Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1832

Afterwards, he walked in almost without hesitation.

"Anyway, if Dongma is here, he should soon resolve the enemy. Then let him as an apologize for not bringing me here, and treat me to a delicious meal!"

Inticus said with a look of excitement, as if not stepping into the enemy's formation, but simply going for an outing.

As for the whole atmosphere that suddenly changed after she walked in, she even ignored it completely.

After all, she was originally a genius who was tracked by two magicians in the top ten in London and escaped for a whole year without magic. This level of anomaly was not enough to affect her mood.

Then, Enterix, who came in from the same entrance as Dongma and the others, saw the Knight of the Roman Orthodox Order who had fallen dead by the elevator.

"Well, this is a'casting armor', which can withstand strong physical shocks, but on the contrary, there is no way to defend against magical attacks. But the madman who attacked him directly broke this armor with a brutal physical attack, and then severely damaged the inside. The knight... is a terrible guy."

However, Indix did not show a worried expression.

"But Dongma will be fine."

Talking to herself, as if she were a primary school student starting an outing (in terms of body shape, it is indeed a primary school student, but I don’t seem to agree with it), humming a strange hymn, and Enticus opened elevator.

No, to be correct, someone in the elevator opened the elevator door.

As the elevator doors opened, there was a thick-heavy chime, and the sound of something that seemed to be dragging came out from inside.

"who is it?"

Inticus asked subconsciously.

But before the words were finished, the thing inside suddenly burst out.

Yes, that is not a human, nor is it a living thing, it can only be described as "thing".

The entire lower body was broken, the left hand was cut off from the elbow, the face on the right was also blown up by the explosion, and the left was charred into a black substance.

It seems that there is still basic thinking ability, that thing rushed straight towards the stunned Inticus...


Before Intiqs recovered, a cold voice full of majesty suddenly echoed in this space.

From another elevator next to him, suddenly stretched out the hand of a white man, and then shook it in the void as if he was grasping something.


The head of that thing, as well as the rest of the body, were directly beaten to pieces.

"turn on!"

The sound came again, and then the elevator door seemed to be torn apart by the entire space, opening a hole leading to an unknown place.

"Let the surrounding reality change according to your own fantasy..."

Inticus murmured in horror.

"It's been a long time, but because I definitely don't remember, I still have to introduce myself. My name is Aureos Isard."

The alchemist held a Chinese-style acupuncture needle that was completely incompatible with Western alchemy, and said with nostalgia and joy.

"I am really happy to see you as always, banned-book catalog..."

It was as if the elders were speaking to the younger ones, making Indix frowned subconsciously.

It is not dissatisfaction, but doubts about the identity of the person in front of him.

"This kind of magic is even more terrifying than the inherent, magic! Could it be said that it is the legendary Golden Dayan 2.4?!"

The man with green hair in the fancy dress just answered with a strange smile.

However, such an answer is enough for Intikes to know the answer.


On the other side, he didn't realize that his target had found his real target Dongma, who was helping Mai treat the wound on her right hand.

"Are we defeating the final boss? This guy, it looks like he can't die anymore."

Mai asked uncomfortably.

"That's right, but originally he was no different from dead. This is a relief for him."

Dongma sighed, shaking his head.

As for Ji Shen Qiusha, she still looked at the corpse and the winter horse beside her indifferently.

Chapter 2389 Ji Shen Qiusha's confession!

"I want to go back, Dongma!"

Mai made her own request for the first time. In this battle, Mai, who was passively accepted from beginning to end, made her own request for the first time.

"For you, this level of death is really too cruel."

Dongma froze for a moment, then slowly nodded.

She is not Xiao Lan, nor is she style, nor is she rin.

He has not experienced countless crime scenes, nor has he experienced the bloody battle of corpses, and naturally he is not ready to become a ruthless person.

As an ordinary female high school student, but also a female high school student with amnesia, this level of death is beyond her mental capacity.

"If I stay any longer, I really won't be able to return to the original world."

Mai was horrified, fearing this divorce from the daily reality.

Whether it is dead or magic, she feels terrified from the bottom of her heart.

However, the reality is that they are far from completing what needs to be done.

"I just said that, that person is a fake Oreos."

Dongma sighed, shaking his head.


Mai panicked.

"I have also seen his deity. He is not someone who will kill people like that."

Ji Shen also nodded suddenly and admitted.