Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1820

Steele said solemnly, and then pulled out a photo with a beautiful girl's face.

"Finally, and most importantly, a month ago, someone witnessed our target being brought into this building."

And the woman in that photo was the black long straight maiden who was wearing a red maiden dress and borrowed 100 yuan from them in the fast-food restaurant but failed.

Chapter 2378 Jishen Qiusha, alchemist!

"Sure enough, she..."

Undoubtedly, the reason that Dongma almost couldn't control it was because of the wonderful blood contained in that witch.

The taste that can make the blood-sucking species can't restrain the blood-sucking impulse is the reason why Dongma loses his temper in the fast food restaurant.

"According to the report from the student dormitory, this girl did not go back, and because the current Sanzejuku is a new religious group similar to the worship of science, it may be brainwashed."

Steel seemed to be somewhat uninterested in the explanation.

But after all, they are the clergy of the cross religion, and naturally they will not have any good impressions of this new religion.

"Anyway, those dangerous guys have now been killed, destroyed by an alchemist of the Zurich school."

"In other words, that place is now an alchemy workshop?"

Dongma asked with a weird smile.

"So, why on earth did that alchemist occupy there and kidnap the vampire killer?"

Mai asked strangely.

Although, in fact, she should have no idea what an alchemist is, let alone what the specific Zurich school is.

"This is the point... The easiest reason to think of is probably because the place itself already has the environment and equipment needed by alchemists, so it would be very convenient to use it directly, and students and teachers probably won't find this. The problem, after all, even an alchemist, a little hint of magic is still possible."

Steel explained.

"What about the vampire killer?"

Dongma asked.

This is the focus of Dongma's doubts. What does an alchemist do to catch a vampire killer?

"Could it be that it is to attract vampires and then do some human-body experiments or something?"

Dongma casually guessed.

"This is not clear. What we can know at the moment is that only the vampire killer himself is Misawajuku as a sacrifice (the shrine's role in Shintoism is to be sacrificed as a sacrifice), trying to summon something of a higher level. Something."

Still guessed with his own thinking.

"However, that vampire killer should have been targeted by the alchemist long ago? Otherwise, as a person on the magic side, there is no need to risk going here to establish a stronghold."

Dongma said with a smile.

"That's right, because Misawa Academy took the vampire killer first, so they were unlucky, and they were taken directly by the alchemist, and the carefully arranged nest was also taken away..."

Steele nodded.

"But in this way, doesn't that alchemist become a turtle in the urn? Now that it has already taken action, the school city must have already deployed defensive forces around it?"

Mai said so.

"But catching the vampire killer itself is the long-cherished wish of countless magicians and magicians."

Steel seemed to say enviously.

"So, to catch the vampire?"

Dongma asked with a sneer.


Steele nodded.

The dead and true ancestors are actually known creatures on the side of magic, and even the burial organs of the churches within the church are special departments composed of that kind of creatures.

But since everyone knows it, but because the dead people exist in a very special way, the ancestors or true ancestors of the dead as "mothers" can feel their descendants at any time (ordinary dead, living corpses, ghouls, etc.) For magicians, capturing vampires is a very dangerous thing in itself.

The vampire killer can solve this problem well.

"Because vampires are afraid of vampire killers?"

Mai asked.

"It's not enough to be afraid, but if it is a low-level blood-sucking species, I am afraid that it will die the moment it encounters that witch."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"But the problem comes again. Since it is a powerful ability that can kill the blood-sucking species, how do the alchemists and the people of Sanzejuku control this witch?"

Mai asked suspiciously...

"I don't know..."

Steele shook his head.

"I think it's not that there is no way for ordinary people except to deal with vampire species?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

" seems possible to say that. It's like this girl's right hand, except for magical superpowers such as'fantasy', it is completely useless against ordinary physical attacks."

Steele nodded in agreement.

"So, is Dongma going to the Sanze School to save people next?"

Mai asked.

"What are you talking about? Didn't this guy tell you that you want to go too?"

Still asked strangely.

"I haven't heard of this..."

Dongma shook his head.

"Because this girl is the second layer of insurance provided by the church to Inticus. Since the first layer of automatic secretary has been destroyed, she, who has a fantasy killer, is obviously an excellent choice for the second insurance."

Steel seemed dissatisfied.