Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1827

"Would you like to try it next time? You can see the outside, but you can't see the inside. There should be a lot of window glass? Whether it's a hotel or a car, you can choose whatever you want."

Dongma chuckled.

"Asshole! I didn't think about that kind of thing!"

Mai exclaimed dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, yes, you didn't say anything about me in front of Inticus, nor did you fall in love with me, right?"

Dongma teased and laughed 31.

" are bad!"

After a thousand words, Mai finally uttered this sentence in an agitated manner, and then slammed Dongma's body with both hands. Of course, it was of no use other than making Dongma laugh proudly.

"It seems that this so-called scientific religion is not dangerous."

After laughing for a while, Dongma looked at the secret room that was behind the restaurant counter.

There is no very special concealment method, but some large-volume objects are randomly placed there, and psychological hints similar to visual illusions and spatial illusions are used to make ordinary people unable to judge "how much space there is originally".

"Whether it is from the ability to absorb money, the speed of expansion of believers, the ability to create danger or the ability of believers to obey, the combination of these will not have a high level of danger."

Steele shook his head.

"But the air here is really annoying."

Mai looked dissatisfied with the tutors who were discussing something while eating.

"How much did your grades rise this time?"

"How many people have I passed this mock test!"

"I really don't know why there is that kind of waste. I don't even bother to study at this time!"

To put it simply, although it is between classes, there is no relaxing atmosphere of normal schools and cram schools at all, but it seems more depressing.

Everyone seems to be using a way of belittling others to give themselves a certain psychological comfort and pleasure.

"Speaking of which, Mai is also a poor student who needs tutoring."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

"I simply missed too many classes!"

Mai immediately corrected dissatisfiedly.

"Yes, yes, the machine broke down after buying a drink and was chased by the sweeping robot. He was regarded as a fool because he helped the girl on the road. He was detained by the police as a suspect because he happened to pass the crime scene. He was clearly on the street. Walking up there, I accidentally encountered a bad passing by. I didn’t want to be robbed, so I ran away for an hour before rushing to school... Your story is not repeated every day, right?"

Dongma asked amusedly.

"No, I repeat it every day, repeating this unfortunate life!"

Mai looked like she was about to cry.

"I said, take a good look at the surrounding situation, we are in the center of the enemy line!"

Steel said suddenly coldly.

"Of course I know, but I didn't expect that the first level will be these students..."

Dongma sneered and looked at the students who suddenly turned their heads to look at Dongma.

About eighty people swept their sights together, causing Mai to subconsciously leaned against Dongma, then blushed a little away.

"So, the reason why they can see us on the other side is that there should be an automatic alarm device."

Steele said solemnly.

"Not only an alarm device, it may be a counterattack device."

The facial expressions of more than 80 students suddenly changed to robot-like facial expressions. Needless to say, the reason for the facial expressions should be known.

"The alchemist has done it!"

With the sound of Dongma falling, the mutation began to worsen.

"The radiance of the blazing angel, the white that exposes evil..."

A female student of high school age suddenly began to recite a formula similar to a religious ceremony.

"Pure whiteness is evidence, purification is fruit..."

This is a male student of the same age sitting opposite her.

"The result is the future, and the future represents time, a unified law!"

The third and the fourth...

The voices of eighty people began to converge.

"One is all things, all things are history, history is cause, cause is one, one is sin, sin is man, man’s fear is the source of all evil, sin is in the body, and there must be something spurned in the body. Seraph wings make it out!"

It sounds like yes but 403 is wrong, like copied from various classics and then mixed into a hodgepodge of spells, in the mouths of 80 students, it seems like a whirlpool of infinite power.

Within the whirlpool, hot white light spheres soon appeared.

The thing touched by the white ball immediately made a "sizzling" sound, disappearing without a trace as if it was dissolved by strong acid.

"Mai, it's your turn to play."

Dongma chuckled the girl's buttocks with a light smile.

But this time, Mai rarely refused Dongma's order.

"I don't want it! Although my right hand seems to be able to offset all the power of abilities, how can I stop it with one hand with such a large amount!"

Mai shook her head in horror.

"Hey, so I told you to practice well in normal times. I lent you precious tools for practice. But you refused to train for a long time because of the senseless emotion of shyness. Is it the chain?"

Dongma said with an expression of hatred for iron and steel.

"Don't say that kind of misunderstanding!!!"

With a blushing face with obvious steam, Mai's infinite shame and annoyance flashed in his heart at this time.

Chapter 2385 Gregorian chant team!