Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1833

"How is it possible? Isn't that kind of dangerous guy the deity?!"

Mai exclaimed.

"It's true, because the deity is a man who can pierce him with a needle, and his thoughts are not so superficial."

Ji Shen shook his head.

"Of course, it seems that the guy doesn't care about anything other than the purpose, so you won't be hindered if you want to leave."

Ji Shen said calmly.

"No, you have to go with us! His purpose should also need you?"

How could they be allowed to leave?


Ji Shen asked strangely.

"what why?"

Mai did not react at once.

"It looks like Ji Shen, you are not going to go with us?"

Dongma asked weirdly.

"Why should I go with you?"

Jie Ji Shen asked back.

"That's it, you didn't intend to leave at the beginning. In other words, it might be your own wish to come to W."

√ Dongma said suddenly.

"Yes, my goal p can only be achieved here! Without an alchemist, my dream would never succeed."

Ji Shen said firmly.

"Hello, what about being kidnapped and imprisoned?"

Mai asked in confusion.

"Could it be that after being imprisoned by a prisoner, but because of the harsh environment and the prisoner's slightly gentle behavior, the psychological phenomenon similar to the sense of belonging is produced?"

Mai guessed.

"It's called Stockholmer syndrome."

Dongma concluded.

"That's just what you think. Before that alchemist came, I was in a state of real imprisonment. You can't imagine the terrible environment!"

Although Ji Shen's expression in his eyes did not fluctuate, his tone was still full of anger and fear.

"But after that person came, the secret room was never used again, and I just lived here, and the reason why I didn't go out was just because it was unnecessary!"

Ji Shen said calmly.

"What a gentle child, is he afraid of killing those mindless living corpses and ghouls?"

Dongma sneered.

Vampire killer, as the name suggests, is a special ability holder that attracts vampire species.

"In other words, you are here to avoid being discovered by vampires?"

Mai asked incredulously.

"In short, although my blood is highly toxic to vampires, it is also the most luscious honey. To attract them and kill them is my essence!"

Ji Shen said with some pain.

"Not only the low-level blood-sucking species without wisdom, some high-level dead will die because of my blood. Obviously, they are just like me. They laugh, cry, get angry, and happy..."

Ji Shen, who had been keeping calm, seemed to be crying.

The smiley and crying expression obviously had happy memories, but he was obliterated by himself.

The happiness created by myself, but destroyed by my own hands, I am afraid there is nothing more painful than this...

"I thought that the origin of my abilities could be researched and removed or restricted in the place of Academy City, but even the Mistooka Girls High School, which studies various rare abilities, still failed to find out..."

Ji Shen sighed and shook his head.

"That's not necessary..."

Mai wants to persuade.

"Don't persuade me, I don't want to kill anymore. Moreover, Oreos can also make a monastic uniform called'Mobile Church', using a mobile barrier to isolate this ability." 043

Ji Shen shook his head gently.

"I have my purpose, he has his purpose, and in order to achieve each other's purpose, we will all hurt each other, because then the purpose will not be achieved, this is our relationship."

Ji Shen said decisively.

"Then when you first met, did you come out to lure vampires for that alchemist?"

Dong Ma tried to endure the impulse in his heart...

"Yes, it is safe to stay here, but it cannot attract vampires."

Ji Shen nodded affirmatively.

"Of course, he also promised me that he won't hurt them, just need to do some research on their bodies. For vampires, although it will be a little uncomfortable, but they will not lose their lives."

Ji Shen said so.

In this way, everything seems to make sense.

"Really, we thought you escaped."

Mai said silently.

"But even if I am imprisoned, why are you here again?"

Ji Shen asked strangely.