Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1866

And waiting for him in the room was a girl in Tokiwadai summer school uniform with a cute ponytail, Shirai Kuroko.

Chapter 2417 The melancholy of Baijing Kuroko!

The girl sitting on the edge of the chuang looked like a young woman waiting for the host to come back. Even her posture was full of the temperament of a lady.

However, she is only a thirteen-year-old girl, and at best she has just started to develop.

So even though the posture is very decent, Dongma doesn't express much.

"Sorry, our room is a bit simple, but because it is usually useless except for sleeping, the guests are also served in the school restaurant or outside entertainment venues. There is really nothing to entertain here, so please stay in that chuang Come on for a while."

Shiraiko seemed to say politely.

What was just said did not seem to be what a lady should say.

That's the girl's chuang...

"Is it okay without the owner's consent?"

Dongma just asked, suddenly realized something.

"Is it your chuang?"

"Of course, how could I let you sit on your sister's chuang?"

Shirai said naturally.

"So, why are you sitting on your roommate's chuang casually?"

Dongma asked silently.

"Because I am my sister's roommate. Isn't this level of behavior a normal thing to be a girl?"

Shirai asked naturally with a face.

"I knew that Mikoto's roommate was definitely not a serious lady."

Dongma shook his head and smiled.


Shirai snorted dissatisfiedly, but did not say why.

"Speaking of which, you are her school girl, why do you live with Mikoto?"

Dongma asked strangely.

As if feeling a little bored, the black cat started to move around impatiently, and then tried to get under the chuang.

Of course, Dongma had already been firmly grasped before that.

"Because my former sister's roommate was invited to open here by legal means."

Shirai emphasized the accent on'legal means'.

Obviously, what out-of-spec method was used.

"Because my sister has many enemies, whether inside or outside the school, if the person in the same bedroom is also a traitor, then it is really helpless."

Shirai said deeply.

Obviously, although aristocratic girls’ schools are only junior high school students, the super-powers are too precocious, and their personality is weird because of their personal reality distorting the worldview. The methods used by these girls may be more cruel than those in the film and television works. And disgusting.

"Speaking of which, since the last time I met on the bridge, did Mr. Kamijou often argue with my sister?"

Shirai asked suddenly.

"Speaking of which, after that time, it seems that I rarely see her like..."

Until three days ago, Dongma had hardly seen Mikoto.

"Forget it, I just want to see what kind of existence my sister's spiritual pillar is."

Shirai seemed to say jealously.

"Uh...I thought that fellow Mikoto was a arrogant man, so there are times when I can be frank with others?"

Dongma asked weirdly.

"No, my sister doesn't seem to be aware of it, but no matter what time it is, as a cohabitant, Kuroko, I have been hearing about Mr. Dongma from her mouth, so naturally I can see something."

At some point, Kuroko will also change the name of Dongma more intimately.

"Really, it is clear that Sunspot is the one who shares the joys and sorrows with my sister, but my sister's expression is like you can only feel at ease by standing next to you. It's so sad..."

Shirai had a sobbing expression, but it seemed a little artificial.

A deliberate expression?Why then?

Looking at the first-year junior high school girl in front of her, Dongma showed a puzzled expression.

"That kid Mikoto is not as fragile as you think."

Dongma shook his head and chuckled...

"No, Master Dongma may not know...Although her sister always seems to be the center of the team, she can never be perfectly integrated into the team, because there is no one who can get along with her. "

Bai Jing said distressedly.

This time, it was sincere.

Because the strong can never get along exactly the same with the weak, no matter where they are.

"So my sister is probably the first time I have met someone like Mr. Dongma who can get along with each other, so I didn't realize my thoughts."

Looking at Dongma's face, Shirai didn't seem to realize what he said.

Her supplicant, but she doesn't know the position of the supplicant Dongma to Mikoto or the position of the supplicant Mikoto to Dongma.

"Because it's too shy, it seems a bit violent, I can understand this."

Dongma said with a chuckle.

This also shows that Misaka Mikoto knew about the experiments of Misaka sisters.

That being the case, standing in front of him with a smile, Dongma couldn't say anything other than admiration.

It's just that I am ashamed of myself being afraid of this incident, so I can only say nothing, but I can't make myself no longer afraid.