Conan Super Detective

City Super Detective/Conan Super Detective Chapter 1875


I don't know when, the wind blew again, as before, not too much wind, but with a coldness of 843 completely different from the daytime.

However, for one party, it is like a life-saving straw.


"what are you laughing at?"

Dongma asked suspiciously.

"I'm laughing, I'm obviously still holding this kind of big trick, why have you been beaten like this by you!"

With bursts of weird laughter, one side stood up like a wild beast.


A strange sound came from her mouth, and with the movement of raising her hands above her head, the wind under the moon sky was gathered, and then it continued to spin like a whirlpool, which was said to be something like a black hole.

"Although you don’t know why you were able to hit me, don’t make a mistake! I will always suffer less damage than you. Even if you look like your physical strength is very powerful, it’s impossible to beat me with vector manipulation. I will last longer!"

One party Tong Xing smiled smugly.

Then the wind died...

The huge wind ball in the hands of one party suddenly slammed into Dongma, and then there was a scene even more terrifying than a meteorite hitting the earth.

"I can control the vector of everything, including the atmosphere itself! Although to control the wind in the entire area, it is necessary to calculate the initial direction and the changed direction of the wind. This kind of calculation is not only the tree designer, even me It’s also difficult to do."

However, despite saying so, the face of Yifang Tongtong was full of complacency.

"However, if I reduce the scope of that area to the wind in an academy city, then my current calculations are completely enough to create enough power to destroy the world."

One party said coldly.

"It seems that the previous experiment is totally unnecessary. It doesn't matter if you have level 6 Absolute Ability. As long as you can make more perfect use of my ability and the power to destroy the world, it represents invincibility!"

Because there is no living thing, it can survive in the vacuum of the universe.

At least in the general understanding of one party, it should have been so correct.

"The power of this level of destruction of the world can't be called invincible."

Dongma's voice came from the center where the death wind exploded just now.

Although the clothes on his body had long been broken into pieces, the muscle-filled body and the immortal body had no scars at all.

"how is this possible?!"

One party seemed to be unable to believe the truth before him.

"There is nothing impossible, as I said, even with the power to destroy the entire city, it is still useless to me!"

Dongma said with a sneer.

"Don't be ashamed! Then try a stronger shot! I just didn't have a good grasp of the ability, and the next shot is not as easy as it is now!"

One party yelled viciously.

"It seems that you are very confident in your new abilities."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"Of course! I just manipulated the direction of the air flow, causing a tornado-like phenomenon. But not only that, I can continue to compress! This is a good idea I just thought of, let's try it!"

One party proudly showed off his new invention.


Above the head of one party, in the dark night sky, all the winds gathered at this time, and as they continued to compress, they formed a dazzling white light like a small sun!

It is a natural phenomenon that heat energy is generated after air is compressed.

Almost all internal combustion engines use this principle, and the high-temperature sphere formed by compressing the academy city itself as a container really separates the “atoms” in the air directly into “cations” and “electrons” filled with electricity. Slurry!

The original huge atmosphere is just a small spot after being compressed.

Immediately afterwards, as one party became more proficient in using his new abilities, the ball of light quickly became a huge sphere about twenty meters in diameter.

That strong and dazzling light, it was as if it could burn everything out!


A familiar voice came from behind Dongma.

It's not Misaka's silly sister, but Misaka Mikoto who rushed over by herself.


Dongma asked subconsciously.

"Don't die! Only you, only you can save my sisters! I tried everything but no success. This is my limit! So..."

Mikoto's beautiful eyes were full of tears of prayer at this time.

"So what?"

Dongma asked with a smile.

"So, please! I don't want to lose anything! I want everyone to smile so that everyone can go home safely! So, please! Help me!!!"

Mikoto bent over and screamed out the biggest wish in her heart with the greatest strength.

Chapter 2426 The strongest fall!Lingke Yuriko!

PS: Thank you for the support of the eight monthly tickets of "a**".

"Since you have pleaded sincerely, then I will respond to your expectations, your dreams, your expectations, I will guard them!"

Dongma made the most manly declaration!

"Actually, it is very simple to break the so-called trick that one party is passing through, especially in this academy filled with the latest wind power fans~in the city..."

Dongma said with a sneer.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!"

One party asked with disdain.