Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1702

Luvia pretended to be panicking and flinched back.

"Then Miss Luvia, would you like to give it a try? Maybe it will be more interesting than a man."

Tamamo's body language was full of temptation=confused.

"Don't be distracted by my girl=slave, fox."

Attila suddenly interrupted coldly.

"Allah, this little girl is very grumpy."

Yu Zaoqian seemed to say indifferently, but the murderous aura between the four became more obvious.

"Master Dongma, what to do with Miss Ilia, she seems very angry."

Dongma was appreciating the farce on the side of the four women, and Jeanne aside suddenly asked in a low voice.

"Suppose what to do? Of course let her live here."

Dongma said naturally.

"But, is it really okay? As long as that kid gets angry, everything can be done."

Joan frowned, seemingly worried about Ilia's character.

"It's okay, just let her stay here, anyway, from a functional point of view, the church has also lost its oversight function, so it's better to stay with me."

Dongma smiled carelessly.

"No, I don't want to forgive her!"

It seemed that they could hear Dongma's conversation, and Rin and Luvia, in an awkward atmosphere, said in unison.

"I said, it was just a fight, don't you need to be so serious?"

Dongma asked helplessly.

"Because this woman and I have not defeated that stinky kid, how can I be reconciled!"

Upon hearing this, the two women said in unison again.

Then, it seemed strange that the other party had said the same thing as himself, so he stared at each other viciously.

Obviously, indirectly joining hands with one's natural enemies, but only reaching a tie with each other, is indeed unacceptable to two arrogant women.

"Obviously my caster has cut off the return path between the Great Holy Grail and Illia. As a result, this guy actually brought the strongest Saber job agency and just tied it. It's unimaginable!"

Said dissatisfiedly.

"The one who said this is on my side. Obviously it just cut off the circuit. If you have the ability, cut off Ilia’s own magic circuit. In the end, Ilia burst out of the magic circuit of her body and almost failed. Up!"

Luvia retorted dissatisfiedly.

"It's an unreasonable woman!"

The two women said in unison again.

"Sure enough, two failed masters."

At this time, the girl at the center of the topic appeared in the living room at some point.

"Ilias Phil...!"

Suddenly, the two women and their heroes looked at the silver-white girl one after another.

"Am I wrong? The end result is that we all quit the Holy Grail War... No, to be precise, Rin and her servant have not quit. But for me this war is over, and I am too I don't want to argue with you women."

Speaking of Yiliya, she sat down next to Sakura, who had been silent, and took the snack she offered.

"Really, it's all over and I'm arguing here so immaturely. As a lady, I am really ashamed of you = ashamed. Obviously looks older than me... delicious! This is what you made ?"

Ilia satirized Rin and Luvia, while complimenting Sakura next to her.

"Yes, it's so good to match your taste."

Sakura replied politely.

"Well, very good, much more educated than those two women."

Iliya nodded lightly.

"You guy, really shouldn't agree with you to live here!"

Said dissatisfiedly.

"It's not you who have the final say, Rin, Dongma is the owner of this place, haven't you forgotten it?"

Elia smiled disdainfully.


Suddenly, Rin was speechless.

Of course, Luvia, who stayed at the same time as Ilia, was naturally not qualified to express dissatisfaction.

So, with a triumphant expression, Illya learned the appearance of a winter horse and asked Sakura next to her to feed herself pastries.

The snacks in Dongma’s mouth are made by Medusa.

As if to find it interesting, Illya giggled.

"Ah, by the way, since I am going to live here, Sarah and Liz will come together too."

Ilia said so.

It seems that just like children, they will not sleep well without familiar playmates.

"up to you."

Dongma said casually.

Chapter 2279 Easy Dinner Time!

Soon, Illiya summoned her two robot maids, so the dinner that day, the restaurant became more lively than ever.

The original Winter Horse, Joan of Arc, Matilda, Golden Darkness, and Lyrical Nanoha.

Illia and the two maids, as well as the blackened Altria.