Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1798

Inticus said firmly... "Then talk about the method."

Dongma chuckled and said Qy

"No, all the superpowers in this city cannot use the magic in my memory."

Inticus shook her head flatly.

"Speaking of, I've heard that magic cannot be used by people without magic circuits, but basically all humans have magic circuits?"

Dongma asked weirdly.

"It's true, it's just that the magic circuits on the people in this city have been transformed."

Inticus uttered the fact that people cannot refute.

Now that they have gone through electric shocks, drugs, and various experimental stimuli, it is naturally impossible for people with superpowers to have the same bodies as normal people.

Even if they look the same on the outside, they are actually far away on the inside.

"Dongma, what are you doing holding the English nun Loli in the morning?!"

Mayi asked when she returned to the dormitory downstairs dissatisfied with Geology.

"It's Mai, did you come back from the tutorial so soon?"

Dongma smiled calmly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is just summer tutoring. It is a special course that ends earlier than normal class time!"

Mai said dissatisfiedly.

"No, this is not the point at all!"

Shaking his head vigorously, Mai was wearing the somewhat worn-out men's school uniform and looked at the apartment building that was even more tattered than his own clothes.

"What the hell is going on? When I came back, I found that the only place I could rest at ease was blown into ruins?!"

Mai shouted with a look of misfortune.

"That's a long story..."

Dongma said perfunctorily.

"Then make a long story short!"

Mai did not want to just let Dongma go.

"Well, it's actually very simple. In the morning, Indix said that the magician who chased her has finally come. Unfortunately, the other party is a master using flame magic, although I was finally beaten away (thrown into the trash can) , But as you can see, the dormitory as a battlefield has become like that."

Dong Ma said with an innocent face.


I was stunned for three seconds, not knowing what kind of mental journey he had gone through, and finally said the mantra of her unlucky woman.

"Okay, let's find a place to live for a while. This apartment building is temporarily unavailable for people."

Dongma said so.

"Indeed... But, I seemed to hear from you just now to find someone whose body has not been modified by superpower experiments?"

Mai suddenly regained her spirit and asked 607.

This is also a matter of course, if there is no strong spirit, this kind of natural unlucky character would have caused this beautiful girl to go astray.

"Yeah, do you have any candidates?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

"Is anyone okay?"

Mai confirmed.

"Yes, as long as the action as a ritual is correct, the magic can be activated normally, even middle school students can easily complete it according to my instructions."

Inticus nodded.

"Isn't that simple?"

Mai smiled triumphantly.

"who is it?"

Dongma asked curiously.

"It's my head teacher. Although all the students in this city have undergone superpower development tests, the teachers are all ordinary people! And at this time, the teacher probably hasn't slept yet."

Mai said confidently.

Immediately, Dongma carried Inticus on his back and followed Mai to an old-fashioned two-story apartment building in the Showa era. At the end of the corridor, there is a public washing machine that seems to be working, and it does not look like there is a separate bath. = What the room looks like.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor, Dong Ma saw a house number that read "Moon Yong Xiaomeng".

Chapter 2360 Legal Luo-Li, Yueyong Xiaomeng!

"This is it..."

Dongma nodded to Mai, and Mai immediately stepped forward and started knocking on the door.

However, after knocking for a long time, no one responded.

"Should I go out?"

Inticus asked weakly.

"It might be possible, but it doesn't look like there is a bath-room here."

Mai nodded in sympathy.

"No, people are inside."

Dongma shook his head in denial, then motioned Mai to step aside, and kicked hard on the door with his foot.


Mai couldn't help covering her ears with the sound like an earthquake.

"Earthquake? Is there an earthquake?!"