Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1858

Although her face was as expressionless as yesterday, Dongma still found something wrong with her unwavering eyes and body movements.

"The goggles were removed because according to the data, Misaka found that cats hate reflective objects such as lenses. Misaka explained."

While talking, he quietly hid the crumbs holding hands behind him.

At the same time, the cat, who should have been expecting to be adopted, made a grinning expression at sister Misaka.

Looking at Sister Misaka who looked downcast, Touma roughly guessed the reason.

Chapter 2410 The innocent girl who loves cats but dare not approach!

PS: Thank you "(null)" for your monthly pass support.

"Is it because of a lack of ability?"

Dongma smiled and looked at squatting on the ground. Although her face was expressionless, the micro expression on her body still betrayed her extremely flustered heart.

"Yes, Misaka's body cannot control the magnetic field generated by its own ability, so for this reason, Misaka cannot feed this cat."

Misaka seemed to say regretfully.

"It turns out that because animals can capture changes in the magnetic field more acutely than humans, so the abnormalities in your body will cause small animals to hate them?"

Dongma asked.

"It's not disgusting, just nervous! Misaka asked for correction."

Misaka said with an expression of dissatisfaction.

"Well, for your poor sake, I won't complain about you anymore."

Dongma said slowly.

"As a price for hurting Misaka's heart, can you make a request?"

Misaka asked suddenly.

"Although I don't know where it hurts your heart, if you just repay what happened yesterday, then there is no problem with a little favor."

Dongma said with a smile.

"There is a cat here, Misaka points to the carton. Seeing such a poor kitten, why can you be so indifferent? Misaka expressed his doubts."

"Because not long ago, the nun you saw yesterday did the same thing in the same scene as you do now."

Dongma said silently.

"So, why can't I send another kindness? Given the nun's IQ, although Misaka is a little worried about life after the kitten, at least it should be better than wandering here. Misaka made a difficult choice from the dilemma. "

"Then why don't you raise it? If you get used to it, even if your body emits a little magnetic field, it's okay?"

Dongma asked strangely.

"Because Misaka lives in a very strict place, it is not suitable to raise cats based on the situation. Misaka explained."

"In other words, it's like access control or house rules."

Dongma nodded.

However, this is not actually a reason. After all, the apartment where Dongma lives is theoretically not allowed to bring strangers in, and it is also forbidden to raise chong objects, but in fact, none of the people Dongma knows is good. Follow these regulations.

But looking at Misaka's innocent eyes, Dongma knew that if she asked again, she wouldn't continue to say anything, there must be some unspeakable difficulties.

"Forget it, I didn't raise it by myself anyway."

Dongma nodded slowly.

If it is handed over to Mai, although the life of this cat will be threatened by Indix, Jishen Qiusha and Sphinx, it is better than being under the care of Mushan Harusheng, and it will inevitably end on the test bed.

Therefore, in order not to let Sister Misaka stay here until late at night or even the next day, Touma made a decision in his heart.

"It's great, otherwise the people in the health clinic..."

Misaka seems to be ready to condemn the situation in animal shelters that are basically the same in every country.

"Well, don't say that kind of thing with a blank expression, that's not what a lady should do."

Speaking of Dongma, he picked up the wild cat.

"Then as your adopted cat, what name are you going to give it?"

Dongma asked, looking at the cat who had become extremely peaceful because of his breath.


Without warning, the expressionless sister Misaka said a name that made people laugh and cry, and she seemed very satisfied with it.

Of course, it is not complacent to have a good name.

"It's obviously a cat, but it's called a dog, haha..."

Obviously, Sister Misaka feels comfortable with her cold joke.

The weird, dry smile appeared on the girl's face with a sense of joy.

"Be serious."

Dongma sighed.

"That's Tokugawa Ieyasu, Misaka made a decision instantly."

"Too serious! What is in your mind?"

Dongma fiercely pressed the girl's temples with both hands and drilled hard with his knuckles.

"It hurts... Misaka looked at this bad man who used terrible tricks to deal with cute ladies with accusing eyes."

Sister Misaka showed a tearful expression for the first time, of course, except for her tears, there was no change in her expression.

"Men are not bad, women don't love."

Dongma said the most logical saying.

"Choose a good name!"

Dong Ma emphasized again.

"Then call it Schrödinger."