Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1817

"Who are these people?"

Mai immediately noticed something was wrong.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like a teacher at all."

Dongma said with a sneer.

From the first floor to the second floor of the stairs, a dozen adult men in black suits and black sunglasses walked up.

Obviously, it is impossible to be a student in age, nor is it a teacher in temperament.

So here comes the problem.

In this city established in the name of a school, even if most of the daily staff are working in the form of college students, the security guards are also composed of intelligent robots and teachers.

In addition to these two groups, the largest number of researchers are actually teachers, university professors or teachers from prestigious universities.

In short, it is difficult to find the third type of people in the entire academy city.

However, these dozen people seemed to come in from the outside, and there was a strong atmosphere of strangeness and tension all over their bodies.

"No one else seems to notice?"

Mai asked weirdly.

"Huh, if you noticed, no one would put such suspicious personnel in, right? Not far from here is the seventh branch of the Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline. The people over there have teleporters with the ability to instantly reach the battlefield."

Dongma thought of the girl with double pony tails who had a tendency to be abusive and masochistic.

"Couldn't it, really a magician, right?"

Finally freed from Dongma's palm, or after Dongma released her, the blue-haired girl did not question Dongma for the first time, but looked at the strange group of people in black curiously.

"The eyes are completely unfeeling, it looks like the thugs of the mysterious organization in anime!"

The blue-haired earring girl said excitedly.

Obviously, her love for the second dimension makes her seem to be able to completely ignore the invasion of the winter horse on the third dimension.

However, Dongma didn't look at the dozen or so junk characters who looked like miscellaneous fish, but at the maiden who was wearing the red maiden costume.

Even though she was surrounded by these men who looked terrifying at first glance, the Miko still looked indifferent, as if those people were completely non-existent.

"It's still a hundred yuan short."

It was exactly the same as what he said to Dongma, except that he extended his open hand to the man in a suit who was headed.

Then, the man in the lead respectfully took out a hundred yuan coin and handed it to the witch.

"So you know each other?"

Mai asked subconsciously.

"They are the teachers in the cram school."

The witch thought for a while and replied.

"Cram school..."

Looking at the witch and the man in black who were leaving, Dongma muttered thoughtfully.

"It seems that Aleister is really doing something, and I don't know if it was specifically aimed at me."

Dongma said with a sneer.


Mai asked strangely, seemingly surprised by the name Dongma said.

"It's the chairman of Academy City, you should have heard that name."

Dongma touched the girl's head, and then recalled yesterday that she was wrapped in a xiong and put her school uniform on her shoulders.

Although she left after bringing herself into the building without windows and doors, Dong Ma still remembered the murderous and ambitious face deeply.

"Huh? Have you been to that building that has no entrances and exits but can withstand nuclear-weapon attacks?!"

The girl with blue hair and earrings asked in surprise.

"Do you know that place too?"

Dongma glanced at the blue-haired earring girl weirdly.

"Yeah, that is one of the seven incredible urban legends of the Academy City, I am afraid that no student will not know it!"

The blue-haired earring girl said excitedly.

"What kind of person is the chairman of the school city!"

Mai asked curiously.

Intiks also rarely put down the half-eaten sundae, staring at the image of Dongma waiting for the big boss of the science side.

"To put it simply, it is a monster that has abandoned the way of human existence and survived by machinery. If that kind of thing can also be called a human, then just call it a human."

Dongma shook his head in disdain.

Chapter 2376 Vampire Killer!

"What is it like...'person'?"

After thinking about it, it seemed that he couldn't find any suitable words, so Mai asked.

"It's a silver-haired human..."

Dongma replied vaguely.


Such a general term is obviously not the answer Mai wants to hear.

"Except for humans, there is no way to be more specific. Because that is a guy who has acquired all the possibilities of humans, and has eliminated all of them. He can't even tell whether it is a man or a woman, whether it is an adult or a minor, and the character is naturally completely distinguished. If I don’t come out, I look like a saint and a very evil person..."

Dongma said slowly.

"So that's why I can only use the word human..."

Mai nodded suddenly.