Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1705

"Don't worry, everything is still under control anyway."

Dongma shook his head without anxiousness...

"Really, Master Dongma doesn't have the consciousness of being a judge at all."

Joan seemed very troubled about this.

"No, Father Father is still very conscious, but the direction of using the authority of the adjudicator is slightly abnormal."

Glancing at the girls who crowded the entire dining table, Sakura had a gentle smile as always, and she uttered the same sharp words in her mouth.

"With that said, there are indeed more people in the family. Am I going out to prepare some ingredients?"

Matilda asked Dongma for advice.

"It's raining, I don't want to go out."

Xiaoan, who was eating saury, said firmly.

Usually, she and Nayha take turns to go out shopping with Matilda. Since she said that, then the task of accompany is given to Nayha.

In this regard, Nanoha didn't seem to have any objections. After all, like the current Altria, as a berserker's job agent, her frenzied ability made it difficult for her to speak actively.

"Ilia wants to eat foie gras!"

As if deliberately mischievous, Ilia made a nearly impossible request across the table.

"Miss, there is no foie gras in this city."

Serra reminded quietly from the side.3.8

"Then I don't care, I will eat it!"

Illiya seemed to have a temper tantrum.

"Then, if I buy it for you, will our little Ilia stop angry?"

Dongma asked with a chuckle.

"Huh! You know what you are interested in, but if the foie gras dishes are not delicious, I won't forgive Dongma."

Ilia held her head proudly.

"Matilda, know what to do, right?"

Hearing this, Dong Ma immediately said to the former Fire Mist Warrior who had been transferred to the housekeeper.

"Understood, I will contact Tokyo."

Matilda nodded, the Asakami Group, which had been completely controlled by Dongma, was a piece of cake for a batch of foie gras by air.

Chapter 2281 Rin's personal investigation!

"Speaking of which, Rin, you were outside with Tamamo in front of you last night, right?"

After solving Ilia's problem, Dongma turned his head and asked Rin.

"What else can I do, now there are only three opponents left, so naturally I will investigate the opponent's situation."

Rin said naturally with a face.

"Rin really hasn't made any progress at all. The Holy Grail War relies on strength, strength, and intelligence. You just need to kill the opponent!"

Ilia said with a look of disdain.

"Am I right, Altria?"

Speaking of Yiliya, she also asked the opinion of her own hero next to her.

Without any suspense, the answer to her would naturally be a nod in the affirmation.

"I don't want to be said by someone who has been eliminated."

Rin naturally counterattacked unceremoniously.

"What are you talking about? Rin, do you want to be taught by Altria too?"

Ilia asked suddenly dissatisfied with Geology.

05 "Who is afraid of whom! Have the ability to hit me!"

Rin smiled smugly.


After hearing this, Illiya glanced at Dongma subconsciously, and then realized that it was not the time for her to succeed.

"Forget it, this lady will let you off with compassion today."

He grunted hard, then lowered his head to vent his anger-on the dinner plate with food.

"Well, Rin don't bully Illia too much, let's talk about the results of your investigation yesterday."

Dongma chuckled and changed the subject.

"My father is really partial..."

Muttered in a low voice, Rin then talked about the results of her investigation.

"The location of the gunman and her master is still unknown. The situation at Liudong Temple has been weird since yesterday. The gas leak incident that had been creating has suddenly stopped, so I concluded that she must What big action will there be in the near future!"

Lin said solemnly.

"In this way, the servant of Liudong Temple is indeed the most troublesome of the remaining servants. Regardless of the ordinary life conditions and the rules of the Holy Grail War, I originally wanted to deal with her after the berserker was settled. ."

Luvia also affirmed on the side.

"Huh! It's all trash fish!"

Iliya was as proud as ever.

"If she were to complete the ritual, she might be a more terrifying guy than Altria."

Rin frowned and said.

"Don't say I didn't remind you, the Gunners and Jill are both dangerous guys. Don't make a mistake about the final enemy and cause inexplicable failure."

Dongma said with a chuckle.