Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1746

"Huh! Bad Dongma!"

Angrily, Ilia clutched her hips while returning to Altria's arms.

And the knight king in black, as if regaining the feeling of raising his daughter Mordred, gently hugging her in his arms to comfort.

"It's the same with me."

Luvia also followed.

"Such complicated things will be put aside today. Although you will be the enemies who will decide the victory and defeat in a few days, you are still my important women. Enjoy the last peace before the war! "

Looking at the tense confrontation between Rin, Tamazamae, Skaha, and Bazette, Touma said this as an attempt to ease the atmosphere.

"Then I'll go back to the room first!"

However, Rin didn't seem to want to give Bazet face, and as soon as Dongma finished speaking, he got up and left to go back to the room.

"Then, I beg you next, Sakura."

He seemed to use a very happy expression to say this to Sakura who seemed to have made some promise.

"Understand, Sister-sama, Sakura will definitely do it well."

Sakura nodded and said, a smile of inexplicable meaning came up at the corner of her mouth.

Immediately, Sakura left the restaurant with a very happy expression.

"Then, I'm leaving too."

Bazette also got up and wanted to leave

"Miss Scarha, can you keep it?"

Sakura stood up suddenly, and Medusa, who had been following her, also blocked Skaha's path like a ghost.

"Miss Ying, what's the matter?"

Skaha didn't seem to ask angrily.

"It's nothing, just for newcomers, there are some things I want to know about."

Sakura strangely stated her purpose to stop Skaha.

However, the strange thing is that Bazette is also a newcomer, but Sakura has no intention of asking her any more.

Probably because Bazet is very famous. Through the relationship between the clock tower, even Rin should be able to quickly understand the details of Bazet, the contemporary chief seal designated executor.

Dongma guessed so.

But vaguely, Dongma saw something else from Ying's weird smile.

"So, what do you want to know?"

Skaha sat down in good time, but at this time, for some unknown reason, everyone except Dongma stood up consciously and retreated outside the range of the dining table. Even the reluctant Ilia was also The silent Altria hugged aside, eating a mouthful of cake as if venting dissatisfaction.

"For me, it doesn't matter whether I know you or not, what matters is the understanding of your father."

Sakura shook her head gently.

"Master Dongma understands me?"

Skaha tilted his head strangely.


It seemed that he was taken aback by Skaha's sudden action. Although he reacted quickly, Sakura's face still showed a suspicious blush.

"Yes, you can see that although you have become our companion, you still haven't fully accepted the change of identity from the bottom of your heart?"

Sakura said straightforwardly.

"Um...Because Dongma accepted my geis, it should be regarded as a contractual relationship."

Skaha said deliberately, somewhat confused.

"Huh... forget it, in short, in order to let Master Father understand you better, we decided to let you have a separate date with Master Father tomorrow. This is a rare opportunity!"

Sakura seemed a little envious, and a little unwilling to say something surprising.

Chapter 2317 Dating Route!

PS: Thanks for the monthly support of "You don't understand me", "Li Ao", "kyuo0621" and "Yan Zhiming".

"Hey, I said, you ignore my protagonist's wishes, is it too arrogant to ask for a date?"

Dongma crossed his hands in his spare time, elbows on the table, crossed fingers dragging his chin

"Don't dare, Master Dongma, but this is also our collective decision. After all, we can't let people who don't know the basics come in at will, right?"

Joan explained respectfully on the side, but her tough look was more like a direct request than an explanation.

"In the two days I was away, when did you reach this alliance?"

Dongma smiled bitterly with a headache.

Immediately, Dong Ma suddenly thought of Rin's weird performance before, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

That's it, it's that guy Rin...

Thinking of the daughter who is graceful and conscientious on the surface, but in fact in her bones, Dongma also feels that she can't do anything with her.

It seems that after coming back tonight, she has to teach her a lesson!

"930 is all the stinky winter horse's fault! If we weren't often left behind with other women, Illiya would not be in the mood to ally with these guys!"

Ilia seemed to say angrily.

"Yes, yes, my Elia is the best."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"That's natural! Illya has always been the best behaved!"

After hearing the words, Yi Liya suddenly arrogantly raised a small fierce heart.

"So back to the topic, where does Master Father think is a suitable place for this date?"

Sakura opened her mouth and brought the topic back to the original track.