Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1776

"In other words, the secrets on your side should be strictly monitored, right?"

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"Yes, even level 0 has been specially trained by us, and because it is only a student, only ordinary torture methods are needed to make the secrets of the Academy City known to the outside world."

Huang Quanchuan nodded.

"But if you look at it this way, your place should be very unstable, right?"

Dongma looked strangely at the very peaceful scene around.

"It's really not very calm, so we have our security team and the disciplinary committee that cooperates with the work. After all, the students here are all capable individuals with strong individual strength. It is inevitable that there are some unlearned students among millions of people. It is necessary to suppress them."

Huang Quanchuan said with a deep expression.

"These words, it seems that they shouldn't be said to me, a student?"

Dongma asked strangely.

"Indeed, but I always feel that even if you don't say it, you should guess..."

Huang Quanchuan looked at Dongma with a complicated look through the rearview mirror.

"You know me well."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"Moreover, you wouldn't think that we really didn't investigate you before entering school, did you?"

Huang Quanchuan asked rhetorically.

"That's also true. I'm in the nature of Aleister... No, any high-level person of this kind of force will investigate me."

Dongma nodded.

"So we know very well that your wife is the leader of the underground forces in Kanbuzi City, Tokyo, and another woman who should be regarded as a lover is also the head of the Qianshang Group. We have not grasped most of the other things, but I miss you You should be very clear about this aspect."

Huang Quanchuan feels jealous for Dongma at this time?

"Why do I smell so sour?"

Dongma teased.

"With your means to me, and the attitude of those women who are unresponsive, I know what kind of person you are."

Huang Quanchuan said without any surprise.

"So, where do we go to have dinner, and then go to your apartment to have a better time?"

Dongma smiled triumphantly.

Since Huang Quanchuan didn't mind anymore, Dongma naturally didn't care about it.

"I know a very delicious restaurant. There are things to investigate. It's good to go there and have a look."


This is the name of this family restaurant. It is indeed a very suitable place for students and office workers to eat. In short, it is a kind of fast food restaurant in disguise. It only offers tonkatsu, fried rice, ice cream and desserts.

As soon as he walked into the restaurant, Huang Quanchuan looked somewhere.

"what happened?"

Dongma asked.

"I have met an acquaintance, first go say hello."

Huang Quanchuan was a little panicked.

Following the direction of her sight, Dongma saw two young girls in school uniforms.

Chapter 2342 Superpowers are third, Super Electromagnetic Gun Mikoto Misaka!

"Is that your student?"

Seeing that there seemed to be two young girls who had just entered the shop, Dongma asked with a weird expression.

"No, it's just that one of them is a member of the discipline committee of my branch, which is the person who cooperates with our security team to maintain law and order."

What Huang Quanchuan said was that he was sitting at the dining table in the corner at this time, sucking the straw with an expression full of resentment.

The girl combed a pair of ponytail whips and wore a light-colored school uniform with a cotton vest. Although it seemed a bit too luxurious for the school uniform, the school emblem clearly engraved on it confirmed this.

"What about the other one?"

However, although she was also a beautiful woman, Dongma's eyes were not placed on her at all, instead she looked at the short-haired girl who was at the table of a few punks, pretending to be cute and bending over and saying something.

"Do you mean her?"

Huang Quanchuan asked weirdly.

"Why, is there anything wrong with that girl?"

Dongma asked rhetorically.

"It's not that there is a problem, but if you are the bottom student of this school, then she is the top top of this school."

Huang Quanchuan said with a wry smile.

In an instant, Dongma understood the reason for her wry smile.

"It turns out that the so-called level 5 in Academy City is actually a special student who cannot be managed by the teacher?"

Dongma said suddenly.

"It's not just a matter of combat effectiveness, even knowledge itself, they are also located at the top point of this academy city. There are only seven level 5 people in the academy city, standing at the top of the 2.3 million people. Even the big men who oversee the board of directors can usually only communicate with them in a negotiating tone, rather than simply giving orders as elders."

Huang Quanchuan shook his head.

"But now her attitude doesn't look like that great figure above all."

Looking at the girl who seemed to be coquettish, Dongma's mouth twitched slightly.

"Indeed, although the third electromagnetic gun is considered to be the most approachable among the seven, it doesn't show such an expression to such bad people... Damn it, those little ghosts, without my knowledge. Privately launched an investigation!"

Huang Quanchuan exclaimed dissatisfiedly.

"No wonder, I think that person would not make such a posture."