneer, and then grabbed the chains connected behind the black blade in his hands, and directly tied the fiery-explosive rider to the ground.

Go through the trench-grain, through the forest and the valley, wrap around the waist, cross-cross the mountains, and finally make a loop around the neck, and use the two ends of the rope with both hands and feet.

"Master Dongma, what are you doing?"

I don't know when Jeanne appeared in the corridor of the school building, looking at him being tied to the ground...No, it should be said that it was a rider whose limbs were tied up and hung from the ceiling, and his face flushed and questioned.

"Can't you tell? I just want to tune it up-teach this unruly hero..."

Dongma snorted coldly.

Immediately, he looked at Joan again, and then thought about it again.

"But you are just right, and there is a little guy who seems to need training too!"

Dongma sneered coldly, and then left Joan of Arc and rider in place. He flew over the almost lifeless corridor and found Sakura who was sitting in the gymnasium warehouse and seemed to be preparing something.

"You are not good, Sakura!"

Dongma walked over with a strange smile.

"Why are you here? Can't Rider even delay time?!"

Sakura seemed a little surprised at how Dongma came so soon.

"That's because you are too arrogant. You want to stop me without letting the heroic spirits liberate the treasure. Who do you think I am?!"

Dongma asked with a sneer.


Ying smashed her mouth in annoyance.

"Then, now that the hide and seek game is over, you should stop the enchantment obediently for me, otherwise I will punish you severely ["o

Dongma smiled happily.::.≯

"Don't, don't be kidding! I've been preparing to retaliate against society for ten years. How can I let you get rid of it in a few words!" y
